
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Kỳ huyễn
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64 Chs

I Meet Commander Zog

I began following Frank and helping him fight because he was the only way that I was going to be able to make my way back to the legendary dragon guard's keep since I knew nothing about the layout of this land.

"here take this necklace"Frank told me as he handed a long black necklace that had a white gem in it.

'what is this for?" I asked him as I placed it around my neck.

"this is a necklace that will enhance your physical abilities past the normal limits. it is really good for anyone but it is especially good for dwarfs since dwarfs have no magical capabilities of any kind."

"well thank you very much. this item will come in handy in these fights that we will be having against the orcs."

"do not worry about paying me back right now I will collect what you will owe me for that item at some point in the near future. for now we need to focus on the battle at hand."

"I agree that we should focus on the battle at this moment" I said to Frank as we walked under the entrance archway of the elven city.

as we made it back into the city I noticed a pair of orc mages that were getting ready to cast a massive spell on one of the elven structures where I could hear a group of elderly women and children screaming in terror as the constant barages of fire and lightning were hitting the tower.

I did not even have to think my body began to move independently of my own mind like it was something that I was meant to do.

as I made it to the group of mages I kicked one of them in the rear right leg in order to break their stance. after I made the first mage lose their stance I jumped up in the air and swung my greatsword at the fallen mage and yelled something while I attacked it.

"Piercing Whirlwind!" when I said that phrase I noticed a rune showed up at the base of my greatsword. after the rune lit up a bright white color my attack begin to increase in speed in a continuous circular motion until I had severed off one of my enemy's legs.

I had forgotten that dwarves used runes mixed with weapon arts to help accelerate their battle skills since they lacked magic.

then as the first work mage begin to screech in pain I did the same thing again to completely dice his body into a bunch of tiny pieces.

"Burning Deflection!" I heard Frank yell as one of the mages shot lightning from his fingertips directed at Frank.

Frank's shield then was been developed in a bright golden flame which he then used to deflect the magical spell back at the orc mage.

I quickly took advantage of the confusion among the orcs and swung my great sword in a horizontal motion so that I could quickly decapitate a few of the mages that were left.

"well it looks like there's only one left" Frank said as he stabbed the enemy directly in the gut.

after all the enemies had been killed I rushed in to the tower to save the elves before it collapsed from the continuous burning and electrical damage that it was taking from the orc mages barrage of magical attacks.

when I made it into the tower it was one massive room where all the elderly females and children resigned all huddled up and crying in fear.

"if you want to live follow me out of this tower". a few of the elves begin to move while some set still and stared at me with a glare of hatred and rage.

"come on! you need to put our racial differences aside for a minute and please follow me if you want to live" I said to the remaining elves in an attempt to get them to move before this building collapsed.

it took them a few minutes but as the elves began to notice pieces of the ceiling falling and hitting the floor they all began to rush out of the tower.

"are they all out!" I heard Frank yell as the last elf left the tower.

I quickly ran out of the tower before it fell into a bunch of piles of wood. when I got outside the building had finally fall into its last set of pieces and the force from the impact of the following building caused me to fall on my face.

"I will take that as a yes then" Frank said to me as he offered me his hand so that I could get back on my feet.

"all right now that we have saved these elves what is next on our to-do list before we can go home?"

"now we go for the head of the snake."

"all right then let us go for the group leader."

I followed Frank through the battlefield until we made it to a tall wood elf mage. that was facing off a tall and bulky male orc commander.

"do you think that you could use some help" Frank said to the elf as he readied his weapons to attack the orc commander.

"the absolute last thing that I expected today was to get help from our human prisoner, but help of any kind is better than dying before it is my time".

I ran to the left side of the human mage to prepare myself for this next fight. when I looked around at the orc commander I noticed that there was a blue AI like projection of a female human set around his neck. that told me that this orc commander was a participant in The Reincarnation Protocol.

"what do you want with these wood elves? why are you attacking them?" Frank asked the enemy after everyone had gotten themselves into a ready position.

"well filthy human scum if you must know I am not part of this world. I have been reborn into this world and Michael is domination. the age of men has come to an end and, the age of the orc has begun".

when he said that I saw him grab to one-handed axes and he began to swing them furiously before the fight began.

he then rushed at us all in blind rage. Frank then rushed at him and blocked his first flurry of attacks with his great shield.

"Natural Healing" I heard the wood elf mage say and then I saw a light green mist envelope over Frank's body. "Tree Vine Binding" he said that the orc Commander became bound by thick vines that came from the ground.

"do you truly think that a few puny vines will stop me? with my strength there is nothing in this world that can stop me from achieving my goal of global domination".

as he said that I saw the commander move his legs with a great amount of force which caused the vines to break into a bunch of tiny pieces. after he broke free from The Vines he did a barrage of heavy stomps towards Frank which caused Frank to lose his balance and hit his head on a tree which made him pass out.

"now there are only two of you left"he said as he began to evily laugh and smile at both of us.

"you orc!" the wood elf said as he rushed at him and fired a barrage of fire spells while closing the distance between them.

the ork commander swung his axes in sink with the fire spells to where he deflected them back at the mage instead of taking the damage directly.

I began to also rush at him so that I could attack but as I was about to begin my attack he grabbed the mage by the neck and took him hostage so I stopped moving.

"now you can leave me be and walk away unscathed or I will kill this wood elf" he then knocked the wood elf mage unconscious and began to carry him on his back before walking away from the battlefield.

"do not worry dwarf I will be back in due time to finalize my conquest of the world. this Forest area was only a testing ground to test my new skills".

"before you go away; I want to know your name. also I know that you are one of the evil candidates for The Reincarnation Protocol"

"if you know about that that means you are one of the heroes that have been chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol. my or c name is Zog. since we are trading names please tell me yours dwarf".

"yes I have been chosen as a hero in The Reincarnation protocol and my name is Gilltrude".

"well I will be fighting you in due time when I return to the glory of battle; because in the end you and I cannot exist at the same time in this world we each stand in the way of the goals and desires that we have for this new world that we have been given the opportunity to live in or conquer."the orc leader said as he walked away from me and out of sight with the elf warrior on his back.

I woke up Frank by bopping him on the head a few times with the side of my hand and explain the situation to him so that he did not miss anything that went on while he was passed out.

"so the orc Commander has left the woods. then we walked back to the elf city that was in ruins in order to set up a meeting with the elven elders.

I had a look of excitement as well as dread on my face as we made it through the ruins because this new life that I had been given was both a gift and also a burden. all that I truly knew was that I had finally met one of the evil reincarnation candidates and I had to do whatever I could to stop his goals for this world no matter how trivial they sound.