
Reincarnating in highschool dxd with cheat

a game programmer die and reincarnated in high school dxd as hyoudo issei with cheat system and other thing. He will be the harem king i do not own any anime manga or light novel that i quote any work are the author credits

akeno01 · Tranh châm biếm
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33 Chs

chapter 006 school and training

Around a week after the talk with my father, he comes home with a box i was in my bedroom training my skill [Mana Manipulation] by moving my mana inside my body i make it reach every part,

in a week time this is the only magical skill i trained because i need more Mp even if 2% of 25 is not a lot an increase of 0,5 Mp the skill at the maximum level will be like 1 stat point =10 Mp worth that what i'm looking for, well i will need time to grind this skill.

I start going down when i heard my father call me he has something for me.

A minute later i see a long box.

« Here is a wooden sword i don't really know if it will be good enough for you but to begin with that will be all you will receive from us, it was expansive try to not break it.

I thank my parent for the wooden sword and i take the box to my bedroom, i open the box and see a wooden sword 66 centimetre and 180 gramme it is light for me but i don't know how i will be feeling when i swing a 1000 time this sword (author note i'm not a sword user and i don't know how many basic movement it exist for a sword so excuse me for mistake about sword)

i start to swing the sword hight up my head to down my waist it is a two handed sword i do it for some time to practice swing and different type like what i have seen in anime or movies i am far from a sword expert so i don't really know what to do but as time go i will have a skill to help me i hope so.

Now that i have a sword, i have to do a planing of all type of training i have to do.

First in the morning i do the physical training 10km running 100 push up 100 sit up it takes like 2h30 in the afternoon a will do sword training i will begin with 1000 swing in every movement i have seen will see how it goes i hope Miriam will give me a skill that help me with that .

In the evening i will do magic training as,

[Earth barrier] 0/100 0,00% [Mana Manipulation] 0/100 0,00% i have to level them up before school start, after i will not have all the time i need with school.

that will be my training until school we will see by that time how it goes

just as i finish thinking about training i just remember something important, just to be sure i ask Miriam about it.

« Miriam will i be notice by other angel or devil for my mana as i remember only magician can have mana as human, i don't really want someone to discover me right now i'm way to weak to protect myself, and if someone like a high level demon i have no chance to even flee before a single attack, »

« ….Ding..... do not worry someone like a maou can sense you but that would be you being really unlucky as long as you don't start a killing spree on demon or angel or exorcist i don't think you will be notice by them your mana as of now is really not a lot to give you a example someone like Grayfia Lucifuge would have to be one or two street away from you to start sensing some mana and even by this point i have some way to hide a little but when you will have enought Xp you will have to buy the skill [Hiding aura]from the shop and it cost 10000(10k) Xp at the beginning it will be a lot for you, you will have to fight hard in your pocket dimension. »

while i'm waiting for my first day of class 10 month passed by my statut got i good boost also i got the skill

[Swordmanship] the more it is level up the more you will be able to use the sword with more proficient with his weapon level 0/100 +1 dexterity +1 strength + 1 agility every 5 level of the skill no cost, i got this one 2 month after receving the box from my father in 8 month i have level up a lot.

Hyoudo Issei

Age : 5years

Lvl 01

Hp : 85/85

Mp : 50/50

Strength :11

Vitality :17

Dexterity :11

Agility :23

Magic : 5

xp point :0

money : 0

[Earth affinity]

[Meditation] 100/100

[Appraisail] 100/100

[Running] 60/100 3%

[Earth Barrier] 20/100 11%

[Earth Arrow] 0/100 0,00%

[Mana Manipulation]50/100 47%

[Swordmanship] 32/100 69%

After tomorrow will be my birthday and just after will be the first day at school that will be hard for me to do childish thing for a long period but i have to do it for my family i can't say to them i already know everything until highschool easily beside my japanese and even this is pratically taken care thank to the god and Miriam

the day of my birthday is the 16th April i got a birthday cake i invite Irina my neighbour

I receive some pocket money( 5000 yen= 45$) from my father and mother as they have no idea on what to give me, Irina gave me some toy for kid not really interesting it but i still thank her like i enjoy her gift to not make her cry.

Two day later i start preparing to go to school with my father i have ia school uniform and bag ready, once in front of the school i said goodbye to my father and head to my classroom with the others children and the teacher i have to hold hand with a girl before walking two per two, arriving to the classroom my teacher say where we have to seat according to our family name, i'm right in the middle surrounded by children, no classmate !?

The first day passe by we introduce ourself,start to learn some word and writing them nothing really difficult for me i succeed everything in one try, in the afternoon we did some calculation as before nothing serious it was 5+6= ? this type of calculation.

The teacher seeing as i knew everything faster than the other try to probe me with some difficult question as 20-13= ? or 2*16= ? he even try division 14/2= ? i answer everything on the spot and he ask me how i know already all of this ,

i did not want to stand out the class but if i have to do everything from the beginning i think, i will become crazy so better come clean some way or another like this the teacher will give me some slack i hope,

To answer his question i just say that i read a lot and already learn by myself with the help of my parents, i know that i have drag my family into this but it is easier to deal with my parent than the teacher at least i know for sure that my parents will believe me no matter what i say as long as it is no too farfetched, i laught to myself i was planing to be low-key as long as possible i see that my willpower is inexistant.

After this interlude with the teacher i was let go as it is the end of the day, my father picked me up to go home and right now time to have diner i'm starving, to be on the safe side i tell my mother and father what happen in the classroom and my teacher, of course my father ask me why as planned,

I will tell a little about me to not make them worry about me.

« Father i always read anykind of books i know already more than my classmate for the primary school, i don't only do tranning i also learn all i can by myself now, i did that because i did not want you to be disapointed in me.

Both of you see me do some trainning i know that you are afraid that i will not fit in class, you are not wrong with this, primary school is useless for me i will be a straight A student for sure, but it does not mean i want to go up to middle school now »

My father stop me from continuing my speach was a little unexpected,

« Issei since you were a baby, you never cry more that what was needed for eating, you never wet your bed, you are a calm child, and you always do some training and running around, your mother and myself doesn't know why, and really i don't care, yes, it is worring us, it is not normal for a kid your age to do all of that, you must have your reason to do it for such a long time and never stop, i will not ask why.

I feel the way you speak, it is like to speak to an adult, just remember if you ever need us for something or just to speak to us whatever reason may be we are a family, try to have some friend your age i don't want you to be alone,that is all i ask., as long as you are happy, nothing matter more than that and for school do what you want but watch your behavior i don't want to be called to see your teacher and heard bad thing about you , now let's eat before it's turn cold »

« thank you father, mother. »

i have good parents in this world what could i ask more ?

chapter for tomorrow 22/09/2019 i will post a chapter with a day more just to be sure that if something happen i have already done my chapter a day

also this one is almost 2k word to thank you for your support and also almost reaching 30k view

next one will be a timeskip 8 years old so Mc will receive pocket dimension so the chapter 11 will be highschool as promised at the beginning

tnx for support and comment, power stone too

akeno01creators' thoughts