
Reincarnating in highschool dxd with cheat

a game programmer die and reincarnated in high school dxd as hyoudo issei with cheat system and other thing. He will be the harem king i do not own any anime manga or light novel that i quote any work are the author credits

akeno01 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 007 timeskip to 8 years and the pocket dimension.

Tomorrow will be my 8th birthday, finally i have been waiting for this day my own dungeon to level up my stat will open, i'm really happy just thinking about it.

As promised to my parent i am a straight A student at school, well not really difficult about that, my teacher leave me be and ask me question only when no one have the answer, as my familly they don't really bother me they are watching me do some training and check my homework time to time but that is expected from parent.

They are really proud of me and my school day there is only one black dot in the picture, beside Irina Shidou i don't have friends, i find my classmate to childish and they find me strange,

some bigger kid try to bully me and i attacked him since that day no one bother me anymore, it is not like i care i fully know that before highschool i will not have a lot of friend so no big deal.in 3 years my statut grew a lot

Hyoudo Issei

Age : 8 years

Lvl 01

Hp : 85/85

Mp : 75/75

Strength :24

Vitality :25

Dexterity :24

Agility :44

Magic : 5

xp point :0

money : 15000 yen

[Earth affinity]

[Meditation] 100/100

[Appraisal] 100/100

[Running] 100/100

[Earth barrier]83/100 27%

[Earth arrow] 0/100 0,00%

[Mana Manipulation]100/100

[Swordmanship] 100/100

i got lucky to max out almost every skill that i got from Miriam, also the skill [Intermediate Swordmanship] do exist She said but i have to buy it from the shop for 40k Xp, it is way out my reach for now so i just have to wait tomorrow .

At midnight something happend

« …. Ding … congratulation master for your 8th birthday the pocket dimension is ready to be use whenever you are ready, but first i have to explain how it will work for you, when you use your dimension it will cost no Mp so to speak but when you are inside the dungeon to go to the first floor you will have to pay 10mp and after it will be this price by hour and person of course right now you are not strong enough to bring people and there is so thing to do before you can, we will speak when you will be a devil. For the second floor you have to pay 20MP third 30Mp....

Now the most important thing is on the first floor there will be a hundred monsters, the first one is simple goblin each kill will give you 10Xp it mean for 1 stat point you have to clear the first floor one time, i know that at first it will be slow but for the seconde floor it will be also some goblins

but a little stronger than the first floor there will be 150 and they will give you 20Xp or 3000Xp

the third will be all sort of goblins including some with magic as fireball and other things they will be 200 and they will give 30Xp for the rest of the floor you will have to see them, i can tell you that all the floor are huge so even 200 monster they will not be packed together, i don't say it will be always one on one but i can affirm that on the first three floors they will not be any 10 on 1

also the god told me to give you a birthday gift for the dungeon »

« …..Ding..... receiving gift from god....1 blank zanpakuto..... congratulation for your first weapon ,

right now it is sealed and you will not be able to remove the seal until you are strong enough, you need 500 in strength 500 vitality 1000 dexterity 500 Agility this is for the initial release (shikai),

when you will unseal the zanpakuto you can choose for free which one you want you can have more than one power inside this weapon as it is a gift from god it is the only one.

The last thing about your pocket dimension when you go you leave a clone of yourself a simple one ,and 8 hours inside the dungeon is 2hours outside you have to know that there will be a way to go inside more longer than 8 hours but it is not possible for some years, this will be a surprise for you for another time good luck , and to answer your question that you will ask me you can leave anytime you want but you will always start a the first level, you will be throw out your pocket dimension after the 8 hours automatically so just focus in killing and use your skill. »

After all the explanation of Miriam i want to try now to go it is midnight i have nothing to worry i will have the clone and my family members are sleeping heavily,

« Miriam send me to my dimension please »

i close my eyes for some seconde, after opening them i find myself on a empty room like i'm under earth the wall are made of rock, some mud on the room, i laugh because the god took what i said word for word when i make my wish, i said to have a pocket dimmesion like the dungeon in danmachi, i am suspecting like i am really in Orario dungeon

« ….Ding... you are alone in the dungeon it is the same as danmachi there is two differences the first is you are alone no one can help you, and if you die in there you die for real so beware, the second is the monster and the boss are not the same »

Now i took the zanpakuto from the inventory it is heavy, a sword is 800/1500gramme

this weapon is a 66 centimeter but it is past 3000 gramme, i start to check around me to see if there is some monsters,

I see a long corridor, it is dim, i can't see very well, i'm a little scared that will be my first battle.

chapter 23/08/2019

i'm really happy to start writing about the dimension it will be 3 chapters for powering up my MC and after that a timeskip 8years at the beginning of highschool

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