
Chapter 18


"Morning, Laura," Demaris said, trying to sound friendly despite her hostile expression. "I'm going to release you now, but I need you to understand that I'm not here to hurt you. Dr. Kinney and I want to help you, okay?"

Laura's eyes narrowed, but she gave a slight nod, showing she understood. Demaris waved his hand, and the rock cocoon around her crumbled away, setting her free. Laura cautiously stood up, her distrustful gaze never leaving Demaris's face.

Laura clenched her fists, her eyes still fixed on Demaris as she demanded, "Why am I being called Laura? And where are we?"

Just as Demaris was about to reply, Dr. Kinney entered the living room, and Laura's expression softened as she saw her, relieved that the woman was alive and free of the target scent that had been driving her mad. Sarah stepped closer to her daughter, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Your name is Laura and you are actually my daughter," Sarah began, her voice trembling with emotion. "You see, I used Wolverine's DNA to create you, which makes him... well, kind of your father. He doesn't know about you yet, though."

Sarah glanced at Demaris and continued, "We're safe here, Laura. Demaris saved us from the Hydra facility. We owe him our lives."

Laura scoffed, rubbing her sore jaw where Demaris had landed a punch during their fight. "That beating I took didn't feel much like being saved," she muttered, still not entirely convinced of Demaris's intentions.

Demaris, understanding her skepticism, responded, "I know it might not seem like it, but I had to make sure you weren't a threat to Dr. Kinney or anyone else. I promise, Laura, I'm on your side."

Laura hesitated, her gaze darting between Demaris and her mother. She could see the trust in Sarah's eyes, and finally decided to let her guard down, at least for now.

Demaris extended a hand toward Laura and introduced himself. "I'm Demaris Etherton. It seems like we're the same age."

Laura studied him for a moment before shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you, I guess," she replied cautiously.

Demaris offered them a small smile, then continued, "I need to study for school now, so I'll be in my workshop. You won't be able to access it, but if you need anything, you can reach me through my AI, Sorceress." He then gestured to a small device on the table. "Please, don't leave the apartment."

Over the next few days, Demaris divided his time between studying and getting to know the mother-daughter duo better. Laura was gradually adjusting to her first taste of a peaceful life, and both she and Sarah were slowly opening up to Demaris.

Throughout this time, Demaris's phone was constantly buzzing with messages from Natasha. He didn't have time for her persistent inquiries relating to the explosion in Hells Kitchen, so he simply responded that he was busy.

The atmosphere in the apartment became warmer and more comfortable as the days went by. Demaris, Sarah, and Laura were forming a bond, and it seemed that, for the time being, they could all find solace in one another's company.

As the days passed, Demaris knew it was time for him to return to Ilvermorny. He had now mastered 1st, 2nd, and 3rd-year materials and was starting to work on the 4th-year curriculum. He intended to inquire about early graduation once he arrived at the school.

Before leaving, he made sure to explain everything to Sarah and Laura. "Sorceress has a robotic body and can leave the apartment to get your food," he said, pointing to the AI assistant. "You won't have to worry about that."

He then went on to explain the security system he had put in place. "I've set up magic circles in the hallway leading to the apartment. If someone has malicious thoughts directed at the apartment or the people inside, they'll be rendered unconscious and disposed of by the security system."

Demaris continued, "Once my purchase of the building goes through, I'll turn the whole place into a fortress. You'll both be safe here."

"Oh and one more thing," Demaris realizes something, "you can send me messages through sorceress if you need my help with anything and I'll teleport back here."

With everything in place, Demaris prepared to leave for Ilvermorny. Sarah and Laura expressed their gratitude for his help and protection, and they all exchanged heartfelt farewells. As Demaris walked out the door, he couldn't help but feel a strong connection to the mother and daughter he'd come to know, and he looked forward to seeing them again when he returned.

Demaris decided to skip all the pomp and ceremony of returning to school by mundane means, remembering his kidnapping by Hydra the last time. Instead, he opted to teleport to the forest near Ilvermorny and walked the rest of the way to the school.

Upon arriving, he entered his dorm room and found that only Lawrence Candlenut had arrived so far. Lawrence had long, wavy hair the color of dark chocolate, which framed his olive-skinned face and piercing green eyes.

"Demaris!" Lawrence exclaimed in surprise. "I didn't think you'd come back, considering… well, you know."

Demaris nodded, understanding the unspoken words. "I know you sold me out to Hydra, Lawrence. But I also know you were blackmailed."

Lawrence looked down, shame and guilt written all over his face. "I'm so sorry, Demaris. I didn't want to, but they threatened my family. Thank you for saving my sister and alerting the authorities to protect my parents."

Demaris offered him a small smile. "It's all right, Lawrence. We all do things we're not proud of when our loved ones are in danger. I forgive you. Let's move past this and focus on our studies, okay?"

Lawrence's eyes widened with gratitude, and he extended his hand to Demaris. "Thank you, Demaris. I promise I won't let you down again."

Demaris shook Lawrence's hand, sealing their newfound bond. The two boys, now connected by a shared experience, settled into their dorm room and prepared for the new school term.

As Demaris and Lawrence were settling into their dorm room when suddenly, the door swung open, and Zak Stone, the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor, barged in. His eyes locked onto Demaris immediately.

"Demaris! I'm glad you made it back safely!" Zak exclaimed, relief evident in his voice. "I'd heard about the MACUSA Aurors taking in rescued kids from a mundane torture facility. I thought you were present, but the Auror said you disappeared after destroying the facility."

Demaris raised his eyebrows in surprise, not expecting the Aurors to know it was him. "They knew it was me?"

Zak nodded. "Yes, and they're quite eager to speak with you. The Headmaster and some Aurors are waiting for you in the Headmaster's office."

Demaris exchanged a glance with Lawrence, uncertainty flickering in his eyes. "I suppose I should go," he said, getting up from his seat.

Lawrence patted him on the shoulder. "You'll be fine, Demaris. Just tell them the truth."

Demaris traversed the school and entered the Headmaster's office, where several Aurors and Headmaster Cordia Hold were waiting for him. The office was adorned with various magical artifacts, and the walls were lined with shelves filled with books on every subject imaginable. The atmosphere in the room was tense as the Aurors studied Demaris, but he maintained a calm demeanor, drawing upon his past life's experiences as an emperor and his tremendous political acumen.

One of the Aurors stepped forward, a stern expression on her face. "Demaris, we're asking you to please cooperate with our investigation. We need to know what happened at that facility. How did you come across it, and how were you able to eliminate the threat?"

Instead of answering directly, Demaris skillfully gives vague details, "I did what I had to do to preserve my life and the lives of the other kids and mutants. That's all there is to it."

The Auror pressed on, undeterred by his deflection. "And what of the Hydra personnel you encountered? How did you manage to defeat them?"

Demaris remained unfazed, maintaining his composure. "As I said, I did what I had to do. I don't believe I need to provide any more information than that."

Growing frustrated, the Auror tried once more. "What about the other prisoners? Did you find any evidence that could lead us to other Hydra facilities?"

Demaris held his ground. "Unless you have a warrant or the magical equivalent, I don't believe I need to be here." He turned to leave, but then stopped and addressed the Headmaster.

"Headmaster Hold, I'd like to inquire about the possibility of graduating early."

Headmaster Hold, clearly annoyed with Demaris's behavior, replied curtly, "You'll need to sit the OWLs, and if you want any job in the wizarding world, you'll also need to sit the NEWTs."

Demaris nodded, undeterred by the Headmaster's irritation. "What year's curriculum do I need to have completed to take the exams?"

"Normally, fifth years take the OWLs and seventh years take the NEWTs," the Headmaster explained, his voice growing colder with each word.

Demaris took the information in stride, already formulating a plan in his mind. Thanking the Headmaster and the Aurors, he left the office, determined to achieve his goals and protect those he cared about, no matter the obstacles that stood in his way.

As Demaris exited the Headmaster's office, Zak, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, chased after him. "Demaris, wait!" he called out, concern etched on his face. "Why were you so rude to the Aurors? They were just trying to do their job."

Demaris sighed and decided to be frank with Zak. After all, the professor was helping him investigate his biological father in this world. "Zak, I was sold out by the magical world to that facility where I was tortured and experimented on. I need to be careful now about who has information about me and who doesn't, not that i seem to be in control of that."

Zak nodded solemnly, understanding Demaris's position. Zak then gives a quick update on Sirius, that he is being stonewalled on all the official channels. With that, Demaris returned to the dorm, where all of his roommates had now arrived. The boys eyed him curiously as he entered, their expressions a mix of intrigue and apprehension.

Demaris greeted his roommates, Nolan Minks, Rolland Griffin, Evert Nettle, Tom Lace, and Lawrence Candlenut, once more. Acknowledging the tension in the air but determined to make the best of the situation. The boys exchanged glances before cautiously returning the greeting, each aware of the extraordinary circumstances surrounding their enigmatic roommate. Though Lawrence is much cheerier having already spoken to Demaris.

The atmosphere in the dorm room was thick with unease as the boys shared stories of their time on Christmas break. Each of them was acutely aware of Demaris's situation, as the whole of the wizarding world now knew about him and the other children rescues from that facility. Conversations were somewhat stilted, with the boys awkwardly skirting around the topic of Demaris's recent ordeal.

As Demaris listened to their stories, he made a mental note to sue MACUSA for the breach of information regarding his involvement in the facility's destruction. He understood the need for the public to be informed, but he felt that his privacy had been violated in the process.

The night wore on, and eventually, the boys began to tire. One by one, they changed into their pajamas and climbed into their beds, the room gradually falling silent. Demaris, too, settled into his bed, but sleep didn't come easily. His mind raced with thoughts of the events that had transpired, the lawsuit he planned to file, and the challenges that lay ahead.

As the dorm room filled with the soft sounds of his roommates' steady breathing, Demaris finally closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, hoping for a reprieve from the weight of the world that seemed to rest on his young shoulders.

Did he have to bear the burdens of the world? No, but the faces of countless innocents perishing by the hands of demons has left Demaris doing all that he can to ensure nothing of that nature will ever happen here. Though he was limited in his past life, even with technomancy, he will not be limited in this life.


Over the next few weeks, Demaris settled into a comfortable routine. Each morning, he would wake up early to exercise, pushing himself to maintain his physical strength and endurance. Afterward, he would attend classes, absorbing the knowledge and honing his magical skills. Once his classes were over for the day, Demaris would dive into studying ahead, eager to master the fourth-year materials.

As he delved deeper into his magical education, Demaris found himself grateful for the new magic he was learning. In his past life, his magic had been entirely element-based, which, while powerful, was limited in some ways. Spells like Alohomora, which unlocked doors, were shocking to him as they were non-elemental. With elemental magic, he could pick locks or blast a door open, but the Alohomora spell simply had the door unlock itself – a more subtle and refined approach.

Recognizing the value of sharing knowledge, Demaris began hosting a study group for first through fourth-year students. His reputation as an advanced learner drew a crowd, and soon, the study group became a popular gathering for students seeking to improve their magical abilities. Even some fifth through seventh-year students would occasionally drop by, driven by curiosity and a desire to learn from the young prodigy.

The study group quickly became a hub of magical learning and camaraderie, as students from various years and backgrounds came together to share their knowledge and grow in their magical prowess. And through it all, Demaris continued to push himself, determined to master the new magic that had been introduced to him in this world.

Demaris stood at the front of the room, his brow furrowed in concentration as he demonstrated the proper wand movement for the Levitation Charm. The study group had grown in size, now comfortably hosting 45 students who eagerly absorbed his knowledge and guidance.

A hush fell over the group as they watched Demaris effortlessly levitate a quill in the air, making it dance gracefully from one side of the room to the other. He released the charm and allowed the quill to gently float back to the table.

"Remember, it's all about the swish and flick," Demaris instructed, emphasizing the movements with his wand. "Now, everyone give it a try."

The students eagerly practiced the charm, their wands swishing and flicking in the air as they attempted to levitate various objects. Demaris moved through the room, offering words of encouragement and correcting their technique where needed. He could see the determination in their eyes, and it brought a sense of pride and fulfillment to him.

As he approached a small group of second-year students, he noticed one girl struggling to levitate a feather. Her frustration was evident as the feather remained stubbornly glued to the tabletop.

"Here, let me help you," Demaris said gently, positioning himself beside her. "You're almost there, but you need to focus more on the flick at the end of the motion."

The girl looked up at him, her eyes wide with admiration and gratitude. With renewed determination, she attempted the charm again, this time successfully lifting the feather off the table. A beaming smile spread across her face as she looked at Demaris.

"Thank you!" she exclaimed, her excitement infectious.

"You're welcome," Demaris replied, smiling back at her. "Just remember to keep practicing, and you'll get even better."

As the study session continued, Demaris assisted more students, sharing his knowledge and expertise with patience and understanding. He found himself enjoying these moments, feeling a connection to his fellow students and a sense of belonging that had eluded him in his past life.

As the session drew to a close, Demaris addressed the group. "Great work today, everyone. Keep practicing, and I'll see you all at the next study session."

The students began to pack up their belongings, chatting excitedly about their progress and exchanging words of gratitude to Demaris. As they filed out of the room, Demaris felt a warm satisfaction settle in his chest. He was not only helping his fellow students improve their magical abilities but also forging friendships and connections that would last a lifetime.

The following day, Demaris sat in the Great Hall, enjoying a leisurely breakfast with his friends. As they laughed and discussed their plans for the day, Demaris couldn't help but feel content with his current situation. Despite the challenges he had faced, he had found a sense of purpose and belonging at Ilvermorny.

Just as he was finishing his meal, a small, excited group of first-year students approached him.

"Demaris!" one of them exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "We've been practicing the Levitation Charm you taught us yesterday, and we've gotten so much better!"

Demaris smiled at their excitement, feeling a swell of pride at their progress. "That's fantastic! I'm glad to see you're putting in the effort. Keep up the good work."

Soon after, Demaris found himself strolling down the hallway of Ilvermorny, the excitement of the weekend buzzing in the air. Since today was a Saturday, he decided to check out the Dueling Club that he had heard so much about. As he entered the room, he observed the various students sparring, their faces set in fierce determination.

The older students noticed him standing at the entrance, and their eyes widened with excitement. They had heard whispers about Demaris's impressive skills in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, and they were eager to challenge him.

"Hey, Demaris!" called one of the older students, a tall, broad-shouldered boy with a cocky grin. "Why don't you join us for a duel? We've all heard about your skills, and we're curious to see them in action."

Demaris hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. He didn't want to reveal too much about his abilities, but at the same time, he wanted to test himself against his peers. Deciding to accept the challenge, he nodded and stepped forward. He will only use the magic he's learned at Ilvermorny, up to what a fourth-year would know.

The older students exchanged amused glances, clearly underestimating him. Unbeknownst to them, Demaris's extensive combat experience would give him a significant edge, even with his self-imposed limitations.

The first challenger stepped forward, a confident smirk on his face. He was a tall, lanky sixth-year with a shock of red hair and a mischievous glint in his eyes. The duel began with a flick of his wand and shouted, "Expelliarmus!"

Demaris quickly dodged the spell, countering with a well-aimed "Stupefy!" The redheaded boy barely managed to block the spell, his eyes widening with surprise at Demaris's speed and precision.

The duel continued, with Demaris effortlessly avoiding or deflecting each spell thrown his way. His movements were fluid and graceful, his reflexes sharp as he responded to each attack with a perfectly executed counter. The older students watched in awe, their initial smirks replaced by expressions of admiration and respect.

Demaris maintained his composure as he faced each challenger, determined not to let his guard down. His wand flicked and swished with practiced ease, the magical energy crackling around him as he focused on each duel.

The second challenger was a muscular seventh-year with a shaved head and a smug grin. He charged forward, shouting, "Petrificus Totalus!" Demaris sidestepped the spell, his body moving like water. He countered with a "Flipendo!", sending the older boy crashing to the ground.

The crowd gasped as the seventh-year struggled to regain his footing, surprise and frustration evident on his face. Demaris kept his expression neutral, waiting for the next challenger to take their place on the platform.

A lean, athletic fifth-year stepped forward, her long, dark hair tied back in a tight ponytail. Her eyes flashed with determination as she raised her wand, sending a barrage of spells Demaris's way. He parried and dodged, his reflexes razor-sharp. With a well-timed "Expelliarmus!", he disarmed her, and she stepped back, conceding defeat.

As the duels continued, whispers and murmurs filled the room, with the students marveling at Demaris's skill and agility. His movements were a mesmerizing dance of grace and power, a combination of fluidity and precision that left his opponents in awe.

The final challenger, a tall sixth-year with a mop of curly hair and a calculating glint in his eyes, squared off against Demaris. The duel was intense, with both students evenly matched in skill and strategy. Their wands clashed, spells sizzling and crackling in the air as they fought for the upper hand.

Demaris felt sweat beading on his brow. This opponent was pushing him to his limits, forcing him to rely on every ounce of his magical knowledge and experience, but it was the perfect opportunity to perfect his non-elemental magic.

In a daring move, Demaris feinted to the left with the Expelliarmus wand movement, drawing the sixth-year's attention away for a split second. Seizing the opportunity, he cast a quick "Rictusempra!", catching his opponent off guard. The sixth-year stumbled, laughter bubbling uncontrollably from his lips as the tickling charm took effect. Demaris followed up with a "Stupefy!", rendering his final challenger unconscious.

As Demaris stood triumphant on the dueling platform, the room erupted in applause and cheers. His fellow students flocked around him, clapping him on the back and offering words of admiration and praise.

"You're incredible, Demaris!" one student gushed. "I've never seen anyone fight like that before."

"Thanks," Demaris replied, a modest smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I appreciate the support."

The Dueling Club's president approached Demaris, an impressed grin on his face. "That was a truly remarkable performance, Demaris. We'd be honored if you'd consider joining our ranks."

Demaris nodded, accepting the invitation. He knew that the Dueling Club would provide him with even more opportunities to test his abilities and continue honing his magical skills.

A few weeks later, Demaris felt he had mastered all the materials though fifth year. So Demaris stood outside Headmaster Cordia Hold's office, his expression calm and collected despite the significance of the meeting he was about to have. He had spent months poring over textbooks, mastering spells, and refining his magical abilities. Now, at the age of twelve, he felt confident that he was ready to take his OWLs.

With a deep breath, he raised his hand and knocked on the heavy wooden door. A moment later, the door swung open to reveal the stern but dignified face of Headmaster Hold.

"Ah, Mr. Etherton," she said, her voice firm but not unkind. "Come in, please."

Demaris stepped into her office, which was filled with shelves of ancient tomes, magical artifacts, and a large mahogany desk piled high with parchment. He took a seat in front of the desk as the headmaster settled into her chair.

"Now, what brings you here today?" she asked, eyeing him curiously.

"I've come to request permission to sit for my OWL exams this year," Demaris replied, his voice steady and confident.

Headmaster Hold raised her eyebrows, clearly surprised by his request. "You do realize that OWLs are typically taken by fifth-year students, Mr. Etherton? You are only in your second year."

"I understand that, Headmaster," Demaris said, nodding respectfully. "However, I've been studying diligently and have already mastered the material covered in years one through five. I believe I am fully prepared to take the exams."

The headmaster studied him for a moment, her expression thoughtful. "I must admit, Mr. Etherton, your progress has been quite remarkable. But the OWLs are not simply a test of knowledge – they are designed to measure a student's ability to apply that knowledge in practical situations. Are you certain you are prepared for such a challenge?"

Demaris met her gaze, his eyes steady and unflinching. "Yes, Headmaster. I am certain."

Headmaster Hold leaned back in her chair, her fingers tapping lightly on the desk as she considered his request. After a moment, she let out a small sigh and nodded.

"Very well, Mr. Etherton. I will grant you permission to take the OWL exams this year. However, I must warn you that failure to achieve satisfactory results could have serious consequences for your academic standing."

"I understand, Headmaster," Demaris said, his voice full of gratitude. "I assure you, I will not disappoint."

"See that you don't," she replied, her tone firm but not unkind. "Now, off you go. I will inform the examiners of your request."

With a respectful nod, Demaris rose from his chair and left the headmaster's office. As he walked down the hallway, he couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. He knew that the exams would be challenging, but he was more than ready to face them head-on.

Over the next few weeks, Demaris threw himself into his studies, reviewing the material and practicing spells until he could perform them flawlessly. He was determined to prove that he was capable of passing the OWLs, not just for himself, but for all those who had doubted him.

And when the day of the exams finally arrived, Demaris walked into the testing room with his head held high, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The next two weeks were a whirlwind of exams for Demaris. Each morning, he arrived at the testing rooms with a steely determination, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. He tackled every exam, both theory and practical, with the same unwavering confidence that had carried him through his studies.

The examiners, a group of ancient-looking witches and wizards from MACUSA, watched Demaris closely as he demonstrated his mastery of each subject. They seemed to be both impressed and somewhat wary of the young prodigy, who was attempting to sit for the exams years ahead of his peers.

On the first day of the exams, Demaris found himself in the Charms testing room. The morning session consisted of a written exam, where he effortlessly answered questions about the history and theory behind various charms. He recalled the incantations and wand movements for spells such as "Wingardium Leviosa," "Accio," and "Lumos" with ease.

In the afternoon, the practical exam commenced. Demaris confidently performed a series of charms under the watchful eyes of the examiners. He levitated a feather, summoned a book from across the room, and illuminated the tip of his wand without a hitch. The ancient-looking witches and wizards nodded their approval, impressed by his skill and finesse.

The following days were similarly challenging yet rewarding. Demaris tackled Transfiguration, transforming a matchstick into a needle and a mouse into a teacup. In Herbology, he quickly identified various magical plants, such as Gillyweed and Mandrakes, and demonstrated the proper care and handling techniques.

Defense Against the Dark Arts posed no challenge for Demaris either. He expertly performed defensive spells like "Protego" and "Expelliarmus," as well as more advanced techniques such as the Patronus Charm. His theoretical knowledge was impeccable, discussing the strategies to counter Dark creatures like Dementors and Boggarts.

The second week of exams began with Potions, where Demaris brewed complex concoctions such as the Draught of Living Death and Felix Felicis. He carefully measured ingredients and followed precise instructions, resulting in perfect potions that impressed the examiners.

Care of Magical Creatures saw Demaris demonstrate his knowledge of various magical creatures, such as Hippogriffs, Nifflers, and Bowtruckles. He discussed their habitats, behaviors, and the proper approach to handling them. In the practical portion, he calmly approached a Hippogriff, bowing respectfully before offering it a treat.

The Astronomy exam tested Demaris's knowledge of celestial bodies and their movements. He accurately mapped star constellations and calculated the precise positions of various planets. During the midnight practical exam, he effortlessly navigated the night sky using a telescope, identifying key celestial features with ease.

Divination was an intriguing subject for Demaris, but he felt the future was best left uncertain. He decided to not sit those exams.

Finally, in Arithmancy and Muggle Studies, Demaris showcased his exceptional understanding of both magical and non-magical subjects. He solved complex numerical problems related to magical properties and demonstrated an impressive grasp of Muggle technology and culture.

Throughout the entire testing process, Demaris proved himself to be a formidable and well-rounded wizard, deftly handling each challenge with grace and expertise. It was no wonder, then, that when the results were finally announced, he had earned an Outstanding in every subject, solidifying his reputation as a truly exceptional young wizard.

He had done it. He had passed his OWLs with flying colors, proving once and for all that he was more than ready to face the challenges of advanced magical study.

As word spread of Demaris's incredible achievement, his fellow students couldn't help but be awed by the young prodigy. They whispered about his remarkable talents and speculated on just how far he might go in the wizarding world.

For his part, Demaris remained humble and focused on his studies. He knew that there was still much to learn and many challenges to overcome. But with his OWL results in hand, he had taken a significant step forward on his path to greatness.

And as he continued his journey through Ilvermorny, Demaris knew that he could face whatever obstacles lay ahead, armed with the knowledge and determination that had carried him this far.

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