
Joining the Sword Haven Sect

Cyrus wanted to think over the possibilities and recount his lives but the presence of Rina complicated his thinking.

Seeing the frown Cyrus had Rina spoke up, "You can relax, I weakened my ability. Unless you touch me I won't be able to hear you."

Cyrus was still a little skeptical so his mind naturally went towards the naughty and depraved parts of his mind to see if there was any reaction, to his pleasure or dismay it seemed Rina had indeed stopped reading his mind.

After sorting out his mind and possible reasons as to why such a time skip could happen Cyrus asked, "Okay could you fill me in roughly what happened these past few years? Surely the world is fixed by now?"

"Right... well sort of? It's complicated."

"As is everything just start from the Transcendence."

"Yeah well... this is as much as I know okay? I spent the first few years after the Transcendence with a small group of survivors including the current Sect Master. We lived basically in the wild, away from the city so the monsters we faced were mostly beasts that we could eat. With a water source nearby we had our needs met so we didn't face too much suffering."

"After the few years, a separate group found us claiming to be from a bigger group of survivors looking to re-establish society. We didn't really think it over too much and agreed to join them. But it seemed the trouble had already begun. The settlement we were brought to was huge, there was quite the number of survivors, enough to hold a small city."

"The settlement had a ruling group which wanted us to declare our abilities so we could better help the settlement, which we had no problem with. The troubles started then, when it was discovered that I had a mind reading ability some people distanced themselves but nothing too big. When it was the Sect Master's turn however, basically half of the people who were watching had their features distorted."

"They looked angry or disappointed I didn't know then. After some probing with my skill I found out that the settlement had two big factions which centered around their leading party. The factions basically had different ways to gain strength and denied the other."

"The faction that disliked the Sect Master's abilities called themselves the Silver Wolves while the other faction was called the Human Apex. Essentially, the Silver Wolves believed that technology was the way forward, the members of their leading party all had abilities geared towards technology. The Human Apex on the other hand believed that strength came from the human body and that should be our focus, simple cold weaponry like swords and hammers were enough."

"The leading party of the Human Apex similarly had abilities that represented their believes. Indestructible Skin, Superhuman Strength and Silk Creation were abilities that the party held. Eventually after a decade of infighting the settlement basically blew up and everyone left to do their own thing, from it a new faction was born. At first it started out with a name like the Freedom faction but was quickly changed to Mercenary Guild."

"It represented the people that didn't want to be caught up with the fight between the Silver Wolves and Human Apex. Then the years passed, dungeons popped up which served to strengthen the factions with knowledge and weapons. The weaker ones started having families, and due to the Transcendence the people started breeding like bunnies."

"With the new manpower they could strengthen their factions even further and win the argument between the two factions. Though right now it is just an argument, death has occurred. Thankfully the people involved were able to keep a cool enough head, but I wouldn't expect the same of the newer generations, at some point this squabble is going to become a full on war."

"In the current climate, the new generations have three choices to grow in status. If they have the appropriate abilities they can join the Silver Wolves or Human Apex and if they want freedom they choose the Mercenaries. Our sect is in the Human Apex faction, and the faction has turned from ability based to cultivation based."

Rina became quite after that, letting Cyrus absorb the information but his silence was not because of the amount of information.

"What the hell? Wait what?!"

"Is there something you're confused about?"

"Yeah! What why is there only one settlement?! Have we not made contact with other people overseas?"

"Oh that, well we kinda have and kinda haven't. Our country is a little smaller than other's so we can easily gather round. Last I heard a decade ago, our overseas brethren are still forming together. It seems there is some resistance in forming a large group since either they got betrayed before or they simply want to live in peace alone. Well eventually, even if they don't get their shit together one of the factions here would probably just go over and recruit them."

"Argh I see..."

"Ahem. So I assume you aren't affiliated with any sects yet? Why don't you join ours?"

"Hmm? Well..."

"We can at least an Elder status since you are from before the Transcendence, and I'm sure we can work something out."

"...Explain to me the Elder status first and what I get if I join."

"Okay... so first to explain the general structure we have here. From the lowest to highest in status we go from Outer Disciple, Inner Disciple, Core Disciple and Inner Elder, Core Elder, Grand Elder, Sect Master/Sect Mistress. If you agree to join you will start as a Core Elder and your status will fall or rise base on your contributions."

"As a Core Elder you have access to the 5th level of the Sword Pagoda, it's where we keep the skills like sword arts and movement arts at. You get your own home equipped with a training area and you get a certain salary every month."

"Surely that's not all, I have to do something don't I?"

"Well it depends on how strong or knowledgeable you are. Elders are basically part time teachers, Inner Elders teach Inner Disciples and Core Elders teach Core Disciples. You will have to teach Core Disciples but don't worry too much we will give you half a year to prepare what you want to teach."

"Isn't six months a little short...?"

"Well it is, but two things here. One, us, people from before the Transcendence have an advantage in learning. BT, before Transcendence, people have a different view on the things around us so we have a certain advantage to learning certain techniques. I'm not sure what you did BT but I'm sure you can find something that is related to your past experiences. I know our sect is named Sword Haven but we aren't a purely sword sect. Part of our drive is to make a safe place to study and learn at."

"Secondly, as it is to be expected, it is our expectation for you to be at least this skilled. If you cannot hold a lesson of certain quality by six months your status will demote to Inner Elder and after another six months if you cannot hold a lesson of that quality you will be demoted again in status."

"...I see..."

"So will you join us?"

'Hmm... Master told me to return before the deadline which should be in roughly eight years...'

"Okay. I will join on certain conditions. First, I need to leave in eight years and I'm not sure when I'll be back. Second, I hold no responsibility if what I teach the students are unable to learn. Lastly, I hope that I will be able to have a voice in matters that concern the sect."

"Okay... so is there a reason why you need to leave in eight years? The second condition can be discussed if you can show us something that justifies it and for the last one... that I cannot promise. Grand Elders and the Sect Master and me form a kind of council and we discuss over important matters. If you want a voice that you would have to gain a Grand Elder status."

"...Well, the reason why I need to leave in eight years... unfortunately I am unable to tell you. As for Grand Elder status how do I get it?"

"Grand Elder status depends on your strength, I assume you know of the cultivation levels?"

"I think so? Isn't it Ki Formation, Meridian Opening, Foundation Establishment, Dantian Formation, Golden Core, Soul Formation, Mortal King, Mortal Saint and Mortal God?"

"...You... No. Currently the highest, strongest person in the cultivation world, the Human Apex is at Soul Formation. The Sect Master and I are both Golden Core cultivators. The names of the realms we know is a little different from what you said but it is accurate enough."

"...I see, and what level of cultivation do I need for Grand Elder status?"

"Dantian Formation. You need to be a Golden Core cultivator, by the way what is your current cultivation level?"

"...I'm at Meridian Opening, I'll enter Foundation Establishment in about a week if I have time to myself."

"That's fine, so for the second reason... is it something you can show me now?"

"Easily." With no movements or prompting from Cyrus, a rune manifested between them.

"I am basically a rune master."

Rina's eyes widened a little, she hadn't caught the sight of the runes before as she was in slight panic but now she could see it.

"A rune master? How... how good would you say you are?"

"Hmm... well I'd say if I built a shield around the sect, it'd probably withstand a Lesser tier Soul Formation."

"Lesser... Argh. I'm not sure how you get these comparisons from but whatever, that... that's already really good. Honestly if there was a way for you to demonstrate this you would probably go straight to Grand Elder status."

"It's fine, I can reach Golden Core in a year or two."

"...I don't know where you get this confidence from but whatever. So you agree to join?"

"Yeah okay I'll join."

"Great! Come with me, I think the meeting is about finished anyways."

Rina brought Cyrus to a large mansion at a secluded area introducing the place to him.

"This is the Elder area, basically where our living quarters and training facilities for us are. Here is the Grand Hall, it's basically where we hold our meetings."

Rina then entered the hall unannounced.

The heated discussion in the hall suddenly stopped, silence took over the hall for a moment before the presumably the Sect Master who sat at the head of the table spoke up.

"Serena. Who is this?"

"David. This is... he hasn't told me his BT name."

"Sigh... my BT name is Kelvin."

"This is Kelvin. Our newest Elder!"