
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Kỳ huyễn
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64 Chs

I Develop My Connections

it has only been a few days since I had my first encounter with a fellow Reincarnation Protocol participant. the lady that I had healed and saved when I first showed up in town ended up being the daughter of the human king. she offered me a small amount of gold in exchange for my kind services.

when she first offered me the money I declined but after thinking about it for a few minutes I decided to accept it; and I used it to buy myself a building and items that I needed to start my own business. I started this business so that I could offer my healing remedies and also cure people of certain illnesses with the different mixtures that I have stored in my memory as an alchemist as well as the knowledge that I learned in my previous life with my PhD in chemistry.

the building that I had purchased was located at the corner of the right side of Eighth Street. after I bought the building I had someone make me some furniture that I needed for my store. the team of eight architects that I was suggested to use by the princess took two days to make the furniture for me.

after I had arranged everything that I had decided to purchase with most of the money that I was offered I had a fully stocked store with a large variety of potions in the front room. the back room I had an operating table with utility items that I used to do the operations. against the left wall of the operating room there was a stairwell that led to the area that I made into my bedroom.

after I had finished putting up all my furniture I placed my stores title up for people to see what kind of items that my store was offering them. the wooden board that I used had a potion logo in the center and a rose on the left side as well as the right to represent herbs. above the logos I had one of the architects engrave the words alchemist and healer.

"are you open for business young man?" an elderly lady asked me as she was walking and leaning on a wooden cane.

"yes ma'am I am open for business. what is it exactly that you want my help with?" I told her as I finish putting up the sign and then guided her inside my new shop.

"well young man I am looking for any kind of pain relief since I have intense pain in my knees"

"do you want just the temporary remedy or do you want me to apply it to you directly ma'am. if I apply it directly to you with my second remedy it will actually be more permanent if you come back for a few extra visits." I told the older lady as I was going through different herbs that I had mixed and stored on the rear shelf of the entrance room to my shop.

"could you apply it to me directly young man since my memory is not the best anymore like it was when I was young?" she asked me in a sweet innocent and elderly tone of voice.

I grabbed a jar that had a yellow paste in it and was labeled aging pain relief. after I had grabbed the mixture that I needed I asked the elder lady to follow me to the back room so that I could apply the pace to her directly.

"now miss remember that this paste will only work for three days. which means if it works and you want more of it you are going to have to come back in three days to get some more".

after we made it to my operating room I grabbed a three-step stool and asked the elderly lady to use the steps to get on to the table. I then asked her to lay down and to lift her skirt up to her knees so that I could put the ointment on her painful kneecaps.

after I placed the paste on her kneecaps I rubbed them in a circular motion until it had been completely absorbed into her skin.

"all right ma'am we are done now you can get off of the table, but please take it slowly.

"oh thank you young man I feel ten years younger already. this is truly a miracle of the gods. I will be back in three days to get more if it is not too much trouble for you" the elderly lady told me as she began to walk around the room without the use of her cane. "oh pardon me; where are my manners how much do I owe you for your services young man".

"let us see with the senior citizen discount that I am offering you only owe me two silver pieces ma'am" I told the elderly lady with a smile of happiness on my face since I had made a customer's day.

she pulled out her pouch and handed me two pieces of silver; and then walked out of the store after bowing to me.

the rest of my day was fairly slow with people just coming in to get herbs and items that they needed.

I locked my store after a good day's work and went to my bedroom to get my rest since tomorrow was going to be another day that I did not know what would be thrown at me.

I closed my eyes but I could not go to sleep and I finally rolled over after a few hours of being restless. just as I was about to doze off I heard four loud knocks on the door to my shop.

I rose from my bed and grabbed the lamp that was to the left of my bed before I walked down to the front area of my store to see who was knocking so loudly at the door at this late hour.

when I opened the door I saw a guard that was drenched due to the rain and he had a decree that had a symbol of a lion on it. he pushed his weight into the store and started speaking to me.

"what is so important that you would bug me at this late hour?" I asked with a look of irritation across my face.

"sir we need you to heal the King's broken arms" the guard told me as he handed me the decree.

"how did the king hear about my humble shop if I might ask?"

"you healed his daughter and she told him about it so he wanted to see if you could heal his messed up arms. the Lord also said that no matter what you want to be paid he will pay it since his arms are that important to him".

I took the decree opened it so that I could look at it, and it looked very official as I read it to myself.

"okay can you bring the Lord here?" I asked the guard as I handed him the decree back.

"well sir the Lord would prefer not to leave his castle; so can you come and see him yourself".

"I do not care where it's done as long as I get my work done and still get paid in compensation for what I do".

"okay then follow us please we have a carriage for you outside that will take you to the palace".

"what kind of injuries does he have so I will know what herbs to grab?" I asked the guard as I began to walk to the back of my store and into my garden to grab the herbs I needed.

"the king's injuries are intense burn marks that are so strong that he is unable to move either of his arms at all" the guard told me as he followed me to my garden.

after I had grabbed the few items that I would need and put them in a bag the guard led me outside and opened the carriage door for me so that I could be taken to the castle.

the carriage was made out of oak and had golden trim with diamonds on the outside ceiling. when I made it to the inside I noticed the seats were made of leather and the floor had a fine red carpet over it. at least I could tell that they were authentic and that this was definitely a carriage that belonged to someone of the royal family.

it took us a few minutes to make it through town and into the castle. when the carriage came to a halt I got out and noticed that the castle was white massive in size. as I followed the guard into the castle I knew that the next part of my life was about to begin. I was hoping that this would allow me to develop a connection with the royal family which would skyrocket my healing and alchemy business as well as give me the freedom to do more scientific experiments that involved physics and advanced this country decades at a time in technology.

the guard guided me through the main hallway of the castle until we made it to the far left door. as I entered the door I noticed a massive bed that had one elderly male on it.

the elderly male was quite tall. his hands were quite burnt and I noticed that he never moved the hands. that told me that at least they were being honest about the king's injuries.

"all right if this is what I need to fix I will need absolute privacy. so can all of the guards please leave and allow me to do my work on the king?"

"I am sorry but as the captain of the royal guard I will not allow you to be in here by you yourself with his majesty. I will only permit you to do your work if at least one guard stands against the right wall of this room."

"okay as long as they do not make any noise and allow me to do my work without interrupting me. that is my condition for this agreement." I told the captain of the guard as I was going through some of my items to prepare the process of fixing the king's messed up arms.

"I will agree to these terms and conditions" the captain told me as he told one of the guards stand against the right wall and the rest of them to leave.

after the the guards had left the king's bed chamber I began examining the burns and other marks that were on the King's arms.

when I looked at the King's arms I saw burn marks running down his arms from his wrists to his elbows on both arms. I also noticed that he had intense cuts around his shoulders as well as his wrists.

as I looked over at the guard just to see what he was up to he was staring at me and the king at the same time I was assuming to ensure the king's survival since he did not know me yet.

"what are you doing to me exactly young man; if I can you ask that?" King asked me as he set up in his bed.

"I am going to be applying this paste and that I have to you in order to try and kill your wounds that are on your arms. then I will be mixing up a potion for you to drink so that we can work on your internal damage. if they both work like they are supposed to; in due time you will be able to use your arms like they were completely new and fully healed". I told the king as I was placing some of the paste from one of the jars on my fingers.

I placed the paste on the King's arms, as well as his wrists and shoulders. after I placed the paste all over his wounds I began to rub it in a circular motion until it had been absorbed completely into his skin.

then I took a cyan blue colored potion and gave it to him asking him to drink it.

as I finished fixing up the king's injuries and he drink the potion that had given him; I noticed that his fingers began to slightly move and twitch. that was truly a good sign because that meant that both the paste and the potion were doing their job. this meant that if the king applied this paste to himself daily then he would be able to have total movement as well as no scars left on his arms within a few weeks.

"there you go your majesty. I have started the healing process of your arms, but due to the intensity of the injuries it will probably take a few weeks of the mixture being applied daily to completely heal your arms of all of the injuries and burns that it has."

"thank you sir I actually could feel my fingers moving a tad little bit. so when this is completely fixed I will give you anything that your heart desires if it is inside of my power to do that" the king told me as he laid back down in order to get rest.

I walked out of the king's bed chamber after putting all of my items away and looked at the guards as I made my way out of the castle. when I was outside of the castle one of the guards drove the carriage back to my shop so that I could get my rest for the night.