
Reincarnated with the cursed speech

the most generic thing ever, man dies and gets reincarnated with the cursed

River_music · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Cursed Speech

Before you ask yes there will be netori but netorare is forbidden by me so yeah.

X x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x X

As I stepped into the house, the warm glow of the lights welcomed me, casting a soft, comforting ambiance over the space. In the corner, I caught sight of Rimuru and Shion, their figures bathed in the gentle light, engaged in what seemed to be an earnest conversation. The cozy atmosphere of the house enveloped me, and for a moment, I felt a sense of tranquility wash over me.

However, as I scanned the room, I noticed the absence of the others. The usual bustle and lively chatter that filled the house was notably missing. It dawned on me that they must have been called away on a mission, their absence adding a bittersweet tinge to the otherwise serene scene.

"Who are you? Are you a newcomer?" Rimuru say turning into his usual human form, drawing closer to me with deliberate, unhurried steps, he emanates an aura of calm determination.There is a grace in his approach, a quiet confidence that speaks volumes without the need for words.

As he nears, his demeanor is one of assured restraint. Despite the tension that lingers in the air, there is an unmistakable absence of hostility in his gaze. His eyes, steady and unwavering, convey a message of peace, a silent assurance that his intentions are not rooted in aggression or conflict.

"Yeah, I'm new here, just looking for a place to live..." as I speak I slowly but surely notices something, my voice is deeper and masculine ! after some inspection I have the conclusion that my body changed, I'm way more athletic and beautiful.

After taking a brief pause for contemplation, I made a conscious decision to put my abilities to the test. With a thoughtful expression, I directed my attention towards Rimuru, and offered a warm, genuine smile.

With a focused and deliberate employment of my cursed speech power, I uttered the command "Fall asleep" This action was a calculated display of my ability to influence Rimuru's state of consciousness, compelling them to enter a state of slumber through the manifestation of my supernatural abilities. The execution of this power was a deliberate and intentional act, showcasing my control over the forces at my command.

As Rimuru succumbed to the effects of my cursed speech power and began to drift into a deep slumber, he inadvertently tumbled headfirst towards the unforgiving floor. This unexpected turn of events prompted Shion, who had been observing the scene, to swiftly draw her formidable long sword, her gaze fixing upon me with a mixture of concern and suspicion. The sudden and dramatic sequence of events set off a chain reaction, leading to a tense and charged atmosphere as Shion's reaction signaled a potential confrontation or inquiry into my actions.

With a menacing smile reminiscent of a villain, I taunted Shion with the bold challenge, "You want to fight me? Then come, I will show you my power!" This declaration was accompanied by a palpable air of confidence and a hint of malevolence, setting the stage for a potential clash of forces. As Shion responded by charging towards me with determination, I swiftly use my cursed speech "Stop" This swift and calculated employment of my supernatural ability served as a strategic maneuver to halt Shion's advance and assert my dominance in the unfolding confrontation.

As I fixed my gaze upon Shion once more, a sly and malevolent smile crept across my face, imbuing my countenance with an air of villainy. With a hint of mockery in my tone, I taunted her "What's the problem? Are you forfeiting without even trying?" The subtle inflection in my voice conveyed a sense of derision, amplifying the antagonistic nature of my words. This calculated provocation was coupled with a deliberate, measured step towards her, accentuating the tension and anticipation that lingered in the charged atmosphere.

I uttered my words with a chilling confidence, "Oh, aren't you just cute? You sure are strong, but you can't even dream about beating me." My voice reverberated throughout the room with an ominous resonance, akin to the dark whisper of a malevolent entity. As if to further assert my dominance, I reached out and caressed Shion's face, tracing a chilling path with my fingertips, before planting a haunting, almost mocking, kiss upon her forehead. This unsettling gesture served to underscore the sinister nature of my character, leaving an eerie and foreboding impression in the wake of my actions.

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So, yes, this mc will not be a good guy! He will be free, he will do anything he wishes.

And for the cursed speech power, it's a perfect version, there's no limitations and it doesn't hurt the user at all!