
Reincarnation Monster

Mike reincarnates as... an animal? Watch as Mike adjusts to his new lives and also watch how I fail to write a nice idea that you wouldn’t even know cause I suck at writing \(@A@)/

twintin_ · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs


[ Just saying I researched a little into it but if there is anything wrong let me know, I don't think I have reached the level of an intellectual yet. ]

When Mike woke up, he was laying on a pile of sticks and a lot of blue and red feathers. He was inside a large cave, which had a soft orange light emanating from the entrance and small cracks in the ceiling. He could hear squawking and chirping outside the cave section, getting loud one moment and quiet the next.

Now that he had more light shone on him, he started to observe his body closer. His arms were skinny hairless twigs, and when he looked closer, it looked like he had one small claw at the end of his arms. His legs had three toes-no, claws- that were in the front, and another wrapping underneath from the heel. His body was bare, with some tufts of... feathers? Weird, he could guess what type of creature he has turned into. An aviary, not sure what kind yet.

"If I'm correct, the wall that I broke was the outer shell of the egg," he chirped.

Mike continued to observe his surroundings a bit more. The bundle of sticks were smushed down, turning into a sturdy nest, and the feathers kind of made a bedding to lay on. It was surprisingly comfy, even more comfy than purple mattresses in his previous life.

Laying there, he started to reminisce his old memories. He was a kind office worker. He had decent pay, had his own family of a wife and two kids, and didn't really suffer much depression in his life. There wasn't really anything notable that he did in his life, except one thing.

'I wonder how she's doing...' he thought with complicated emotions: Grief, and relief.

The squawking outside grew louder awakening him from his state of mind, nearing his room. Two large birds appeared at the entrance, around 3 times his height. These birds were mostly blue, but the feathers gradually turned into red at the tip of their wings and tail feathers. They waddled over, cheerfully chirping louder the closer they got. One of them picked Mike up with his claw and put him back on the floor carefully, as the nest was quite high off the floor. He looked back and was shocked to notice how many more nest their were that he couldn't see behind him. The nest walls earlier had blocked him from seeing anything behind and only faced the entrance and ceiling.

The two adult birds, presumably his parents, pushed him slowly along, trying to get him to waddle. Though he was in a new body-so his balance was... unbalanced- he slowly got the hang of it. He remembered from somewhere that animals can start to walk much faster than human babies, a bird could walk in a matter of minutes to hours, and they could fly in a couple days to a couple weeks.

Around ten minutes later, he was able to stay standing for an amount of time. He still couldn't walk though.

'These claws keep dragging behind when I try to step forward!' he whined.

After a while, he managed to walk with his parents to the entrance of the room. He looked outside and saw a large group of birds, all around the same size as his and had blue-red feathers, and a group of little baby chicks, like himself. We joined there group and he met with the other kids.

'Is that what I look like?' Mike asked himself.

The sight of a bunch of huge birds was a little unbearable so Mike waddled over to the mouth of the cave to admire the horizon. The sun was setting, which probably means he was hatched in the morning. Looking down, the cave was on a cliff of a mountain above a large forest.

It was then that he heard some squawking in the distance. A boil of hawks were flying in the cave's direction, carrying large snakes.

Mike chirped in panic and moved out of the runway for the hawks to land. As he ran, he tripped on his foot and rolled over, sprawling on the ground. He felt something grab him and lift him up. It was the bird who was leading the boil, and in his other claw was a huge snake squirming around half dead.

The man-er, bird- chirped seriously, reprimanding him, and put him back on the ground sitting up straight.

Mike's parents flew over and landed to greet and thank the bird, then walked over to pick him up. All the other birds looked excited and ran to another room in the cave. His parents brought him along to the same room, where the hawks from earlier were sharing the snakes to adults. Some of the hawks were carrying dirt-filled baskets crudely made of sticks and grass.

His parents pushed him towards the other baby birds, then went to join the other birds.

'What the f*ck is this?!'