
Reincarnation Protocol

five normal people are chosen to participate in The Reincarnation Protocol whenever they die in our world. They have been chosen based on characteristics or habits that they had in their previous life. four of the candidates we're chosen because of their good intentions. the one villain who was chosen was selected due to his villainistic ideals. The AIS that brought them back from the brink of death into this fancy new world exists to fulfill whatever the desires are that the five candidates have for this new world. it will be a crazy adventure for some, a painful existence for others; and exciting as well as terrifying thrills and twists for the rest of the world. will the heroes be able to put their differences aside and defeat the villain before he achieves his goal or will they die trying?

Casson_Westerfield · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
64 Chs

The Final Recantation

when I woke up I screamed and then stopped when I noticed that there were no bullet holes in me and I was no longer bleeding as well. after the shock and surprise of my death had ended I rose to my feet and looked around to see where I was at.

the area that I was in was made of glass and had a see through floor. the ceiling was dome shaped and I saw a tall male that was a blue projection standing right in front of me on the same floor that I was.

"hello there you have been selected for The Reincarnation Protocol. let us begin the process of your reincarnation. I am the AI that will be here to help you make your decisions on how to start your reincarnation".

"so you're saying that I did die in my last thievery attempt; and I have been chosen to participate in this Reincarnation Protocol that you speak of" I said to the AI as I paste the room out of both confusion and rage at the same time.

"where did my brother and sister go?" I asked the AI as I started to panic and looked around at my surroundings.

"calm yourself human; and they no longer matter in the grand scheme of things."

"how dare you say that about my family" I said in anger as I ran at the blue AI trying to make contact with his head with my fist. when I made it close enough to the projection where my hand normally would have came into contact with it; I passed straight through it and fell on my face.

so I had failed my mission of stealing things to help my family and also to provide food for them. just like I thought but instead of dying I had been chosen to reincarnate into some random species.

I hit my fist against the metal out of rage since I could no longer be there for those that I cared for in my previous life.

"you have a chance at a new life. you will develop connections and possibly friendships with completely different individuals. the main difference though is that you actually get to choose what you are during this reincarnation process." the AI told me as I Rose to my feet.

"all right then if I have been chosen to reincarnate let us begin this process so that I can get on to this new life of mine" I said as I took a deep breath and rose to my feet since I knew that I was not able to do anything about those that were in my previous life.

then I saw a group of projections that each showed a different species.

"now you have to choose what race you were going to be a member of in the next life that you have"

"I really know nothing about any of these species. what are they, and what are the differences between each of them if I can ask?"

"you have five racial options in total. the first race is human, the second race is half elf, the third race option for you is half orc, your fourth option is halfling, and your final option is high elf."

"well what race do you think I should be?" I asked the AI out of confusion.

"well it truly depends on what kind of life you wish to live. because no matter what world that you are in racism still exists. so certain species do not like other species, and each race has its own unique specialties."

"I want my new life to be a thief for the poor and the needy just like I was in my old life for my family"

"in that case you will most likely want to be a halfling; they are remarkably light on their feet and difficult to hear".

"all right then that is the species I will choose".

after that disappeared I saw a group of different titles with descriptions on them.

"the next thing will be your class which means the type of halfling you will be. the options in front of you are warrior, thief, merchant, assassin, and mage."

"I have chosen the class of thief"

"your next decision will be to decide your specialization. this means what kind of their that you are going to be".

I saw a list of options surrounding me. the options varied from pickpocket, silent stalker, illusionist, and weapon specialist."

"I am going to choose pickpocket as my specialty"

"the next thing that you need to choose is going to be your name in this new world. also you do not want to make it sound human because you are no longer human in this new life."

"I do not know what name I should use do you have any suggestions for me"

"what do you think of the name Togo Harnwood?"

"Togo Harnwood, that name has a good ring to it. that is the name that I will go by in this new life that I have been offered".

"your next decision is going to be where you want to begin this journey"

"what options are available to me?" I asked the AI as I was curious of where my new life would begin.

"you have three options available to you. the first one is to begin a quiet life in a halfling town. your second option is to begin in a group of thieves. the final decision is to become a solo thief in a human town."

"I want to be a member of a thieves group. after all with a large organization of thieves working together I will have access to better information as well as developing the connections that I want in this new life that you have offered me."

"now that all of this has been done your final decision is going to be if you want to be the same age you were when you died or be reincarnated as a sixteen year old halfling."

"I want to be the same age as I was when I died"

"okay now that that is done we will teleport you to the city of thieves that exist in the human Kingdom. I will be a medallion that you'll wear for good luck, and I will whisper to you in your dreams so that I can talk to you without raising any kind of suspicion".

after the AI had told me all of this I saw a blue light cover my body and I vanished from the area that I was in and quickly reappeared in a city that looked like it was run down and not kept up well.

as I looked around I noticed people fist fighting over simple positions as well as some people getting mugged in alleys around the road that I had shown up at.

"well where did you come from bro?' I heard a high-pitched male voice say to me as I turned around. "bro are you like an angel or something or is it just me. I mean I am high as can be right now so I might just be seeing things".

"yes you are just seeing things due to the drugs that are obviously influencing you. just go sleep it off bro." I told the man that looked high as could be before I turned around and left him to his wild thoughts.

I looked around and I noticed someone that didn't look like they were in a fight, or high, or had any kind of distractions keeping them from paying attention to what was going on around them. locked up to this female human that I saw and asked her for directions to any thief guild that was in town.

"there are three different thief guilds in town but I do not know if they let you join their ranks short stack" the female told me as she bopped me on the of my head and then flicked me on my forehead.

"I am more skilled than you think I am miss" I told her with a large amount of confidence behind my voice since this would not be the very first time that I had stolen anything from someone.

"all right short stack if you want to join a thieves guild you're going to have to prove yourself first before I recommend you to one of the thieves guilds that are in this town.

"I will steal whatever you need me to still to prove that I a good thief" I told her as I opened my hand for her to shake it.

"all right then as long as you can get me the Jasmine jewels of Satron without getting caught I will consider you for membership into one of the thief guilds. these jewels that I want you to steal are heavily guarded by a group of elite royal guard in the human capital city of White Falls".

then she shook my hand and gave me directions to the capital city and also to the property that I was supposed to steal these jewels from.

I felt a rush of excitement because I knew that my first thief job in this new world was going to begin. I also knew that I needed to get a good feel for the area that I was going to steal from just like I did when I stole things in my original life on Earth. the only difference is that I am more than just a normal human now I am one of the chosen few that went through The Reincarnation Protocol. I am not the same type of being that I was before so entirely new possibilities awaited me in this new life.