
Reincarnation Monster

Mike reincarnates as... an animal? Watch as Mike adjusts to his new lives and also watch how I fail to write a nice idea that you wouldn’t even know cause I suck at writing \(@A@)/

twintin_ · Fantasy
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7 Chs


In front of Mike was the group of new-born chicks, all chirping loudly to get the hawks to feed them their meals. The meal was worms, lots of them. They were way smaller than the hawks and the large snakes, but to his point of view, they all looked about a ft long each. The birds around him were happily eating these worms whole, swallowing it all down in one gulp, then asking for more.

'Uaghh... cough cough...' he vomited in his mind.

And that wasn't the worst part. The worms themselves didn't look like normal earth worms. There were a lot of worms, some had spikes along their body, a couple were very colorful, others were see-through, and some produced light. They all however, shared one trait. They looked absolutely disgusting and grotesque, wriggling around trying to find a way out of the basket, making the slime splash everywhere. The birds didn't care though, they just continued to munch happily, focusing on the worms and snakes in front of them.

While he was staring at all the commotion, another hatchling appeared next to him, surprising the few feathers he had out of him. This new-born looked a bit different than the other birds, it's eyes were brighter and was tinted golden, while the others had black ones. The chick was standing there, staring at him menacingly, while Mike continued to stare back.

The chick looked down, and when Mike followed his gaze he was surprised to see another pile of worms, presumably for him. When he looked back up, he saw the other chick drooling, glancing between him and the pile constantly.

Mike had no intention to eat, so he waddled back, and pointed his featherless arm at the pile of worms, indicating that the other chick could eat it. The bird chirped loudly and cheerfully, then dumped it's face into the pile, sucking up all the poor little guys.

Even though Mike didn't want to eat it because of how gross it looks, his body was telling him he was extremely hungry, especially after seeing the chick eating the worms like a bowl of noodles. Now that he thought about it, it looks even more like a plate of soba with extra thick noodles. This made him start rethinking his decision.

'Maybe just a bit...' he thought. Hesitating, Mike waddled back up and used his two twig-like limbs as chopsticks to pick up a smaller sized worm. The worm was green, and had dark red lines horizontal across its back. It looked very smooth because of the slime dripping off it, disgusting but cute at the same time. At least it looked a little more appetizing than the rest.

The little guy was struggling, wriggling around to escape it's demise. Hopefully it gets a better reincarnation in the future...

Mike closed his eyes, trying to ignore the moving noodles while stuffing it in his mouth. You could almost hear the screams, blending in with the other noises in the room. The worm tasted like lettuce, but had the texture of sausages in the form of a strand of noodle. An awfully strange taste, but interesting. Maybe it would have been better if it looked more appetizing.

He started to look for more worms, the ones that looked less disgusting. He found one that was brown, and had some cracks along its body. It looked fine, but tasted like literal shit. On the other hand there was a slimy and translucent worm where you could see it's veins. You could even see the blood pumping through it's body. It looked horrid, but was very delectable. It's texture felt like jello and it tasted like apple and peach juice, with a hint of pineapple. There were super colorful ones that were spicy, which went well with the lettuce worm making it taste like kimchi. It felt like having a huge box of random jelly beans, which held a lot of different tastes.

By the time he realized, the entire pile was gone. The chick next to him also looked very satisfied with their meal. Mike felt very full, surprised by how the worms tasted. He looked around to see all the other new-borns finished with their meals, while the adults were in a separate section of the room, squawking loudly over who-knows-what. Now that he was done eating, he started feeling sleepy again, even though he already slept not too long ago. In fact, a bunch of the other chicks were already fast asleep, passed out on the ground like some guys who just went to a party on Friday night. Mike, half asleep, started to waddle over to the entrance of the room. It was already night time, but the moon shined extremely bright, leaking into the cavern. He walked over to the cave opening and sat down, or more like fell down. Positioning himself back upright, he stared at the starry sky, which was a lot brighter than the sky in the city...

'What use is knowledge about human civilization in this world if I'm not one anyways?' He thought it was quite ironic.

The sky here on Hetrae was a little different than on Earth. There were 3 moons in the sky, some larger than others but not by a lot. Maybe there were more because this was all he could see on this side of the planet. And if you looked closely, the constellations weren't there either. Maybe if you turned your head it might show up, but it obviously was not Earth. There even seemed to be more stars in the sky, or maybe it's just because there's no major pollution here... who knows.

Stargazing, Mike slowly starts to drift into his dream realm, imagining a bunch of other combinations of worms.