
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

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43 Chs

Rest and Recovery | Drasphia Revisited [Arc 2 Start]

[Four Days After the Myrefall Mines Incident]

Azutoshi and Lem, upon arriving back in Myrefall, had said their goodbyes and returned to Dragon Peak Academy. They needed to report the successful rescue of Sona, and they also felt like they were in the way.

Junichi had eventually regained much of his strength by the end of the second day. Sona on the other hand, was still recovering from both the trauma of almost losing his familiar, and the massive toll on his Mana from his new spell, despite the fact that both Dryad and Baenthor had transfered some to him. He also wanted Junichi to rest longer, the worry from Sona was evident to everyone.

Hotaru and Jaesu both decided to stick by Sona and Junichi's side.

"Master, please, I'm feeling much better. You don't have to make such a big fuss over me like this." Junichi pleaded as Sona grabbed his pillow and started to fluff it up for him.

"I'm not fussing, Junichi. I'm just taking care of my big brother. It's the least I can do." Sona chided and returned the pillow he took from under Junichi's head.

"You are to kind, Master." Junichi watched as Sona returned to Hotaru's side. She had been fast asleep all morning, resting on Sona's lap. "I guess you've got one more reason to grow stronger now, huh, Master?" Junichi teased.

"Oh, screw off." Sona sighed as he returned Hotaru's head to his lap. "She's been like this for three days. How am I gonna explain this to the other ladies?" Sona sighed again and placed his hand against his forehead.

[Flashback to Three Days Ago]

"Sona. We need to talk." Hotaru shouted happily as she jumped on his back from behind.

"Oh, hey, Hotaru. What's up?" Sona blushed when he looked back and their faces were only inches apart.

"Oh, um." Hotaru's ears twitched and her face turned a little pink. She averted her gaze with a soft smile. "How many lovers do you have right now?"

"Hm. Right now? Seven." Sona smiled at Hotaru. "Why?"

"Well, would you be alright with having eight, ya know, instead of seven?" Hotaru scratched her cheek shyly.

"Oh, um, wow...Hotaru..." Sona blushed and rubbed the back of his head nervously. "What brought this on?"

"Do you not want me...because I'm a demi human?" Hotaru's ears dropped to the side of her head.

"What? Of course not, Hotaru. I was just curious what you see in me! Only one of my seven lovers is technically human, just so you're aware." Sona rushed to assuage her fears. "Two of them are devil-kin, and one of them is even a dark elf."

"What?" Hotaru's eyes went wide. "Devil-kin and a Dark Elf? You really weren't kidding." Hotaru's tail twitched around on the ground. "Then is it something to do with me? Am I not cute enough or something?"

"Hotaru." Sona sighed in defeat. "Listen. You saw what happened in that mine. I'm not your normal, average, everyday kid. I've been selected as the savior of this world by Arzotz himself. You know what that means, right? My life could be forfeit at any time. I could die tomorrow. I just--" Sona's voice was cut off when Hotaru covered his mouth with her hand.

"You're worried you don't have the right to a happy life, because you could die, right? And yet, these other ladies have given so much of themselves to you, even knowing that. What harm could one more lover cause?" Hotaru uncovered his mouth with her hand, but immediately pressed her lips against his, kissing him in a very passionate way.

"!" Sona's eyes went wide from Hotaru's actions. 'And, yep, now I've got one more woman to try and make happy.' He mentally sighed to himself as they shared a long, passionate kiss. "Well...I guess you've made up your mind." He rubbed the top of his head nervously.

"I did the second I first saw you." Hotaru giggled and laid her head on his shoulder. "So I guess that means you accept me?"

[Back to Present]

"Well, what harm could one more woman cause, Master?" Junichi chuckled softly.

"You have no idea." Sona gently ran his hand through her twisted, fiery red hair. 'It's uncanny that our hair color is so similar.' He gently started to scratch behind Hotaru's silver cat ears.

Hotaru started purring so loudly that she woke herself up from her nap. "Ah, S-Sona..." She purred some more as he continued to scratch lightly behind her ears.

"Well, at least you I can easily persuade." Sona joked as he ran his fingers through her hair one last time.

"Hehe. Pet me like that more often and I'll love you for all eternity." Hotaru giggled innocently.

"O-oh, yeah?" Sona scratched his cheek shyly. "Maybe I will, then." He teased and winked at her in a flirtatious manner.

"Oh, you know just what to say." Hotaru fanned her blushed face with one hand. "Hehe. Well, I'm looking forward to meeting the rest of your women. When are we heading back to the Academy, by the way?" She stretched her arms above her head and let out a soft, cute yawn.

"Well, I wanted Junichi to have ample time to recover. How are you feeling, by the way, big brother?" Sona turned his attention to his familiar.

"You worry to much for one so young." Junichi shook his head and sighed. "Four days is plenty, Master. I say we should head back soon. Where is Jaesu, by the way?"

"Hm? Oh, he was helping the Miners. Apparently, during our fight with Eslios, my spell revealed a vein of untouched mid grade Magitech Cores. I'm being heralded as a Hero." Sona explained and rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"Hahaha. Knowing you, I bet you tried do to refute that claim." Junichi burst out into laughter.

"Yuck it up, Mister Man, but my Sona is a good, kind hearted man." Hotaru puffed up her cheeks at Junichi's mocking of Sona.

"Oh, I know, Miss Hotaru. I just like to tease my Master." Junichi wiped a tear from his eyes. "So, what of Myrefall? Will they be charged for submitting a false request?"

"The decision was left to me, since it was my life and my job." Sona sighed heavily. "I didn't wish to press the issue, so I told them I was fine with what happened and I didn't want to pursue legal measures. That just caused Myrefall to cheer my name even louder." He sighed heavily again. "I just can't win, can I?"

"Hahaha." Junichi burst into laughter once more. "Apparently not. Ow. Stop making me laugh, Master."

"Haha. Serves you right, Juni." Hotaru stuck her tongue out at Sona's familiar.

"Be nice." Sona gently flicked Hotaru's forehead.

"Ow. I'm just standing up for you." Hotaru pouted and buried her face in Sona's lap.

"I know, sweetheart." Sona cooed and started petting the top of her head. "Well, either way, Eight Hundred Gold Coins was my reward. For both stopping the Necromancer and breathing life back into a dying village."

"Well, that was certainly generous of them." Junichi admitted. "You have enough to buy a decent sized house now."

"Yep, but that's a worry for my future self. I still have a little over two and half years left at the Academy. For now, I need to go back to Drasphia." Sona looked down at Hotaru and smiled softly. She was back to purring from his touch again.

"Drasphia? What did you need from the Imperial Capital?" Hotaru looked up and nuzzled his hand as he continued to pet her.

"Well, I actually have some unfinished business. Plus, a deep, dark, and dangerous part of me wants to visit the Father of that Church and visit hell upon his body before burying his traitorous ass alive." Sona growled softly. "But, that's not the type of man I am anymore. I've just gotta grab some new clothes for one of my lovers and requisition some jewelry that I meant to grab the first time."

"Oh, for young Ayame?" Junichi questioned. "I suppose you mean from your date with Konotsune that ended with you in Doctor Ishimura's office for three days. We were told the story."

"Mhmm. I know Konotsune has long since forgiven me, but I haven't been able to forgive myself. Her life, and that of Ayame's, were almost snuffed out because of my weakness. And this time, I almost lost you, too. That just proves how weak I truly am." Sona admitted.

"That's not true, Sona." Hotaru shouted. She sat up quickly and threw her arms around his neck. "Defeating a fragment of Eslios and single handedly creating a Level 11 Spell? That isn't weakness, sweetie. You've grown. Look at how much you accomplished in just two measly months. You still have two more years of training. I believe in you. Your other lovers believe in you. Okay? So don't talk like you haven't grown!"

"Very well spoken, Miss Hotaru." Junichi smiled softly. "You and the other ladies will get along just fine with those types of lectures. Please forgive my Master. You may need to lecture him more times then you can count."

"Hotaru...?" Sona sighed. "I haven't learned a thing. I still make my women upset and sad." He wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

"So she knows everything, Master?" Junichi watched with a soft smile.

"Yeah. He told me everything. It took several hours, but I feel closer to him." Hotaru ran her hand through his fiery locks. "It's so crazy that our hair matches." She giggled when Sona wrapped her in his arms. "So affectionate. I do so enjoy it."

"I'm glad. You aren't still upset with me, are you?" Sona questioned as she ran her hands through his hair.

"I was never upset with you. I just don't like it when you put yourself down." Hotaru corrected.

"I understand. I'll try to stop doing that." Sona rested his chin on top of her head. "When Jaesu returns, we can head home."

"Sounds good, Master. We can resume your training tomorrow." Junichi added.

"Not in your condition." Hotaru chided. "I'll take over until you're back on your feet."

"Haha. She might be the bossiest woman yet. You've sure got your work cut out for you, eh, Sona?" Jaesu teased as he stepped inside the room. "Zanbar was looking for you, and The Elder already finished packing. He's back at the Academy now speaking with the Headmaster."

"Alright. Hotaru, can you make sure we're ready to leave in like ten minutes? I'll go see what he needs." Sona pried himself away from Hotaru and stood up straight.

"Yeah, I can do that for you, sweetie." Hotaru giggled innocently as she stood up beside him. She leaned up and kissed his cheek. "Hurry back, and don't drink to much." She took off eagerly to gather their belongings.

"Jaesu, help Junichi get dressed, please?" Sona walked out of the room and headed for the stairs.

"Sure thing, bro." Jaesu nodded as Sona walked past. "Alright, Junichi. I'll grab your clothes. You're good, right?"

"Yes, Master is just worrying to much. He still blames himself for my injuries. Hand me my clothes and I should be fine on my own." Junichi smiled softly.

"He's to eager to take all the blame on himself." Hotaru whispered softly.

"I know, but you know why that is, Hotaru. If he's told you everything, you know about his previous life. He's never had friends before. I can understand not wanting to lose someone precious." Jaesu replied and handed Junichi his clothes.

"I wish he would spare a thought for himself, though." Hotaru sighed softly.

"That's just how Master acts. He cares deeply for you. For everyone. You saw him in the mines. He shed tears and prayed for those people that were lost. Even the bandits. He has such a kind soul. My sister never would have fallen in love with him, and we never would have served him otherwise." Junichi added his own thoughts.

Sona made his way downstairs slowly. When he reached the bottom, the tavern erupted in glorious cheers. "What the hell?"

"Bout time, boy. They've been waiting eagerly to meet their Hero!" Zanbar shouted as Sona made his way downstairs.

"The Hero of Myrefall walks among us!"

"You've single handedly breathed new life into our village!"

"Hey, cutie. Come by and drink with me sometime!"

"Our village will once again rise!"

Sona stood frozen in place as people shouted praise and blessings his way.

"Hey, it's the Mayor, everyone be quiet!"

A frail looking old man slowly staggered his way forward. "You are Sona, yes?" He spoke softly, his voice hoarse and dry.

"Hm? Yes, sir, indeed I am." Sona stepped down off the stairs and made his way to stand in front of Myrefall's Mayor.

"Then..." The Mayor slowly dropped to one knee, with varying degrees of difficulty.

"What? No, you don't have to do that!" Sona rushed to stop him, his face red from embarrassment.

"No, I must." The Mayor refused to rise. "Our village was slowly dying, child. I thought that I had failed them all." He stifled a sob. "Despair and gloom is all we have known for forty years. Never in my lifetime, did I think for a minute, that we would reclaim the light and our hopes and dreams."

Several people started sobbing softly.

"You have renewed our lives that were so callously cast aside when the Empire had no more use of a town that couldn't produce Magitech Cores. I thought the village would die with me, but..." The Mayor continued, now unable to hold back his tears. "My children, and my grandchildren, nay, the future of our whole village is secured because of your heroics, my child. This village owes you a debt that we could never repay. You are now, and always will be, a friend to Myrefall. If you ever have need of anything, seek us out. You have given us hope and a ray of light that we never thought we would see again."

"Come on, now." Sona sobbed quietly. "Look what you've done, old man." He knelt down in front of the Mayor. "I'm happy to have been of service, but this isn't necessary. Please, stand." Sona helped the Mayor to his feet. "I didn't do this in hopes of a reward." He shouted over the crowd. "And the fact that I revealed a massive vein of Magitech Cores was merely an accident. I don't deserve all the praise you have showered me with." He wiped away several tears.

"You deserve it, and much more, me boy." Zanbar sobbed as he slapped the young red head on the back. "This village is your home now, lad. You will always be welcome in Myrefall. Now, to raise our spirits, and lift this gloomy mood, the first rounds on me!" Zanbar shouted loudly.

"Yaaaaahhhhhhhh!" The residents of Myrefall cheered loudly as the taps started flowing.

"I guess you'll be leaving us now, eh, lad?" Zanbar questioned.

"Yes." Sona looked back as his three companions appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "But I'll be back, Zanbar. Remember our promise, I don't wanna hear no complaints if I single handedly bankrupt you with those free beers."

"Haha. Kid, I like ya, ya know that? When my son is born, I think I'll name him after you!" Zanbar bellowed loudly.

"A kid? You mean...?" Sona looked down at the little gnome.

"Yep. Wife's due any day now. Come back soon, lad. I want you meet him. Then his daddy can tell him all about the man who gave him a future." Zanbar laughed through his tears. "Seriously, kid. Come back soon. And whatever your future holds, don't die on me."

"Don't worry, Zanbar. Me and the rest of his future wives won't let him weasel out of spending the rest of eternity with us." Hotaru giggled and wrapped her arms around Sona's neck from behind.

"Right. My sister would be devastated if our Master lost his life. I won't let that happen, because, if he makes my sister cry, he won't live long enough to regret it." Junichi was smiling when he said that, but Sona felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. "Isn't that right, Master?"

"Ggh. Sona, I didn't realize Junichi was this frightening." Jaesu whispered.

"Um. That's right, big brother." Sona scratched his cheek nervously. "Anyway, Zanbar. Thank you. I wish you and yours good blessings and happy lives. I'll come back soon, with everyone." He bowed his head low.

With their goodbyes said, Sona and the gang left Myrefall behind. The Gate spell was activated and Dragon Peak Academy could be seen shimmering in the portal.

"You ready to be back home?" Hotaru questioned and grabbed Sona's hand in her own.

"Yeah. Definitely. I'm ready for a soak in the hot springs." Sona nodded and squeezed Hotaru's hand gently. 'Another woman I have to strive to protect and make happy. I sure do have my work cut out for me.' Sona chuckled softly to himself.

After traveling through the Gate back to the Academy, Hotaru went to pack and prepared to move her stuff into their place in the woods.

"Junichi. I'll be leaving again now. Jaesu, can I entrust him to your care in my absence?" Sona questioned his friend for a favor.

"Of course, man. After everything you've accomplished, I couldn't refuse a favor from you, but, where are you going if I might ask?" Jaesu took Junichi's stuff from Sona.

"Back to Drasphia. I need materials, clothes, and certain items I forgot about two months ago. I won't be gone long." Sona smiled and bowed. "Junichi, take care. I'll be back soon."

"Take care, Sona." Junichi smiled after his Master.

"Claire, I need to get to Drasphia. Can you open the Gate please?" Sona pulled out some copper to pay for his trip.

"Heading out again already? Are you sure that's wise, Hero?" Claire chuckled softly.

"Oh, don't you start. I'm just heading to Drasphia for some things." Sona smiled warmly at the Receptionist. "And thank you. I doubt I would still be alive without your assistance." He bowed his head low.

"Nonsense, it was the least I could do for screwing up so badly. Your fee is on me today, as payment for all the trouble I caused. Be safe, Sona." Claire smiled warmly as the Gate behind her opened up to Drasphia.

"Okay. Let's get down to business." Sona smiled as he stepped through the Gate and appeared in Drasphia's Central Station. "Now. I believe it was this way." He headed off towards the clothes store where he first bought clothes for the young Ayame.

The bell above the door came alive as Sona stepped inside the familiar clothing store. "Ah, it's you. Back again so soon?" The female clerk from before smiled warmly.

"Yes, ma'am. I need more clothes." Sona scratched the back of his head shyly.

"Of course. You spoil that little girl of yours, don't you?" The clerk smiled warmly once more.

"Ahaha. Well truth be told, she isn't so little anymore, and now she wants to be my wife. Long story. I've got her updated measurements. Could I have you find some more stuff for her? I need some formal dresses, and something easy for her to work out in. Let me get outfits that total ten gold pieces." Sona gave her a sheet of paper with her measurements.

"Well, that's quite a story, but as long as you're a paying customer, it doesn't matter. We'll make sure you receive only the best. Come back soon and we'll have your order ready." She bowed as Sona turned to leave.

"Okay. Task one complete. Now, for task two." Sona started exploring the streets of Drasphia looking for the jeweler that Konotsune had mentioned on their first trip here. He looked down at another sheet with eight different measurements. "I never thought I would be doing this in my life." Sona had a goofy grin on his face as he came to a stop in front of the place Konotsune had showed him.

Walking inside the shop, Sona was greeted with a great many glass display cases, each housing beautifully hand crafted pieces.

"Ah, there's a new face. I have a pretty sharp memory and I'm certain I've never seen you in my shop before. What can I help you with today? Oh, you're a student from Dragon Peak." A small, petite woman walked around the counter and came to a stop in front of him.

"Ah, yes, ma'am. This is actually only my second time in Drasphia. I'm here to requisition some work from you." Sona's face lit up red. 'Now that I'm here, I'm starting to get embarrassed. Should I wait...?' He scratched his cheek shyly.

"Oh, you must be here for a special lady friend." She giggled innocently.

"Several, actually." Sona handed her the small sheet he had been looking at earlier.

"Several...?" She paused and took the sheet from him. "I see. Hehe. These are some very lucky ladies. Well, what were you thinking?"

"Well, each one of them is beautiful and unique in their own ways. I was hoping to get a special one made for each of them. I've written down their personalities and hair and eye color. I'll leave the creations up to you, in all honesty. I'm way to new at all this to pick it out myself." Sona blushed deeply.

"Hehe. You must be a real lady killer. Hm. Yeah, I can work with this no problem." She went down the list and eyed each detail. "Give me until tomorrow morning. I'll have them ready for you before noon. All eight of them. By the way, this is gonna be pricy."

"That's not a problem. Tell me the damage." Sona eyed the woman with a warm smile.

"One hundred and Sixty Gold Coins. Twenty per ring." She replied.

"Good. I'll be back tomorrow." Sona bowed and turned to leave.

"Thank you for shopping with us." She bowed as he left the shop.

"Hm. I might be back sooner then I thought. With the Gate, I might as well head home after I grab Ayame's new outfits. I can come back tomorrow for the rest." Sona pondered out loud to himself.

"Oh, hey. It's you!" A familiar voice called out to Sona, disturbing him from his thoughts.

"Oh, hey." Sona smiled at the cook that he met on his date with Konotsune over two months ago. He approached the stand and his mouth started watering from the smell.

"Where's that cute little lady of yours?" He caught Sona drooling and laughed loudly as he threw down a fresh grilled squid skewer.

"Oh, she's at a training camp during our Summer break with my other ladies." Sona eyed the cook and grinned. 'He just knew the smell would draw me in. Sly old man.'

"Other ladies?" He burst into laughter. "I don't envy you, kid. I just have my wife and she's enough to drive me up the wall already. I couldn't imagine having, two, let alone however many you have. Here ya go, kid. On the house. Bring the others by next time, I'd love to meet the women who fell for you." He grinned.

"You are to kind, sir. I'll definitely be back. These things are my newest addiction." Sona bit into the skewer as he waved goodbye. 'Ayame's stuff should be ready by now. I'll swing by, grab them, and then head home. I need a nice long, hot soak after these last couple days.'

'I'm glad to see you're feeling better, Partner.' Baenthor's voice sounded loudly in Sona's head.

'Ah, right on time, Baenthor.' Sona replied.

'I see you've been busy, and what's this...' Baenthor paused before bursting into a hearty laugh. 'I see, I see indeed. Taking things to the next level are you, Partner?' Baenthor smiled as he peeked into Sona's mind.

'I have.' Sona's face turned red once more. 'I want you to meet them, Baenthor. Any chance we could postpone our meeting until they return?'

'That was originally my plan. You see, I require your assistance, and by proxy, their assistance, too. Because of their connection to you, they can also receive the power of a Dragoon, like you yourself have. However, we must first find the crystals. That is why I needed you to live. No matter what.' Baenthor paused.

'You mean, they could become just like me?' Sona's jaw dropped. 'What do you mean Crystals, Baenthor?'

'I will explain when you all come to me in one weeks time. Can you be patient until then, Sona?'

'Of course, Baenthor. Just know, you can count on us for whatever you need.' Sona smiled softly.

'You remind me so much of my last partner. Thank you, youngling. I'll be in touch.' With that, Baenthor left once more.

'Hm. I'm seriously curious now. Guess I'll have to wait until he's ready.' Sona thought as he entered the clothing store once more.

"Welcome back. You're just in time. We've finished with our selections. We hope you find them pleasing. We picked out only the very best for her." The clerk smiled as she pointed to three big bags of folded clothes.

"I was very happy with your last selections, I'm sure these are just as good. Thank you so much." Sona bowed and fished out the ten gold coins for his purchase. He handed them to the lady with a smile.

"Of course. We are glad to hear you were satisfied. We made sure to pick out several outfits that would bring out her womanly charm, as well." She winked at Sona and collected his payment. "Please come back soon!"

"Thank you, again." Sona grabbed the bags and headed back to Drasphia Central Station. 'Well, I guess I'm done for today. Let's head home.'

'Master. How are things going for you?'

'Hm? Subaru, is that you? Is everything okay over there?' Sona's face perked up upon hearing Subaru's thoughts.

'Of course, everything is proceeding better then we predicted. The women are certainly doing their best for you. As am I, Master. I miss you.' Subaru's voice saddened a little bit.

'I'm glad, and tell them I'm so proud of them. And I'm proud of you, too, my love.' Sona smiled softly and blushed a little bit. 'I miss you, too, Subaru. Are you close to the Imperial Capital?'

'Close enough that I felt your presence. Are you okay? You sound exhausted. Have you been getting enough sleep?'

'It's a very long story, sweetheart. I won't bore you with the details, but suffice to say, Junichi and I haven't been sitting around waiting. We've both been growing, as well.' He decided it was best not to mention Junichi's condition. There was no need since he would be back to full health before they returned. 'No need to cause her to worry needlessly.'

'I'm so proud of you, Master. The ladies all wanted me to tell you, they miss you a great deal.'

'I miss them, too. It's not the same without all of you around. I miss you all so much, but we'll be together again soon. Stay strong for me, Subaru. Tell them, too. Keep up the good work. I'll be back in Drasphia tomorrow. We can speak some more then.' Sona smile softly.

'Anything for you, My Master. I expect to be handsomely rewarded for all my hard work.' Subaru teased. 'I'll be waiting to hear your thoughts, my loving Master.'

'I've already taken care of your reward. You'll just have to wait until you get back

to find out.' He teased. 'Subaru?'

'Oh, now I'm curious.' Subaru giggled softly. 'Yes, Master?'

'I love you.' Sona blushed and stepped up to the clerk. "Dragon Peak Academy." He handed the Receptionist his fee and stepped up to the portal as the Gate opened.

'!' Subaru went so quiet that Sona became a little concerned. 'I love you, my Master. Sleep well, tonight. Goodbye.'

With that said, Sona stepped through the portal and upon his return, immediately headed straight to his room. He dropped off Ayame's things, grabbed his towel, a change of clothes and made a beeline straight for the hot springs.

With his prewash finished, Sona carefully lowered himself into the water, letting out a long, exasperated sigh. "What a day. I hope the ladies will love what I got them. Even more so once I engrave them and have them enchanted."

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