
Reincarnated With The Strongest Bloodline

An unremarkable man, who leads a mediocre life until he discovers that he's the long sought after serial killer. Owing to the secret existence that dwelled within himself, he ends up with two bullets lodged into his skull. Just when he was glad his pathetic life was over; [Greetings and welcome to your afterlife, the incinerator, unclean soul. In your previous life, you carried out several atrocities...] Against his weak protests he is plunged into an unknown world as a forsaken son of a god with the goal of atonement and purification of his soul.

Arrkein · Fantasy
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230 Chs

The First Hybrid

[I'm sorry for the wait master. It seems I've made a grave mistake and for that I apologise.]

"J-just tell me." His voice was hoarse.

[Legend says that while other races have to learn skills from books handed down by from a long line within their race or families—yours was a little bit different.

Your skills are coded in your DNA, you just have to reach deeper and learn. This is also why the races bended together to take out the demons, when they learned that they couldn't stop them from learning techniques, killing them off was the only way to stop their demonic ways.

So master, you have to reach from within to learn a solid foundation otherwise your connection with your race's techniques will be severed from you, for good.]

"Y-you know Lilith, you're making a habit out of not telling me the important things."

[I'm very sorry master.]

He couldn't scold her longer and passed out from the pain. It seemed like all Levi could do after waking up was passing out, he wasn't a fan.

When he awoke next he was extremely hungry again. He was also feeling refreshed, as though the pain from before was imagined. It didn't take long before bumping into another herd.

It was strange at first, eating meat without cooking it but he got used to it pretty quickly. The taste didn't dull just because it wasn't cooked, it was the kind of delicacy he didn't wish to part with.

Levi knew he couldn't leave the cave until he at least broke through the foundation gate. He didn't know what awaited him out there but by how his god parent had treated him so far, he can only imagine it wasn't a good world—it didn't help that he reincarnated into a demon.

"Hey Lilith, is there a difference between the races here and my race? Physical appearance, I'm thinking if I show my face in a town they'll know."

[Very good master, you're being cautious. There are physical differences but you do look more human than say, an Orc?]


He encountered yet another hole full of platinum stones and wiped it clean and continued to walk forward. He was famished, a growing demigod did eat quite a bit, so as he went, he left a chaotic trail of blood, flesh and bones.

"Water!" He practically jumped into the running river.

He hadn't felt fresh water ever since he was reborn. It was dumb of him to just jump in, he wasn't on earth anymore. Lilith frantically scanned the river of any dangers.

"Whoa, I look so different. How the hell am I uglier than my previous life look?"

[You'll grow into your looks master, you haven't awakened your bloodline yet. Once you do, that will shed into something else.]

"I see, though I don't mind this look. I'm used to being the ugly duckling. Why do I look so pale? It's like I have no pigments at all." He said taking a closer look.

[You don't. Makes sense since you can't be out in the sun. There's more stories about your race though this world deemed them fiction.

It says here you can walk in the sun, hybrids have that luxury. You have to access your skill set, once activated your pale skin will be lost and you'll be tanned.]

"Who cares about that, I just want to walk in the sun."

[Then master better stay here for a while and access the skill within your DNA code.]

He nodded in agreement. Taking a bite of the rodent in hand. The minute he did, his eyes changed once again to a bright red and his fangs grew out.

"Whoa that's new." Blood dripped from his fangs, he brought his face closer to the water. Levi had never seen anything like it.

When he stopped feeding the fangs started to shrink, the red eyes started to fade.

"Grey hair? Grey eyes? What are these golden things on my chest and arms?" He was like a child all over again, the curiosity was something he couldn't really contain.

Lilith was still scanning, she heard his questions but she wanted to know if the river was safe first. Relief washed over her when the only dangers laid deep within the river, they wouldn't come on the surface.

[You aren't even supposed to see those. Sigh. Those are your runes. You don't want them unlocked, even as a last resort, so best if you keep them locked up, forever.

Don't be alarmed, when you're feeling bloodlust your eyes will turn a sharp colour of red, drawing your fangs will cause this on a regular but they'll always go back to grey and your hair will change to be a little darker. Maybe platinum once you can walk in the sun.]

"But the runes, what are they?"

[A gift from the gods, a gift that is a curse, which trust me when I tell you never to use it.]

Levi didn't like how Lilith was evasive. But he liked the runes, they were barely visible but he could see the golden lines tracing across his chest, making shapes he couldn't recognise here and there.

"You know Lilith, if these runes come back to bite my behind, I'll make it my life's mission to get you out of my head."

[According to this, you've been marked by your parent. That means whichever god it is, acknowledges you as their child.

In a way, it helps you in dire situations, once activated you can borrow power from your parent. Though if you let it consume you, you'll be lost forever. Not many can wield a god's power, not even hybrids.]

"You mean, Maukin? Why do you keep calling me a hybrid?"

[That corpse over there, the one you buried. I scanned it, while it was mostly of the demonic race, there was something else in it.]

The book is contracted :) gifting is open, golden tickets too, so shower me :). If gifts keep coming I'll consider locking chapters at a very late stage.

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