
Reincarnation of Balance

This story is about Balance, the former God of Balance. He has been living the life of a normal human for the past 18 years. He describes his life as dogsh*t and wishes to cause some chaos in this too peaceful world. Like his wish was heard by the gods, the world fell into chaos. Having an exceptional power as a former god, he is unstoppable... Or is he? ... 'Ah it's time...' The 'man' saw a light, the light became bigger and bigger. And at last he reached the light. Right after that sounded a loud baby cry. 'I'm crying? I haven't cried in who knows how long...' ''It's a boy! Congratulations!'' ' Unfamiliar language? Impossible, The reincarnation seed couldn't have gone so far. Even us gods couldn't find anything out there...' A slight smile appeared on the face of the baby. ''Ahh look! He is smiling, can I have him now?'' ... 18 years later. Balance was out of options, his life was sh*t. Being the reincarnation of the God of Balance, this world was too peaceful for him. He wanted to create some chaos instead of working in this sh*t hole. ''There is no other way around, I wi-'' [The world has now entered the apocalyptic era] PS: Cover is not mine

Kyliantheman · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
44 Chs

Hell, False Hope

[Congratulations on making it this far]

[Initiating teleporting process]

Balance expected to be enveloped in a bright light, but that didn't happen this time.

Instead, a magic circle began to take form. And in the middle of the magic circle stood Balance.

''Are we traveling through dimensions?''

Balance knew this teleportation circle. It was used to travel through dimensions more easily. This meant that Balance was going to another dimension.

When the complicated magic circle was complete the system announcement sounded again.

[Teleportation Formation successful]

The circle began to shine a bright blue light and the next second Balance was gone.

What was left was a black circle with a mark on it.

The mark was in a shape of a strange creature. This mark indicated the destination of the teleportation process.


Balance opened his eyes and was met with a sinister landscape.

This whole dimension screamed death and misery. But Balance didn't bat an eye. He was familiar with these kind of scenes. This dimension just needed some peace and everything would again be in balance.

But Balance was here for the Class Trial so he waited patiently for the notification.

It took longer than expected, Balance almost thought he was trapped in here. It took 7 hours until the notification finally came.

[Successfully connected with the player]

[Welcome to the High Special Waves]

[You have been teleported to the demonic dimension: Hel]

[High Special Wave 1 will now start]

[High Special Wave Objective: Kill 100 A+ Rank Demons]

''100 A+ Rank, the increase in difficulty should be impossible for anyone at level 50. Of course, i'm an exception'' Balance started softly laughing. He loved challenges.

What Balance didn't know was that the Class Trial was unique to Balance only. But how come?


100 A+ Rank Demons spawned in front of Balance, these demons possessed some intelligence because they were talking out loud when they were suddenly teleported in front of Balance.

''What the f*ck, Who did this! Who teleported me!?'' A demon said with a face full of wrath.

The demons began to get restless, soon they discovered there was a human in front of their eyes.

''A human? FOOD FOOD FOOD'' The demons began to rush towards Balance like hungry beasts. They climbed over each other and pushed each other aside.

There were even demons fighting each other.

'They may have intelligence but they still mostly rely on primal instincts'

Balance used his killing intent, merciless, gravity manipulation and God Force at the same time and, oh man was the result satisfying.

The demons fell to despair, the despair was unreal and they began to scream. This event took 5 seconds before they were squashed to death by the pressure from gravity manipulation and God Force combined.

[Combination detected: Killing Intent + Merciless + Gravity Manipulation + ???]

[Skill Combination Initiated...]

[No similar skill detected...]

[Unique Skill Created: Nameless (??? Rank)]

[Name your new Skill]


''False Hope'' This name suited the combination attack. Balance manipulated the effect of Merciless and Killing Intent to make them see hope at the end of the hallucinations, but that hope would be erased by death.

[Unique skill Created: False Hope (??? Rank)]

You may think, why would Balance make them see False Hope?

That was because when Balance made them see False Hope, the Title Parts of God of Fear would increase ten fold. He discovered this recently.

[Congratulations for clearing High Special Waves 1]

[High Special Waves 2 will now start]

[High Special Wave Objective: Kill 200 A+ Rank Demons, 1 S Rank High Demon]

Balance now needed to face not only 200 A+ Rank Demons but also a S Rank High Demon. Balance knew these creatures all to well.

Demons followed a strict hierarchy where the strong demons would rule the weak. The nature of demons was to kill and get stronger.

A high demon could be called a general in a small army. They had a lot more authority over lesser and middle demons.

The demons spawned in front of Balance, at first they were confused but when they saw Balance they rushed towards them. The high demon was confused at first but roared afterwards.

This high demon was no general demon. Usually high demons commanded the demons, they were intelligent demons but some were blinded by power and did everything themselves. Obviously this one was blinded by power.

The high demon crushed all the middle demons in it's way and roared like a madman at Balance.