
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

Elvan Friends or Human Friends?

"so what kind of items or valuable gear do you think we will find in this dungeon that we are going to be exploring today?" I asked Sarah as we were all running through the forest trying to avoid any creatures that would be a disaster to fight.

"I truly have no idea what kind of treasure we will find but I know that considering the fact that we are going to be exploring ancient elven ruins that it will be worth a massive amount of gold for any items that we find" Sarah said as she kept swinging her weapon to cut down all of the trees that were in our way.

"did you say that we were going to an ancient elven ruin? do you know what kind of crazy valuable items and treasures we could find there. the items that we could use part of a large variety; we could find magical armor, an ancient elven scroll for spellcasters, ancient elven weapons with runes on them, and don't forget about all of the architecture that we can find the art and other valuables" Alex said as we made it to the end of the forest.

when I made it to the end of the forest I noticed that the area that we were to explore had buildings that were mostly made out of a heavy-duty Stone and also had emeralds embedded into the stones for most of the buildings which showed the wealth that the ancient elves lived with.

"these ancient elven ruins are truly amazing don't you think?" I asked Alex after I looked at what we were to explore today.

"well at least you understand the beauty in this ancient architecture"he said to me as he wrapped his left arm around my shoulders.

"why did Steve leave the group and go his own way on this mission?" I asked Sarah before we made it to the edge of the ruins.

"do not worry about him; he will come around in due time. he always has problems with any newcomers that join our group so just give him time and he most likely will develop respect for you at some point"

when we walked into the ruins the first thing that we walked through was an ancient gateway after we jumped across the shallow moat that surrounded the ruins. as I looked at the area that we were entering I saw a cyclops standing in our way.

"ice trap" I said as I walked a few feet in front of me and made three traps to cover the road so that the Cyclops would be frozen if he stepped on my trap.

after I shouted my spell the Cyclops began to rush me and I was barely able to sidestep his attacks after I placed the final ice trap down.

the Cyclops stepped on the center ice trap and its entire body was instantly covered in a shard of ice from the waist down. it began swinging its massive club at the ice trying to free its legs so that I could move.

the Cyclops was only able to free its left leg before Sarah came lunging at it with her weapon and knocked it onto its back with the knock back force of her hammer when it came into contact with his waist.

then I aimed my hand at the cyclops's neck after opening my grimoire and said "Ice Wave Barrage!" the ice wave that I had created completely severed the body of the Cyclops into a bunch of tiny pieces.

when we did not hear any other monsters Sarah began talking to us again while we were walking through the ruins.

"I forgot to mention when we were in town together before we left that there actually is a second group of adventurers that are being sent to explore these ruins. so if we run into them please everyone please make sure that you all play nice with everyone else from the other team. you must always remember that we have a reputation to uphold; since reputation is everything in our line of work" Sarah told us as we all made it to the entrance to where the dungeon was supposed to be located within these ruins.

as we made it into a dungeon looking area within the city I saw five massive stone golems that began to move and block our path to the dungeon that will lead us to fortune.

" Aleesia stay back and only use your healing spell. I know you want to help with the fight but since we are fighting Rock golems and not actual living beasts your ice magic will be of no help to the group" Sarah told me after the golems started to move towards the group.

I followed the orders that I was given and saw Alex begin to thrust her hammer in an uppercut motion towards one of the columns followed by Alex throwing a set of black colored potions at the chest area of the golems which caused the golems that were touched by the potion mixture to fall apart into a bunch of tiny rocks.

"wow what was that!" I yelled out of excitement as I saw three of the golems fall into a bunch of tiny pieces due to Alex's potions.

"I created these potions to dismantle things that were not living. it seems like they finally were useful for something since we always seem to fight living organisms." Alex told me with a totally geeky look across his face which made it quite obvious that he nerded out over the creation of potions.

after Alex got done explaining his stuff to me I saw a shot of lightning that was unnatural strike the two remaining golems and shattered them into a bunch of small pieces of stone.

then turned sharply to my right and I noticed a group of adventurers that were entirely made out of half elves.

"it seems that these humans had to be saved by elves yet again. why is it that as a group of elves we always have to save these humans." the leader said as this group walked towards us while she laughed at us at the same time.

I looked at her and then I made a valid remark to the group leader of the other party of adventurers.

"you understand that I am not a human. I am a moon elf not a human, so if you're going to be racist make sure that you are accurate about all of your facts because technically you are more human than I am since you are half human and half elf" I told the group with a large amount of arrogance behind my voice because I did not want them to get their fax mixed up and compare me to these humans.

the other party leader had a look of surprise as well as worry across her face when she looked at me I was assuming to verify that I was not human.

"my mistake in comparing you to these humans. what are you doing in a party full of humans? as a moon elf should you not be with your kind. your talents would be more appreciated if you were with us as an elf than it would be if you were to stay with these humans".

the thought of what the other party leader told me had crossed my mind multiple times. the idea of being in a group with my own species did seem very tempting. should I join a group where I am with all elves and no humans or should I stay with this group and continue to develop my relations with humans.

"hey remember the original reason you joined them was because you had no other choices before your first mission as an adventurer. these half elves are probably the better option since you share more similarities with them than you do with these humans. in the end the choice is yours and no matter what you choose I will support you since that is my reason for living." my AI companion had told me telepathically to where no one else could hear what it was thinking.

"come on Aleesia; I thought we were developing a solid relationship as a group. do you truly want to end this relationship and have to start an entirely new one with an entirely new group of people?" Sarah asked me as she placed her hammer on her back and walked in my direction.

"I mean come on you can always be a part of this group. we did not say no to you for any valid reason unlike everyone else that you had offered your services to when you were getting started on your career" Alex told me as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"I know what you guys were going to do to me soon; if not after this mission you would have done it at some future point" I told Alex as I took his arm off my shoulder.

"what are you talking about?"

"do not ask me ask your party leader. she is the one that has started this reputation for you guys. this group looks for spare elf adventures and then wait until they have a lot of items or money and chooses to steal it from them after they dispose of the body." I said to Alex and the rest of his group as I began to walk towards the party of half elves.

after I said that I noticed everyone's face from my original party begin to shift. no longer showed happiness and excitement they only expressed rage, anger, and laughter.

"I am sorry guys I have made up my mind on what group I'm going to join. I will be joining the party of elves. this is where I truly belong among my own kind".

"at least we do not have to keep up this charade anymore. it was fun while it lasted but if we can't have your gear we are going to take the gear of all of your new party members" Alex said as he laughed at all of us.

I truly did not know what to expect because the next few minutes could be my last if I had made the wrong decision on which group to side with.