
Reincarnation Into Luffy One piece

(Dark literature + no system + growth + cold personality + single female protagonist)The magma that burns everything, the ice at absolute zero, the flash of extreme speed, the monster-like three generals can only lose in the end before the destructive thunder.The world of pirates is mostly full of darkness, and there is no freedom and justice as imagined.Chen Fan, who came over at the beginning, had a hellish start and was captured into Impel Down City. After experiencing life and death inside, Chen Fan ran out of the Impel City and ate the Thunder Fruit, which represents the strongest attack power of the natural system. Along the way, he created the strongest pirate group and became the king of the world.(Brackets, Momonosuke must die!) If you want to read more 10 chapters!! Ahead, go to patreon.com/storymaker983 -------------------------------------------------------------- This fan fic is not written by me its written by Mr. Ink Pen, hope he/she dont mind, also, i dont own any one piece character its just a fan fiction.

Akumachikara · Tranh châm biếm
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48 Chs

CH 28


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Chen Fan instantly recognized the approaching Navy Vice Admiral Cha Gu. The pirates on the ship, however, were in a state of panic and despair. They hoped to escape the situation, but their ship was no match for the imposing warship chasing them.

The navigator, Daburen, expressed his fear and asked their captain, Aidra, how to handle the dire situation.

Aidra, who hadn't recognized the Navy Vice Admiral, was hesitant, fearing the humiliation of surrender. The green-haired crew member also questioned their next course of action. However, Chen Fan remained calm and aloof.

With the Navy warship closing in, the adjutant standing on its deck used a loudspeaker to address the pirates. He identified their ship as pirates and declared that they were under the command of Navy Vice Admiral Brown Dolphin. He offered them the option to surrender and avoid being killed.

The pirates aboard the giant bull-themed ship, now knowing they were dealing with a Navy Vice Admiral, panicked. They felt a great deal of pressure, especially Aidra, who had already been defeated by a Navy officer, now facing someone of higher rank.

Aidra hesitated, torn between the humiliation of surrender and the perceived threats from the Vice Admiral. The rest of the pirates on the ship began asking what their captain intended to do. They looked to Chen Fan for guidance.

Chen Fan responded with a grin, suggesting they should "just kill them all." His remark left the pirates shocked, thinking he might be insane.

Adra questioned Chen Fan's sanity, while others felt that surrender was their only option. They saw no way to win against a Navy Vice Admiral.

Meanwhile, on the Navy warship, an adjutant recommended direct action to Vice Admiral Brown Dolphin. The Vice Admiral, now intrigued, decided to engage the pirates personally.

Brown Dolphin, known for his laid-back attitude, remarked that he found their encounter with Chen Fan quite interesting. He utilized his incredible Moon Step technique to swiftly reach the pirate ship.

As the Navy crew watched in anticipation, the pirates were terrified. Aidra chose to surrender, and his crew quickly followed suit, even though they were once proud pirates.

However, the Navy Vice Admiral paid no attention to them, and instead, with a cigar in hand, addressed Chen Fan directly. He identified Chen Fan as "Break the Myth of Advance City" and "Blood Tiger Chen Fan," expressing his interest in meeting Chen Fan.

The pirates remained confused as the two men exchanged words. They had no idea of Chen Fan's true identity or the significance of his encounter with the Vice Admiral.

On the Navy warship, the crew realized they had a significant opportunity to apprehend an infamous pirate with an 800 million bounty. They were excited about the potential achievement.

The pirates aboard the pirate ship, unaware of the tremendous power Chen Fan now possessed, couldn't believe that their newly recruited captain had such a remarkable identity.

Little did they know that Chen Fan's strength had undergone a dramatic transformation in just one month, far surpassing his 800 million bounty.

The Navy crew believed that capturing the Blood Tiger Chen Fan would be a major success for them. The pirates aboard the giant bull-themed ship, however, remained clueless about the true potential of their new captain.


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