
Reincarnation: Is this really happening?

Seth is a 35-year old loser stuck at a dead end job. He wasted his youth in a vain attempt to stay popular, forgoing his studies just to party. Seth, like many others, regrets the path he chose himself. He wished everyday for a chance to prove his life was worth something, but such things only happen in fairy tales...right?

Otaku_Central · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Drasphia Revisited [2] | The Ladies Return

Sona sat down in the bath and sighed happily. "Wow. I missed this so much. The shower in Myrefall was nice to keep me clean, but nothing compares to a hot spring soak."

The door to the men's room slowly slid open and Sona turned around when he heard several voices enter the bath. "Hm? Jaesu and Junichi are the only two guys that live here. That sounds like more then them." He whispered to himself. The steam from the bath obscured his vision to the point he couldn't make anything out.

"Master? Are you in the bath? You have some visitors." Junichi's voice sounded out from the showers nearby.

"Yeah, I'm here. Who came to visit?" Sona tightened the towel around his waist.

"It's good to see you again, Child of Prophecy." A familiar, dry voice reached his ears.

"Headmaster...? I'm honored you came to see me, but if you had sent word ahead I could have prepared some tea or ale." Sona replied respectively.

"Ha. Ale, eh? I didn't take you for a drinker, young one. It's not a problem. This won't be the last time I show up." Hawthorne replied with a hearty laugh. He finished his prewash first and took a seat in the springs across from Sona.

"Yeah, alcohol is one of my few pleasures. Who else came to visit?" Sona looked behind him.

"How's it going, my young underclassman?" Another gruff but familiar voice reached Sona's ears.

"Azutoshi...right?" Sona grinned when he heard his senior's voice.

"Yep, I was coming by to see how Hotaru's holding up, and to make sure you're treating her right. You know, since she's a demi human." Azutoshi admitted honestly.

"You don't need to worry, Azutoshi. I vouch for Sona's character. All but one of Sona's women aren't human." Jaesu's voice rang out.

"That is true, and one of them is even a familiar from the World Of Spirits. My sister is absolutely head over heels in love with him." Junichi chuckled softly.

"Come on, guys. You're acting like I'm some kind of sexual deviant or something." Sona blushed deeply. "I can't control their feelings, but what I can control..." He held up his fist and clenched it closed tightly. "Is reciprocate their feelings and actions, and do the best I can to make them feel happy, safe, and secure."

"Excellently said. I would expect nothing less from My Master." Junichi boasted with pride.

"You've done a lot of growing in two short months, Sona." Hawthorne exclaimed and stroked his massive graying beard with one hand.

"I couldn't be more proud to call you my friend." Jaesu replied.

"Sona..." Hotaru's voice sounded from the women's changing room. She had a white towel wrapped around her chest that went down to her knees.

Lem walked out behind her, a small red color touched her cheeks. She had her towel wrapped the same way.

"Hotaru..." Sona blushed and turned around to face her. "You weren't supposed to hear that. This was guy talk." He whispered sheepishly.

"It doesn't make it any less true or any less sweet, though." Hotaru walked over to wash off and Lem followed after her.

"How you holding up, Hotaru? Have our underclassmen been treating you well?" Azutoshi questioned.

"I'm exceptional. Other then you, Sona and them are the first group to treat me well. They respect me, value my opinion, they trust me, and Sona..." Hotaru smiled at her red haired lover. "He's been so sweet and affectionate with me." She blushed deeply and dumped a bucket of cold water over her head to cool down.

Lem finished up first and stepped down into the springs. She walked over slowly and came to a stop in front of Sona. "Hey..." She blushed and grabbed her left arm nervously. She turned her head to the side, face pink from embarrassment.

"Hm. Lem, wasn't it? Is something on your mind?" Sona looked up at her slowly.

"Yes..." Lem chewed on her bottom lip nervously. "I'm...sorry." She bowed her head low.

"What...?" Sona was surprised. "Why are you sorry, Lem...? That isn't necessary. Please raise your head." He scratched his cheek nervously.

"For what I said...to you, and about you when we were in the mines. I acted like a real bitch." Lem shook her head. "I won't. Not until you hate me. Swear at me, scream at me, hit me. Anything, Sona!"

The bath went quiet as Sona sat there in a stunned state. 'Fine. She wants me to hit her?' He thought and slowly rose to his feet. "Alright. If that's what it will take." He reached his hand out slowly and balled up his fist.

'Here it comes....' Lem braced herself for the worst.

"Sona...?" Azutoshi watched in horror.

Sona's fist turned into a flick on Lem's forehead.

"What...?" Lem was in shock and looked up slowly. "Why..Sona...?"

"Whew." Azutoshi exhaled slowly. 'I thought for sure he was going to hit her.'

"Because I don't care, Lem. Forgive me for this." Sona apologized in advance before he wrapped his arms around Lem.

"...!?!" Lem's face turned dark red. "Wha...what are you...doing?" Despite her protests, she wrapped her arms around him, as well.

"I wasn't myself down there in those mines, either, Lem." Sona cooed. "I was out of line when I shouted at you. Please don't beat yourself up over this."

'Just who the hell are you, Sona?' Azutoshi shook his head and chuckled silently to himself.

"Okay." Lem sniffled as Sona slowly pulled back. "I'm still sorry, but I won't hold that over my head." She backed away slowly and made her way to Azutoshi's side. 'He is...something else entirely.'

"Master." Junichi appeared at Sona's side.

"Hm? What is it, big brother?" Sona turned around to face his familiar.

"I forgot to mention, Zanbar gave me this before we left..." Junichi pulled out a bottle of liquor. "For you with his regards."

"Hahahaha. That old gnome really has a knack for surprising me even now." Sona laughed heartily as he took the bottle from Junichi. "Headmaster, if you don't mind sharing the bottle, we can drink this right here. Best brew I've ever tasted."

"Oh-ho. You've got quite a refined taste, young one. Very well. Open that bottle and let's unwind tonight." Hawthorne laughed heartily along with his student.

Sona took a big swig, tilting the bottle straight up. He swallowed three or four times before passing the bottle to Hawthorne. "Whew. You know, I think he actually brewed that one stronger just for me." Sona felt the heat from the booze work its way down his throat.

"He certainly did. I helped him come up with a new method of distilling and fermenting, just for you, my Master." Junichi explained as he watched Hawthorne take a massive swig, as well.

"Whoa. Now that is some high quality brew." Hawthorne passed the bottle back to Sona.

"Junichi?" Sona held up the bottle behind his head.

"Maybe just one." Junichi grinned at his Master. He grabbed the bottle and tilted it backwards. He took a long swig and handed the bottle back to Sona. "Yeah, Zanbar and I did an excellent job." He bragged.

"Azutoshi? You want some? Lem or anyone else?" Sona offered.

"We aren't really big drinkers." Azutoshi admitted. 'I'm shocked he's got such a taste for alcohol and he's younger then us....right?'

"Well, bottoms up." Sona took another big swig and happily exhaled loudly. Hiccup! "Oh, excuse me..." Sona's face turned red and his head grew heavy. "Oh, yeah. There's that buzz. Headm...hiccup..aster?" He offered the bottle to Hawthorne.

"No, thank you, young one. If it's that strong, another one would be bad for me." Hawthorne laughed loudly.

"Come on, Hawthorne. Live a little." Sona's words were slurred. "Just a little one, then. To celebrate my first....hiccup....successful mission."

"Very well, one more. Hand it here, boy." Hawthorne laughed and took another big sip, as well. "Man, oh, man. Tell me where you got this. I need some myself." His words began to slur, too.

"Sona." Hotaru pouted and grabbed hold of his arm. "Give me a sip."

"Hm. Ooohh...hey there pretty cat lady." Sona shouted happily and wrapped his arms around Hotaru.

"P-pretty....?" Hotaru's face lit up and she squeeled softly when Sona wrapped her in his arms. "Hehe. Even when your sloshed you're still so sweet and affectionate." Hotaru brought his head down to her chest and gently rubbed his head with her hand. "Rest, Sona." She cooed softly.

"Why..is the bath spinning...?" Sona questioned as he was pulled into Hotaru's chest. "Rest...yes....Ah, I can't...sentences." His eyes slowly closed.

"Yep, he's trashed. That stuff is a lot stronger then I realized." Junichi sighed heavily. "Hotaru, ignore anything my foolish Master might say or do. This is my fault."

"It's fine, Juni. He needs to unwind every once in awhile, and if this is how he must unwind, I have no complaints." Hotaru ran her hand through his hair over and over. "Headmaster, shouldn't you be..." She looked over at Hawthorne and he was passed out, snoring loudly.

"I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Headmaster Hawthorne is definitely a weird one." Azutoshi shook his head slowly.

"Hey, Azutoshi, help me get these two to bed?" Jaesu petitioned his senior for assistance.

"Very well. Help me with Hawthorne. Hotaru, can you get lover boy to his room?" Azutoshi looked to the red headed neko.

"Yes, I got him." Hotaru smiled sweetly at the passed out Sona.

"Hotaru. Let me help. It's the least I can do for all the things I've said to him and about him." Lem offered.

"It's....fine....not mad...." Sona managed to speak these words before snoring like Hawthorne. A huge grin was plastered on his face.

"Sona..." Lem felt her heart break a little bit. "You are such a kind person. I hope we can be...friends..." She whispered softly. "I don't understand how he can smile so much, like he doesn't have a care in the world."

"Even in your sleep, you still worry about others. Master, there hasn't been, nor will there ever be, another human like you. Lem, he smiles because he has no choice. The path that he must walk was one that was chosen for him. He never had a choice. Why waste your life fighting destiny? In his mind, acceptance is preferable. At least then, he feels like he has some control of his life." Junichi sighed heavily and shook his head. "Hotaru, can you take care of him for me?"

"I see. If you must walk a forced path, enjoy it anyway you can, but what is his path? Who chose it for him?" Lem was left with more questions and even fewer answers.

"As if you need to ask, Juni." Hotaru stuck her tongue out at her lover's familiar. "Come on, Sona. Just don't make a habit out of this, babe. Oh, who am I kidding? You could do this everyday for the rest of your life and I'd still take care of you." She helped Sona out of the bath and into the men's changing room. "Wait..." Hotaru stared down at the towel around his waist. 'He's...he's naked under there!!' Hotaru squeeled after realizing it. "Damn you, Juni. Sona told me to be wary of you." She sighed in defeat. 'Oh, I've got it.'

With some degree of difficulty, Hotaru managed to dry Sona's body, touching very little of his more private places. Once that was done, she grabbed the basket that had all of his fresh, cleaned clothes. "Now, if we leave the towel on like so..." Hotaru managed to dress him without violating his body, but at the expense of her dark red face. 'You'll pay for this, Junichi.'

After embarrassing herself far beyond normal limits, Hotaru finally managed to get Sona up the steps and into his room. "Whew. You're heavier then you look, you big lug." She looked down after he was sprawled out on the bed, his shirt rode up past his mid section and revealed a toned body with several developing definitions on his abs. "Sexy..." Hotaru bit down gently on her knuckle and inhaled deeply. 'I wanna lay with him.' She thought and climbed into the bed with him. She pulled his shirt down to cover the rest of his body. "Goodnight, my darling." She kissed his forehead and then laid her head on his chest. She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled as close as she could to him.

[The Next Morning]

"Ahh...oh....ouch....my head." Sona groaned loudly and placed the back of his hand against his forehead. "What happened last night?" Sona tried to recall but his mind was heavy and fuzzy. "Why does my chest feel heavy?" He turned his attention down and his face lit up.

Hotaru was sprawled out on his chest, but her shirt had slowly slid off her shoulders sometime during the night. The top of her breasts were in plain few for Sona to observe. 'Shit. My heart...' He shook his head. 'Stop ogling her. She's asleep you pervert.' He reached his hands down slowly and grabbed the spaghetti straps of her shirt. He carefully pulled her shirt back up and covered her exposed body. 'These women...I swear to Arzotz these women will be the death of me.'

"Boo. You're no fun." Hotaru's voice reached his ear.

"What? You were awake...?" Sona's heart started banging loudly against his chest.

"Mhmm. I did that on purpose. I read that men can't resist when a woman leaves herself vulnerable and exposed. I wanted you to..." Hotaru blushed and shook those thoughts from her head. "Either way..." She leaned over and kissed his lips gently. "Thank you, for being such a gentleman, Sona." She nuzzled her nose against his and sighed happily.

"H-Hotaru...you are so forward..." Sona blushed when she rubbed her nose against his own. "It's nothing I need to be thanked for, sweetie. So, what happened last night? How did I get back here?"

"Sweetie? What happened to pretty cat lady?" Hotaru teased and pulled away from him. "I brought you here, silly. After you got sloshed and passed out while holding me ever so sweetly."

"P-pretty cat lady...? I didn't..." Sona covered his face with his hands. "Oh, Gods, I'm so embarrassed. I didn't want anyone to see me like that."

"It was adorable." Hotaru grabbed his wrists and uncovered his face. "I liked it. I got to see a new side of you. It wasn't your fault, though. Junichi said that he and Zanbar made that alcohol way stronger then they realized." She kissed the tip of his nose. "So, what's the plan for today?"

"Adorable...? Me...?" Sona gazed into her beautiful pink eyes. "I'll say. Usually half of bottle would only get me buzzed." He smiled when she kissed his nose. "Well, I need to go back to Drasphia. My items will be ready today. After that, I'll need to get back to training. I've been slacking these last five days. Will you help me Hotaru? Training against the same person over and over can cause me to pick up some bad habits."

"Very adorable. Of course I'll help you. It's my job as your woman, after all." Hotaru giggled sweetly. "Oh, Drasphia again? Are you seeing another woman, Sona?" Hotaru folded her arms across her chest and stared him down.

"What?! How dare you! I've got my hands full with just you eight. You've made me mad, and now, you must be punished!" Sona grinned mischievously and started crawling closer.

"Ah, w-what...? No, stay back!" Hotaru put her hands up to block his advance.

"To late." Sona grabbed her gently. "And now...tickle torture!" He started poking her sides and grabbing her love handles.

"Hahah. No, stop! Ahhh, Sona! Hahahah." Hotaru squeeled as she squirmed around in his arms, trying to evade his attacks. "I, I give, Sona, I give! Please forgive me!!" She continued laughing until she was in tears.

"Very well. I will show you leniency...this time." Sona released his grip and smiled warmly. "Of course I'm not seeing another woman. It's something important, though."

"Well, can I go with you?" Hotaru questioned and twirled some of her hair around her fingers. Her breathing slightly heavy from their little horseplay.

"Nope." Sona flat out refused.

"How come?" Hotaru protested.

"It's a surprise. For you, and the other ladies of my life. You can't find out early nor get your gift early." Sona explained his reasoning.

"A gift...for us? Sona, you didn't have to get us anything. Just being with you is enough. It is for me, and I'm sure the other women feel the same." Hotaru smiled softly.

"That may be, but as your lover, can't I spoil you all at least a little bit here and there? Would you deny me that right?" Sona retorted.

"Wha...Spoil us? You are just to amazing, Sona. Very well, I acquiesce. Go do your thing, we can start training upon your return." Hotaru put her hands on his back and pushed him off the bed and to his feet. "I'm going back to sleep for a bit."

Sona chuckled softly. "I'm going, I'm going." He removed his t-shirt and laid it on the bed as he walked to the closet. He grabbed out some cool, summer clothes for the trip. Leaving the room, he shut the door behind him. 'Well, let's go see what she's come up with.' He changed in the living area and made his way to the Gate Reception area.

'He put his shirt...on the bed.' Hotaru blushed as she stared at it. Without thinking, she snatched it up and bought it to her face as she laid down again. 'His scent still lingers.' She blushed and held his shirt close as she fell back asleep. 'Sona...' He was the last thing on her mind before she drifted off to dreamland.

[In Drasphia]

Sona emerged from the Gate in Drasphia's Central Station once more. 'This could get expensive. I wonder if I could learn how to make a Gate Spell with my own Mana?' He thought to himself. "Oh, right. Subaru. Let me see if I can reach her." He whispered softly to himself.

'Subaru, are you there, my love?' He transferred his thoughts to his familiar.

'Master? You're back sooner then I expected. Is everything okay?' Subaru replied, worry evident in her voice.

'Of course, I just came back because my items were ready for me.' Sona rushed to assuage her fears.

'Oh, that's good.' Subaru let out a sigh of relief. 'What items are you referring to, Master?'

'That's...' Sona paused and grinned. '...a secret. You'll have to wait until you come back in thirteen days.'

'That's so far away! Can't you give me a hint...pretty please, my handsome Master.' Subaru put on her most seductive voice.

'Sorry, love. That won't work this time. Keep up the good work, though. I've gotta go. It's hard to communicate telepathically and focus on my surroundings at the same time. I'll reach out again before I leave.'

'Okay, Master.' Subaru sighed in defeat. 'Be safe.'

Before he realized it, Sona was standing outside the Jeweler's Shop once more. 'I'm...embarrassed, and anxious, but also giddy and excited. Okay, deep breath.' He psyched himself up and walked inside the shop.

"Oh, it's you." The woman smiled brightly. "Just in time. I've finished putting on the last touches. If I may be so bold, I think these are my best work yet. Your ladies are sure to love these." She put out eight black velvet boxes on the counter, opened them one by one and stretched her arms out over her creations. "Well?"

Sona walked up and his jaw dropped at the sight. "They are...all so beautiful. You've really outdone yourself, my lady. I am in awe of your craftsmanship." Sona looked each of them over carefully. 'She even put a little tag with the name of each woman they were designed for, I'm speechless.'

"Your look says it all. Am I a genius or am I a genius?" She boasted loudly.

"Magnificent." Sona clapped his hands. "These are exquisite, really." He pulled out his money pouch and laid two hundred gold coins on the counter.

"That's to much. They were only one hundred sixty." She gasped.

"I'm that impressed. The extra is for you. As thanks for the rush, and how beautifully designed they are. Really, you've outdone yourself."

"Your words are to kind. Then I graciously accept your gift." She started closing the boxes and putting them into a bag. Once that was done, she took the coins and deposited the payment amount into a pouch. The tip Sona had left, she put into her pocket. "If you ever need more work, please come back. You've allowed me to grow so much in a short time. I can't wait for your next visit." She bowed as Sona grabbed his items and left the store.

"They are going to love these, I just know it." Sona was ecstatic. He stopped by the bench where he first ate lunch with Konotsune and Ayame. 'That feels like ages ago.' He took a seat and closed his eyes to speak with Subaru.

'Master? Are you finished with your errands?' Subaru called out to him.

'Yes, ma'am, and I must admit, I think you ladies will love these gifts.' He replied. 'Oh, I should mention this before you come back and find out. Somehow, I've managed to pick up one more lover for my harem.' He scratched the back of his head shyly.

'Oh? Now I'm really curious to see what you've done for us.' Subaru giggled sweetly. 'Another one? How did that happen?' Her voice sounded a little jealous.

'Long story. I can explain everything once you all return. I have so much to share with you all.' Sona smiled softly. 'I really miss you all. I can't wait to see you ladies again.'

'We all miss you, but we are pushing through that pain. All of us. We want to grow stronger for you, my Master. To prove we can stand by your side as equals. Well, I have to get back to it. Farewell, Master. Try to come back every couple days so we can talk. Just hearing your voice is enough to give me strength.'

'Okay, Subaru. I will keep in touch. Please keep doing your best. All of you. Farewell.' Sona said his goodbyes and returned to the Academy. He went back to his room. Hotaru was already awake and out of the room. 'Good.' He opened his closet and hid the bag in his clean laundry basket. "Now to rummage up some lunch before my training."

[Thirteen Days Later]

Just like that, time had passed so quickly. The day his women would return had finally arrived. Sona had prepared the gifts he bought them and sat them at the dining room table, all eight side by side. A chair was in front of each box, along with a rose next to each box. 'Okay. Don't lose your nerve now, Sona. You've planned this for two weeks. Stay strong.' He tried to psych himself up, but he was still trembling from both excitement and nervousness. Hotaru stood outside the room, with the expressed order to not come in until all of them were present.

The door to the house opened and Sona thought his heart was going to stop any minute.

"Sona, where are you, my devoted and lovable disciple?" Saphira's voice echoed into the dining room.

"Dining room. You'll see the newest lady who joined me standing outside the room." Sona called out. His voice breaking the closer they grew.

Before Saphira entered, Jaesu gave her the letter Hawthorne had wrote for her and Sona.


I'm happy to know that your goal has finally been fulfilled, and my heart is full to hear you've fallen in love. It may not be commonplace for a teacher to fall in love with her student, but you have my blessing nonetheless. Once he graduates, you will be free to leave your employ here and spend your life with him. Whatever may come, you have my blessings.

Headmaster Hawthorne.'

Saphira smiled and shed a tear as she read the note. 'He is so...ha. Thank you, Hawthorne.' She dried her eyes and joined the rest of the women.

All eight of them entered the room slowly and an array of oohs and aahs erupted from the women. "Find your name, ladies. Take a seat and don't do anything until I give the go ahead. Okay?"

"Sona, what did you do?" Deltune questioned as she took a seat in front of her box.

"Master, what have you bought for us?" Subaru took a seat at her designated spot.

Junichi stood outside the hall in secret. 'I want to see their reactions. It's going to be the most memorable event of the century.'

Hotaru found her seat and sat down, as well. Her tail twitched nervously side to side.

"Okay, before we start. This is Hotaru." Sona introduced the newest woman and then explained everything that happened, including the Bounty Quest they completed. Once all the pleasantries were were out of the way, Sona smiled warmly. "Okay, my loves. You can look at your gift now."

They all looked at each other nervously and then at the box in front of them. As if they had rehearsed, all eight of them picked up their box and opened them at the same time.

"What...?" Saphira's face lit up and she started crying.

"Darling, this is..." Elandeli was speechless.

"Beautiful. I love it." Konotsune squeeled in delight.

"Master..." Subaru whimpered.

"My love..." Sulris blushed deeply and started crying.

"Master Sona!" Ayame shouted in delight, tears formed in her eyes and her tail started wagging frantically.

"Sona...it's so beautiful. You really didn't have to do this." Deltune covered her mouth with her hand and started crying, as well.

"Sona...I got one...too?" Hotaru started crying, and before long, all the women were in tears.

"These rings are a symbol of my love for each of you. As my future wives, it would only make sense that you all had a ring to express our relationship. I love you. All of you." Sona started crying himself. "I'm just...so glad you love them..."

"Of course we love them!" All the ladies cooed.

Ayame's ring was centered with a purple sapphire, designed after her lavender ears and tail.

Sulris' ring was centered with a black opal, designed after her affinity for death magic.

Konostune was given a white sapphire after the color of her hair.

Elandeli was gifted with a pink star ruby, after her pink hair.

Deltune's was given a blue star sapphire for her hair color and water affinity.

Subaru's was a blue spinel after her piercing blue eyes.

Saphira's ring was centered with a beautiful, multicolored opal to reflect her changing eye color.

Last but not least, Hotaru's was centered with a red tourmaline to reflect her beautiful red hair.

"This is my pledge, to do my best to make you eight beautiful ladies the happiest women on Osgilith. I know I will stumble and fall many times, and fail even more, but, I ask each of you to be patient with me and pick me up when I fall." Sona started crying again.

"My precious, foolish student." Saphira moved to his side and sat on his lap. "Stop. You're gonna make me cry again." She cupped his face in her hands and dried his eyes with her thumbs. "You did so well, my love. You even proved me wrong by creating a Level 11 Spell. I feel that there is no end to the heights you will climb. I love the ring, and I love you."

All of the ladies swarmed Sona and wrapped their arms around him.

"I love you." Sulris spoke softly.

"I love you, Master Sona!" Ayame shouted softly through her tears.

"I've loved you since the first day, my love." Deltune whispered.

"My darling, you will always have my heart. I love you." Elandeli spoke next.

"I love you, Sona, my dear. I haven't known you that long, by my heart yearns for you. It aches when you aren't near." Hotaru sobbed softly.

"Because of you, I've learned how to express my emotions better. I love you so much." Konotsune whispered softly.

"I've said it before, but I'll say it again. You, my handsome and wonderful Master, are the only man I'll ever want. I love you, with all my heart." Subaru held him tight.

"I'm happy for you ladies." Junichi walked in and smiled as he spoke. "Congratulations. Will you be taking my Master's name now? Deltune Harata? Elandeli Darkfang Harata, perhaps?" He chuckled softly.

"Junichi!" The ladies all shouted as their faces turned red. After that, they all looked at each other as laughter filled the room and echoed throughout the house.


What follows below is not part of the story, but it will give a bit more insight into this world. I'll also he using this area every chapter after this one to keep you informed on the day, month, year, weather and etc.


3 Seasons exist in this world each lasting 3 months. There are 9 months and 8 days a week.

6 Months have 33 Days

3 Months have 34 Days

There are 300 Days in a Year.

Blossom: The Equivalent of Spring on Earth.

Sorrel: The equivalent of Summer on Earth.

Ash: A combination of Fall/Winter on Earth. The flowers all start to die/hibernate and snow can fall during all three months.

The Current Year is AE795 [Arzotz Era]. It started after the God Killer disappeared and Arzotz became the new Ruler Of Heaven.

The Months

1. Zerach [End of Ash] [33 Days]

2. Jopha [Start of Blossom] [33 Days]

3. Zabar [33 Days]

4. Gielaph [End of Blossom] [34 Days]

5. Kiriel [Start of Sorrel] [Current Month: Day 18/33]

6. Ariel [33 Days]

7. Zielaph [End of Sorrel] [34 Days]

8. Ufael [Start of Ash] [34 Days]

9. Rielah [33 Days]

The Days

1. Camue [Start of New Week]

2. Adrah [Current Day 05/18/AE795]

3. Zadkir

4. Manael

5. Gadraf

6. Jundail

7. Jeha

8. Achiel [End of Week]

Hope you guys enjoy the recent chapter!

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