
Reincarnated With The Strongest Bloodline

An unremarkable man, who leads a mediocre life until he discovers that he's the long sought after serial killer. Owing to the secret existence that dwelled within himself, he ends up with two bullets lodged into his skull. Just when he was glad his pathetic life was over; [Greetings and welcome to your afterlife, the incinerator, unclean soul. In your previous life, you carried out several atrocities...] Against his weak protests he is plunged into an unknown world as a forsaken son of a god with the goal of atonement and purification of his soul.

Arrkein · Kỳ huyễn
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230 Chs

Hell Training

"Well, do you want me to drag the answer out of you?" He asked a little apprehensive.

[I don't know what it was master but what I'm sure about is that it was canine. You're still a maukin though because you have a god for a parent, but I think hybrid suits you better. I mean you're very different from the rest of the maukin.]

"I see, sure hope none of my ancestors were weirdos who did things with animals. Canine is a dog where I'm from."


Lilith was astounded at how little imagination Levi had. For someone who read fictional and fantasy books, he very much lacked in that department.

"I can't believe my parent marked me, I thought he wanted to kill me?" If he tried understanding gods, Levi was sure he'd lose his mind.

He despised the fact that he was being made to work ten times harder. Not only must he work on getting used to his Hub, he now had a new mission to uncover his ancestral skills. It was a lot.

"I'll get to working now, please do not disturb."

[Yes master.]


[Yes, master?]

"Stop calling me master."


Entering his Hub, he was immediately ambushed by the gravity. Just turning his head took him hours on end. The place was still the same, active volcanoes everywhere and at the top of the highest peak there was a mansion.

'The hell?'

[That's your storage house...sir.]

'Alright, Leviathan, marked son of a mysterious god, this should be nothing. Gravity is nothing compared to the hybrid that you are.' He gave himself a peptalk.

He put his arm in front of him and then another—he then attempted to push himself up. There was a little bit of a gap between the scorching ground and his body. A smile flashed across his face.

Sweat trickled all over his little body, it had been an entire week and he was still in the same position. The only difference was that his body was all the way up, the next challenge was to go back down—he intended to use this to make his body stronger.

'Hey Lilith, why don't you tell me about the different gods?'

He needed the distraction from the task staring right back at him. The fact that he could do one pushup in a week told him he could conquer this but it would take time—to ensure he didn't get discouraged he preferred stories to keep himself occupied.

[They're known as the Zodiac gods similar to the astrology in your world. Naturally there are traces of them wherever they visit, which is why your world has some knowledge about them. How that knowledge was diluted to something as insignificant as astrology, your guess is as good as mine.

The afterlife system told you that different universes have different gods that never really interact with each other but that wasn't always the case.

Your previous world's universe is the oldest. That's where life began, from that it expanded to this. The old universe is the ancestral home for all beings, including the gods.]

'That doesn't seem fair, they have magic here we don't.' He complained half way down his second pushup.

[There was sir—still is there, it is just so old that the stories became nothing but legends and superstition or the supernatural as you lot call it. So many of your previous species have lost ways to connect to Gi.

I'm sure there were things science couldn't exactly explain in your previous world. That's because despite it being lost in time, there were a few who still practised the ancient ways. Though I doubt they understood the powers they dabbled in.]

This was all very interesting. It was sad that magic was lost in his previous world, but at the same time glad. He couldn't imagine what humans would've turned earth into had they have access to such powers.

At least in Ancieru, there were different races or species, to keep humans in check. Even though he was once human, Levi didn't trust them with power at all.

One only had to look at human history—the wars, the injustices, the deaths, the plagues, the oppressive systems. Human nature was cruel, tried as they did to hide and manage it.

Levi still found it interesting that their worlds were connected, maybe if he climbed the strength ladder high enough he would be able to go between worlds.

[Only gods can do that.]

'Then I'll become a god.'

[Ha. Ha. Ha. Your humour is unparalleled sir.]

He cringed at how robotic the attempt at laughing was, almost breaking his balance. Levi couldn't understand what was so hard about becoming a god in a world where power was basically slapped in your face.

'Laugh for now. But now that will be my goal, to become a god. We will see just who laughs at the end.'

Zoning out, he concentrated on conquering his territory. If he wanted to be a god this was something he should achieve no matter what.

A lot of time had passed, something zoomed across the active volcanoes. Leaving a trail of magma is it went. At first glance, many would mistake it for a strong gust of wind.

But it was Levi, he came into a stop. It had been an entire year but he'd done it. He was taller and more mascular, he hadn't left his Hub since. These exercises also helped him manage his hunger better.

[You're doing great master...sir...keep it up.]

"I'm still very much behind. Next stop then, my families ancestral skills."