

After a few days of travel they were about to reach what looked like a floating fish made of wood. These days they have all been training and everyone is getting stronger by the day. Silk also had started to train in sword and is doing body conditioning. Just Kaya was the one who wasn't training like other members but still she did some exercise and she has been reading all the medical books she brought from syrup village.

They also didn't come across Johnny and Yosaku as they came from a little different route so they probably died from scurvy or starvation.

"Luffy don't we already have two cooks? Why did we come here?" Kaya asked, now she almost looked like she was never ill and her body had started to fill out. She has also gotten quite used to things as she doesn't even add san with the crew member's name.

The second cook she was talking about was Silk. Who used to run her own diner on her Island. She has been cooking the food for everyone on the ship along with Makino. She has also gotten used to staying on the ship. It was quite weird for her on the first day after she heard She heard the noise of Luffy having sex with Ann and Makino.

Never in their Lives had they thought that something like that would be part of their daily Life. But here they are and they have already kind of gotten used to it.

"Some time ago I read that the best cook of the East Blue Reiju is working in this restaurant. So I came to see if we can make her agree to come with us. And we can never have too many cooks." he told all the girls.

If Sanji was working here he definitely wouldn't have come here even though he liked all the straw-hats dealing with someone like Sanji in real life is something he could never do. A cook who is always refusing to cook for men. And then there is also him always complaining about there being no food. Isn't it his job to buy sufficient ration for journey with keeping Luffy in mind. If Don Krieg can feed more than five thousand people how does they have a problem in just feeding six people even if Luffy eats a lot of food?

Luffy felt someone really powerful inside the floating restaurant if he had to say whoever it was. He/ she was very powerful if he had to compare probably on the level of a commodore from the HQ.

"We are here." Everyone heard the excited voice of Ann.

"This is amazing," Nami said after seeing the Ship. Luffy just thought what she liked about this ugly ass design of the ship. There is a literal fish head in front of it made out of wood. But then again they also had a goat's head on their ship.

They also saw a marine ship docked beside the restaurant. They silently docked their ship to the other side. And then went inside the restaurant, Everyone looked up at them seeing a man and a group of beautiful women by his side.

They also spotted a Marine who was probably in charge of the ship. The guy had tanned skin and with bubblegum pink hair. He also had a few old stitched scars showing on his body. And He was trying really hard to impress his date. But when he saw the group he started leering at the girls.

Luffy and the group just made their way to a corner Without caring about anyone else.

Then they saw a very beautiful woman come out of the kitchens and elegantly made her way across the floor.

She was a tall and slim woman. She had shoulder length pink hairs which were parted to one side covering half of her and curling upwards at tips. She had blue eyes and a curly eyebrow above that. She was wearing a white satiny shirt with a frilled neckline and a pink cravat with very short pink colored shorts. She was also wearing a pink colored short Cape and a purple colored headband with pink high heels. In reality she looked more like a princess than a chef.

Luffy easily recognized her as Sanji's sister. But when she came out of the kitchen it became clear to him that the strong person he felt was her. 'Looks like she still has the body strength granted to her by the experiments, then she probably also has the poison power and Zeff's skills too.' Luffy thought to himself.

Ann looked towards Luffy and nodded her head giving her approval for the sexy powerful girl.

She made her way towards the Marine Lieutenant with a plate in her hand. The marine lieutenant tried to flirt with her without caring a single bit about his date who looked to be in a very bad mood, but she just put the food on the table and excused herself. But the guy being too stupid to recognize the rejection or just way too daring continued to flirt with her.

But the girl completely ignored him and walked away from the table. But the Idiot man grabbed her arms and started shouting about not showing respect to paying customers and how she will have to compensate him. The crew of Baratie froze after seeing the scene. It was a scene they were all very familiar with. The girl just looked at the man with disgust before beating the shit out of him. Soon the guy was just thrown to the side battered and bleeding.

'Looks like she doesn't have any qualms about using the same hand for cooking and beating someone and those kicks also show that she has been trained by Zeff.' Luffy thought to himself.

The girls beside Luffy looked at the girl, 'this girl is definitely strong and judging by the intrigued look on Luffy's face he will definitely ask her to join the crew.' The girls thought.

The woman then made her way towards Luffy's Group. Her eyebrow raised a bit after seeing the group of a single man with six women. She can tell it wasn't just a normal group.

"Welcome to Batatie. My name is Reiju. I am the assistant head chef here but due to the waiter not being here today I will also be serving you." She said with a mild smile.

'She seems friendly and lively quite the opposite of what I was imagining her to be like.' Luffy thought to himself, as he was imagining being quite the cold type of person.

She looked at the group and was surprised to see that the guy wasn't leering at her, he just looked at her for some time with intrigue but She could tell that it wasn't about her body. Well maybe because he was already surrounded by many beautiful girls He had no interest in her. Well whatever the reason was she still had quite a positive image of him as most men tried to flirt with her or ogle her body when they saw her.

Luffy and the girls then gave their orders. After taking their order Reiju made her way to the kitchen.

Luffy and the group waited for the food talking among themselves.

"Looks like we found another cook for our crew." Ann said.

"That depends if she even would want to go with us." Makino said.

Nami, Kuina, Kaya and Silk didn't have any problem with that as they have even seen her fight, she would be a good addition to the crew.

After some time their food was finally brought out and was set in front of the group. Everyone took a bite of the food and it was really the most delicious food they have ever tasted. Luffy could feel that Reiju's food tasted even better than Makino's.

"This is really delicious! You are a great cook." Luffy complimented her with a smile. Other girls were not as restrained in their reactions saying how it was the best food they have ever tasted. And Makino and Silk were even thinking that if this girl really joined then even they would be able better themselves at cooking.

"Thank you for the compliment, please enjoy your meal." She said with a smile and complete elegance and started to leave but stopped by seeing a marine come running.

"Lieutenant Fullbody, sir! The prisoner has escaped." The marine cried out. Luffy with his Haki saw the marine dying by bullet from the back. Now he can't just let him die like. Luffy sped to the Marine and came behind him and caught the bullet in hand.

"You know I can't let you kill people just like that." Luffy said looking towards the man holding the gun. He was not quite a middle aged man but was also not much far from it. He was wearing a grey jacket and grey pants and black t-shirt and a headband. The guy looked starved for days. This guy was Gin as he knew from the anime.

All the straw-hat girls just smiled as they were already familiar with his behavior. While Reiju just found herself amazed and eyes widened with his speed and his act. She could hardly see him with her eyes which have long been adjusted to her speed and that may not even be his maximum speed she thought to herself. and she has never in her life seen someone saving a person's life like that. She doesn't see anyone trying to bother saving any strangers' lives like that. That made the image of Luffy more positive in her eyes. But his strength was the thing which made her really interested in Luffy as she has never seen anyone as strong as herself in this sea. With Luffy being faster than her he was most probably stronger than her.

"I will let you go this time as you look worse than dead but who knows about the future." Luffy said to the man and he knocked out the marine to not make any complications. After that he went back to his seat. The man with the gun was stunned and couldn't even think for a second but then focused on his hunger.

Then Gin made his way to a table and sat on a chair and put his feet up on the table.

"I don't care what it is, bring me food." He said in a grumpy tone.

"Welcome to Batatie, ya scumbag!" a buff looking cook named patty said with mock politeness. "How will you be paying for ya meal?"

"You take bullets?" Gin asked the cook as he pointed the gun at Patty's head.

Patty's face shadowed a bit and with a serious tone he said. "So I take it you don't have any money?" and before Gin could do anything Patty slammed both his buffed hand on the head of Gin smashing the chair and the table.