
Kicked out

"Alright off you go you damn monster"

"How could you say that master!"

"Tch get out of here."

"I'll be back soon master!"

"Don't even think of coming back before the deadline!"

Cyrus and Ignatius shouted loudly at each other as Cyrus left the mansion.

Reaching the edge of the island Cyrus looked down at the city down below.

"Well here goes nothing..."

Cyrus braced himself and jumped off. As he free fell, Cyrus chanted something silently with his palms pressed tightly against each other.

Cyrus could be seen entering the clouds and a moment later a dark red phoenix scattered them.

Staying still for but a moment the phoenix then flew a certain direction, passing mountains and abandoned cities in the process. Eventually the dark red phoenix reached a crumbling city.

Cyrus could sense no human life in the city, plants grew everywhere and skeletons could be seen trapped within some vines.

Cyrus didn't take interest and flew to a particular building. Landing, he looked around and finally found the familiar surrounding despite the plants.

A skeleton was there, lying on the concrete floor, the skeleton wasn't even complete but it didn't matter.

Cyrus didn't know how to feel. It felt surreal.

After some time, Cyrus left the city in his phoenix form. Flying above the city he used to live in, Cyrus manifested his Mortal Flames, burning the entire city to ashes.

A year ago Cyrus was born as a Phoenix and then brought by Ignatius back to Earth. Ignatius taught Cyrus cultivation and all about runes.

After a month of training consisting of sparring, controlling his flames and learning about runes Cyrus easily reached the Grand stage of mastery in runes and was able to start the cultivation method.

Then eleven months after that was the same, except for the addition of cultivating whenever he could. Cyrus enjoyed the constant increase of strength with seemingly no bottlenecks and endless resources.

However a year later, Ignatius kicked Cyrus out saying, "You've learnt enough, get out of here and explore the human world. I have a feeling our Monster realm will be unlocked in the future."

Ignatius didn't let Cyrus argue and threw him out with a spatial ring the next day.

"Sigh... What now?"

The city had become ashes, the forests surrounding the city was untouched as Cyrus controlled his flames.

"Hmm? Who... humans?"

While Cyrus thought of what to do when he saw a group of humans in the forest.

"Should we check it out? The fire should have died down." (1st)

"No way, what if it was a battle between two Kings?" (2nd)

"Why would Kings even be out here? There's nothing good here anyways..." (3rd)

"We should still investigate, maybe there's some treasure that caused this." (1st)

"Even if it did, the city is full of undead, wouldn't the treasure be something undead related?" (4th)

"Treasure is treasure." (1st)

Cyrus lowered his presence as he flew over the group of humans.

"Hey did you hear that?"(2nd)

Cyrus flew into a tree and transformed back into a human, landing on the branch the sound of leaves shaking could be heard but none saw him.

"It's just the wind."(1st)

Following the group of five towards the city, Cyrus listened to their idle talks. The group looked young, around twenty. The first, second and third was a male while the fourth and fifth were females.

The fifth was quiet and didn't participate in any small talk. They were dressed in robes vaguely similar to his. Differing in design and quality the only similarity was that they came from the same culture.

Cyrus dropped from the branch when they neared the city, "Hey! You guys going to the city?"

The party turned towards Cyrus immediately, their hands immediately on the blades by their hips.

"Who are you?"(1st)

"Ah, I'm Cyrus. I wouldn't recommend going to the city if you're heading there."

"...We are disciples of the Sword Haven sect. Which sect are you from?" The first relaxed his stance with the rest of the party.

"Right. Yeah anyways are you heading to the city? Wouldn't recommend it."

"Yes we heard you. Why is that mister... Cyrus?" (1st)

"Well I was just there, the city is ash. There's nothing left of the place anymore." (Cyrus)

"Thank you but we should still check it out for ourselves." (1st)

"Suit yourselves. Hey I'm a little lost here could I join you guys then? Follow you back to the city or something." (Cyrus)

"Sorry but we plan to return to the sect immediately after."(1st)

"Can I still follow you though? I have some interest in swords maybe I can join your sect?"(Cyrus)

"...Fine. My name is Redia, this is Oran and Ellor." Redia introduced the males of the party, leaving out the girls.

Cyrus was about to ask for their names when one of them answered, "My name is Maria and this is Cielle."

"Greetings to you all, let's get along."

Cyrus followed the party to the city where all that was there was ash yet to be scattered.


"Roger." Oran walked to the front and drew his sword and then called out, "Wind - Zephyr"

A soft wind came and scattered the remaining ash.

"Looks like there's no treasure here after all." (Redia)

"Lets leave, maybe the person that set the city on fire is still nearby!" (Oran)

'You have no idea.' Cyrus thought as he followed the party back to the sect.

When the sun set the party had yet reached the sect. In little time the party set up the campsite, a bonfire was quickly set up.

The party sit around the bonfire and Cyrus joined them, a meal was being cooked by Maria the animal was hunted by Ellor.

"So uh... when are we going to reach the sect?"

"Hmm... probably tomorrow afternoon."

The next morning the party set off again. Cyrus hanged out at the back of the party whenever an animal or monster got in the way.

'Are these guys just nice or do they think I'm a mortal...'

Eventually the party reached the sect.

'Sword Haven sect... wait how long has it been since the Transcendence? It couldn't have been more than a decade right?'

Entering the sect, the party broke up as they each went their individual ways. Redia brought Cyrus to one of the buildings, the sign outside read 'General Affairs'.

"Ah, Redia is there something you need?"

In the building there were a few receptionists entertaining a line of people. When Redia walked up one of the receptionists stood up and greeted him.

"Ah yes, my friend here wants to join the sect. Could you ask for the elder?"

"Yes right away."

Redia then turned to him and said, "wait for the elder, when he comes he will test you and if you pass you can enter the sect. If you do you can look for me, just ask the gatekeeper when you enter."

With that Redia Cyrus in the building. Cyrus didn't have much to do so he sat at a bench at the waiting area.

A moment later loud cheering came from outside the building but Cyrus wasn't interested.

'Sigh how long is this going to take? I don't even want to join this sect, should I have used a different excuse? Fuck.'

"....Sect Mistress!"

Loud sounds continued to penetrate the wall into the building.

'Sect Mistress? Is that an actual title? I thought it was only the Master and a bunch of old Elders. I should've read more novels back then.'

Cyrus continued to wait, but the sound continued to get louder, eventually a voice came forth.

"Quiet! You are making our guest feel unwell. Scatter, return to what you were doing."

'Thank god that's over. Maybe I should just leave... sorry Redia.'


A voice came from the entrance, a mature woman dressed in a luxurious robe appeared to be the source.

She looked towards Cyrus and then had confusion on her face, she then looked around him but saw nothing. Cyrus then pointed at himself and thought, 'Is she looking for me?'

"Yes!" The lady suddenly said, and walked up to Cyrus.

The lady then leaned in close and whispered, "Are you a survivor of the Transcendence?"

Cyrus nodded and the lady pulled his arm and left the building quickly. Cyrus had to run to keep up with the lady pulling his arm confused as to why. Cyrus wasn't too worried though, his death mattered little to him.

Eventually they reached a small house in the far back of the sect, Cyrus could swear the guards of the various gates they entered looking at him weirdly.

The lady sat at a table and said, "Please sit. I'm sorry for dragging you here."

"Uhm... yeah ok..."

"Right. You... may I ask what your ability is?"

Cyrus immediately thought to his ability to conjure flames.

"Ah, so you can conjure flames."


Cyrus immediately became focused and runes appeared around the room, the building was quickly sealed and nothing could get out.

"Either stop reading my thoughts or die." Cyrus wasn't angry, but he had to be careful. Even if his secret of having an immortal soul was discovered it didn't matter too much. However if he was known to be a phoenix then things might get messy.

"Please calm down! I'm sorry I read your mind, I usually leave the ability on a small area around me to avoid assassins."

"Why did you bring me here?!"

"Please calm down! I'm from before the Transcendence too!"

Cyrus heard that and his mind eased a little, the runes around the room then started fading.

"So. Why did you bring me here?"

"I brought you here so we could have a chat. My name is Rina. That was my name before the Transcendence. What was yours?"

"My name is Cyrus."

"But that isn't your name before the Transcendence is it?"

"And why would I tell you that?"



"You... okay. Were you in seclusion or something? Were you not informed of the pact or oath?"


"...Sixty or so years ago, people from before the Transcendence revealed the names they had prior to gaining their abilities as a way to show peace. Eventually it became a thing where people would usually use their surnames when talking to others and when they wanted to express trust they would use their first name."

"Wait sixty years ago?"

"Yes sixty."

"I thought it has only been a decade or so since the Transcendence started... what the fuck? How long has it been since the Transcendence?!"

Cyrus slammed the table and jumped from his seat, so far he had thought that it had been maybe a decade but definitely less than two but it seemed he was wrong.

"Well... it has been eighty years since the Transcendence."