
Reincarnation in One Piece world

A man from Modern world is born in the world of one piece. Join him on his journey to become stronger and collect a Harem of beauties. This is Huge Wish fulfillment Fic with Big harem, totally Non Realistic. As this is my first fic and a wish fulfilment type fic so expect childish and cringey writing. I know first eight chapters are kinda bad so try to read pass them. Lemon Chapter are marked with star so if someone doesn't want to read them they can just skip them as they won't affect the story. The cover pic doesn't belong to me. Advance chapters on Pat-reon. If you want to read them and support me you can go to- https://www.patreon.com/iamsunny9 Discord Link- discord.gg/2XeaJNnsEK

Iamsunny9 · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs

Romance Dawn

They experimented with fruit's power for some more time. Where they tested many more kinds of moves. After that they all boarded the ship. Luffy told Ann to not experiment much on the ship with her power and also that if she somehow set fire to the ship she will have the power to control and absorb it, and can probably extinguish the fire as he remembers Ace having that kind of power. Nami also returned Luffy's hat saying that she was alright now, but more importantly didn't want to keep that important thing away from him.

"Where are we going to go now, Luffy?" Nami asked with a smile. He could feel her mood have become quite better and the smile on her face was more genuine.

"Take us to the Baratie, the floating restaurant." Luffy replied to her.

"Baratie why are we going there, Captain?" Kuina Asked curiously.

"We are going to hopefully recruit a cook for the ship."Luffy told all the girls.

"But don't we already have a cook, Makino san makes delicious food." Kaya said.

"Of course she does but having another cook in the ship is good, we can't just have her alone cooking food for everyone. Plus I heard that the best cook of the whole East Blue is working there, so we definitely have to go there."Luffy just explained to them.

And like that after some trivial talk they set sail for Batatie.

"There is going to be an island in this route to the Baratie." Nami informed Luffy.

Hmm Luffy thought for some time and then said, "Alright then we will stop there and take a look at the place."

After about half a day of travel they saw an Island which was mostly filled with grasslands with a small town by the shore.

"Looks like we are about to reach the Island let's go take a look and eat something then we will be on our way to Baratie." Luffy told the crew.

On the Island people were just going about their way normally. Shopping, walking etc. A Beautiful girl with blonde hair and brown eyes is making food in a restaurant. She is a tall and slim girl and was wearing a blue t-shirt and green and white checkered shorts and also wearing an apron.

A man on the town's watchtower saw a ship coming towards them and it had a pirate mark on it.

"We are under attack. Pirates are coming." He yelled.

The town's people got scared after hearing that. "No way" a girl with a frightened face said, clinging to her Lover.

The watcher rang the emergency bell and yelled "Take refuge in the town center!"

All the residents started running for their lives. When the girl in the restaurant heard about the pirates she got an angry look on her face and started running upstairs throwing her apron.

"I won't let the pirates have their way. I'll protect my treasure, even if it kills me!" she said with a determined expression.

She then grabbed a Katana which had a violet handle and golden guard in a violet and golden scabbard. And then she started running towards the shore.

"I'll chase those pirates away!"

On the shore some people were watching the pirate ship coming towards the island.

I don't know which pirate they are, a guy looking through binoculars said.

"It doesn't matter if they attack this small town, there will be nothing left of it." Another guy said.

"Why don't we try negotiation with them?" Some other man suggested.

"But.. if we give him the money we've saved up.. even if it is to protect the town.."

"But trying to fight them would be far too reckless!"

"What should we do mayor?" They asked a short old man with glasses.

"We just have to fight?" They heard a girl's voice. It was the same girl who worked in the restaurant.

"Silk?" said the mayor turning around and seeing the girl.

"There's no need for concern. We can just drive those pirates away!" She continued walking toward the group.

Everyone just turned around after seeing that it was Silk, " You be quiet." Every one said in unison.

"Don't say it in unison!" she yelled with a weird face. "I live in this town too, you know! Why should we let the pirates trample all over us? We have to stand up to them sooner or later!" the Mayor just palmed his face.

"You stay out of this, whenever you get involved, even the most trivial situations turn into disasters." Said two people and lifted her up by arms. And the Mayor sent her to the town square where everybody else was.

"Anyway I will try talking to them. A Few of you should stay here, but the rest should head for town center." Mayor said to everyone.

In another part of the town silk just knocked the two guys out and got free from them.

When these guys saw Luffy and the other got off the ship they just thought to themselves.

"What! It's just a boy and some girls, Are they really pirates?"

Luffy and others saw an old man standing on the shore.

"Are you guys all pirates? If you are here to loot the Island then we can negotiate. There is no need to pillage the town, we can give you our money." The old man said.

"There is no need for that Old man. We didn't come here to pillage or loot the town. We were just passing through and here to eat something and sightseeing. But don't follow us around." Luffy replied to the old man with a small smile.

The old man was kind of relieved to hear that. After that straw-hat's just walked past him. When they reached in front of a café they heard a voice of a girl.

"There you are. I've been looking for you. Prepare yourself, You pirate." She jumped up and swung her sword at Luffy's head. Luffy just ducked his head.

Silk was now standing behind Luffy after slicing pose. "Yosh! I am sure that must have scared him!" Then she turned around and she dropped her sword horrified. She saw Luffy's ducked head. "I cut his head off! What should I do? I only wanted to scare him!."

Then the girl seeing her reaction just sighed, this girl was a little slow in the head.

Luffy just brought his head up and turned around.

"You know that is really dangerous." Luffy said to her.

"Ahh Monster" She yelled with a terrified face and her arms above her head.

"That's really rude." Luffy said to her. Luffy after seeing her remembered the plot of the Ova romance Dawn which was adapted from the one shots created before the main one piece manga.

She then calmed down and picked up her sword, and started swinging it at Luffy, "Pirate, Get out of this town! I'll protect my treasure! You came here to plunder us didn't you?"

Luffy just calmly caught her sword between his fingers. Silk was very surprised by that. "Calm down we didn't come here to plunder anything we were just passing through so we just stop to eat something."

After that she calmed down a bit. "Are you telling the truth."

After sometime all the straw hats were sitting in the restaurant eating. When silk came with one more plate of food. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier."

"It's fine, you are even making food for us." Makino said as she came with another plate, she was helping silk in making the food. Silk had refused for her help but relented when Makino insisted.

"Anyway sorry about eating your food for free like this." Ann said to the blonde girl.

"Don't let it bother you. I was the one who offered you. "The girl replied, taking a seat at the table. "Are you guys really Pirates?"

"Well we are not normal pirates but we are looking for One Piece. Apart for that we don't really do anything a normal pirate would do." Luffy replied with all the girls nodded their head, they had no interest in the things normal pirates do.

Silk just leaned on the table with a hand on her cheek. "I'm the daughter of a pirate. A pirate's abandoned child." The group listened to her with Interest. "Pirates often target this place. It's been this way for a long time. Sixteen years ago, a pirate crew attacked this town and abandoned a child here. That child was me. I am the child of a pirate who destroyed this town. You'd think they will hold a grudge against me or that they'd feel no duty to look after me, but townsfolk still raised me and I became who I am today. That's why… this town is my treasure!"

"I don't want to see the kind hearted people of this town cry! They are all so important to me, that I'll fight for them even if I'm alone!" She said with will and determination showing in her eyes.

"The town people are all really good people, silk san." Kaya said. These stories also chipped away her naivety bit by bit that the pirates are some kind brave warrior of sea.

"But I also dreamed of going on adventures roaming around sea since I was Little." Silk continued.

'It's Like that saying sometimes you just can't take adventure and sea from someone's blood.' Luffy thought to himself.

"Silk, would you like to join our crew?" Luffy asked her.

"You are all good people and I would Like to come with you all but I have to repay the town for all they have done for me." Silk said with her face down.

That's when they heard the bell start ringing again. Silk and straw-hat pirates also came to the shore.

"No doubt about it. That's Gally of the crescent moon's ship!"

"I heard they recently got a bounty on his head."

Luffy and the others heard when they reached the shore.

"Hey Silk, how about we make a deal if get rid of this Gally pirate then you will join our crew." Luffy said to Silk.

"What are you talking about? He is a pirate with a bounty on his head. He is dangerous." Silk yelled at Luffy.

"Don't worry about it, We are really strong." Luffy said to her.

"But this is our fight, we will save our town ourselves." she said with determination on her face.

On the pirate ship a fat man in a yellow t-shirt looked towards the man with a blue captain's coat who had a crescent mustache on his face. "Captain there is already a pirate ship on the Island, should we not go there?"

The captain just kicked him "I am the greatest Pirate in the world."

"We will take everything from the town and also all the treasure from that pirate ship."

They then docked the ship and got off it. "I am Gally of the crescent moon. I am the greatest Pirate on the sea. I have five million beli bounty on my head now all of you bring everything you have or I will burn down this town."

But silk just attacked him with her sword which he easily parried and after some time of fighting he overpowered her and sent her to the ground. Then he was about to put his foot on Silk 's head but it was completely separated from his body the next second.

"Looks like you really needed our help." Luffy said to Silk and picked her up.

Everybody was just looking in surprise. They had no Idea what happened. One moment Gally's foot was there about to step on a silk head and next it was on the ground completely separated from his body.

"Luffy help me, help me to protect my treasure." Silk Requested Luffy crying.

"Don't worry. Alright guys let's get rid of these Scums." Luffy ordered the crew.

"Yeah" yelled a straw hat and apart from Kaya they all got ready to fight. Ann Lit her hands on fire. It was a perfect opportunity to check out her fruit power. Then they began to fight Gally's crew more like beating the hell out of them and killing them.

Luffy started to walk towards Gally.

"Don't come towards me. I am the greatest Pirate. I have a bounty of five million." Gally said a fearful face while crawling backward.

"Really just because you got a little amount of bounty you thought that you were invincible. You are nothing but a pathetic insect on the ocean." Luffy said to Gally and swung his sword, slicing right through his neck.

Everyone just looked at them in amazement at how strong these kids were.

After sometime all the straw-hats were standing on the shore along with Silk. In front of them was the mayor and many other people.

"Thank you straw-hat for everything you did for us. And Silk it's time to go out and live your dream. We didn't do anything for you, it was always you who gave us. Back when we were consumed by despair after having lost everything, if we hadn't met you, if it hadn't been for your smile we all would have probably died with the town! The fact that the town still stands and still alive, we all owe it to you, who gave us all hope. So now go and live your dream." Said mayor.

Silk was crying listening to him. After that Luffy gave them all the treasure in Gally's ship along with his ship which had Many cannons. Which they can now use if any other pirates came. He also gave the Mayor their den-den mushi number. So they can call if there was an emergency.

After that they all boarded Merry continuing their journey to Baratie.