
Reincarnated with the cursed speech

the most generic thing ever, man dies and gets reincarnated with the cursed

River_music · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Death and Life

In the depths of despair, I endured a life that felt like an unending torment. Cast aside and left to wander the unforgiving streets, I bore the weight of solitude for what seemed like an eternity. Then, as if by some miraculous intervention, I awoke to find myself enveloped in a realm of pristine white. Amidst this ethereal expanse, my gaze fell upon the vision of a woman whose beauty transcended the very fabric of existence. Her captivating presence held me in rapture, though a subtle sense of unease tinged her intense scrutiny.

As she gracefully approaches, a sense of reverence permeates the air, heralding her arrival. With a tender gesture, she bestows a delicate kiss upon my hand, an act imbued with an unspoken elegance that speaks volumes of her timeless wisdom. "You have three wishes" her words flow like a tranquil stream, each syllable carrying the weight of infinite possibilities. Amidst the grandeur of her presence, she gently urges you to articulate your desires, for time is a precious commodity that cannot be understated in the tapestry of her boundless responsibilities.

In the hallowed presence of boundless opportunity, a symphony of thoughts dances within the corridors of your mind, each note a shimmering reflection of my deepest desires. As time unfurls its gentle embrace, i embark on a journey of introspection, delving into the recesses of my heart to unearth the essence of my yearnings. Moments drift like petals on a tranquil breeze, until at last, a radiant clarity illuminates my being, unveiling the profound truth that shall shape the fabric of my wishes.

"I want a system that allows me to use anime templates at will, I want the perfect cursed speech and the power to teleport to any universe!" With a joyful expression, I nod in agreement, confidently affirming that these wishes are not just good choices, but the absolute best. The significance of each wish becomes apparent as I delve into their potential. The template conferred by one wish holds immense practical value in battle, providing a distinct advantage. Meanwhile, the ability to wield a cursed speech transcends mere combat, opening doors to countless other opportunities and applications. Lastly, the power to effortlessly teleport to alternate universes stands as a testament to the limitless possibilities that lay before me. Each wish, carefully selected, carries the promise of boundless potential, ready to shape my destiny in ways that are truly awe-inspiring.

"I see, you shall have those, live a happy life, be a powerful man and be back, I want to talk to you" In a voice filled with pure delight, she utters the words, and with a graceful snap of her fingers, my senses surrender to an all-encompassing embrace of unconsciousness. As I slowly awaken, I find myself immersed in a picturesque landscape, surrounded by the serene beauty of a forest. The air is alive with the gentle rustling of leaves, the melodic chirping of birds, and the distant murmurs of unseen creatures. Each sound weaves together to create a symphony of nature, enveloping me in a world of untamed wonder and mystery. As I take in the sights and sounds of this enchanting realm, a sense of awe and anticipation washes over me, igniting an insatiable curiosity about the secrets that await discovery in this ethereal wilderness.

As I embarked on my leisurely stroll, the world around me seemed to come alive with the harmonious symphony of nature. The gentle caress of the breeze whispered through the foliage, carrying with it the sweet fragrance of blooming wildflowers. The sun, a radiant orb of golden light, bathed the landscape in a warm, ethereal glow, casting long, inviting shadows across the path before me.

Eager curiosity led me onward, and as I rounded a bend, a breathtaking sight unfolded before my eyes. Nestled within the embrace of the verdant countryside lay a sprawling village, its bustling energy palpable even from a distance. The air buzzed with the hum of activity, and the vibrant tapestry of sounds and scents wove a spellbinding allure that pulled me closer.

Stepping into the heart of this bustling hub, I was greeted by a panorama of rustic charm and timeless beauty. Quaint cottages, adorned with cheerful blooms and quaint shutters, beckoned with their cozy allure. The winding streets, flanked by age-old trees and dappled with the golden hues of twilight, seemed to whisper tales of bygone eras and cherished traditions.

It was amidst this enchanting backdrop that my gaze alighted upon a resplendent wooden board, its surface weathered by time and adorned with elegant lettering that proclaimed, "Rimuru Tempest Welcomes You."

"So it turns out that I am in the tensura verse and it seems like rimuru is already a demon lord" With a thoughtful pause, I strolled purposefully in the direction of Rimuru's house. As I made my way, the vibrant energy of the village enveloped me, infusing the air with an unmistakable liveliness. The streets bustled with activity, resonating with the cheerful hum of the community going about their daily routines. The warm sunlight danced through the swaying leaves, casting a golden glow over the picturesque surroundings. It was a scene that spoke of camaraderie and harmony, painting a captivating portrait of a thriving village, my system already explained the template system, it works like this.

[You got 3 slots, you can choose a character to put in a slot, you will receive the powers of it including stamina, durability and etc, you can put multiple characters in the slots, meaning you have the power of 3 characters, if you put 3 of the same the power of the character will be three times bigger (tell me if it's confusing)]

Upon reaching Rimuru's house, I found myself immediately drawn to its charming rustic style. The exterior exuded an inviting warmth, adorned with intricate details that spoke of a rich history and a deep connection to the natural surroundings. As I approached the entrance, I couldn't help but admire the quaint allure of the wooden beams and the earthy tones that adorned the façade.

Entranced by the allure of the dwelling, I found myself opening the door almost instinctively, unable to resist the temptation to explore the interior. The air inside was suffused with a comforting scent, a delightful blend of aged wood and subtle hints of wildflowers. The ambiance was one of understated elegance, with each element of the decor reflecting a harmonious balance between simplicity and beauty. It was a place that beckoned one to linger, offering a glimpse into a world where time seemed to slow down, allowing for moments of quiet contemplation and appreciation of the finer things in life.

--- XXX --- XXX ----

ok I'm really thinking about not writing in this type of text since I'm kinda bad at it! Expect less details in next chapters and some other things, bear it with me and don't abandon the fic because of it!