
Return & Cullens

After a long talk with Kal-El, Zod walked back with his answer.

"We will terraform this... Mars, into New Krypton." he said.

"Good." I said as I started to feel my energy acting up. "I'll be returning to my isolation to improve my control over my powers, so I hope you can help me protect this little blue ball." I said, leaning down to pat the ground.

"We will. And you are both welcome on NK at any time." Zod said as he walked away.

"So you are leaving as well?" Kal-El asked.

"Yes. My Maji powers are still a work in progress, so I'll see you later, Kal." I said as I was sucked into another portal.

"That proves it. He really is a Maji." Zod said as he boarded his ship.

"So... we're really at peace?" Kal-El asked.

"Yes. Car-Vex, what are you just standing there smiling for?" Zod asked.

"Nothing, sir!...I just think he's kinda hot..." Car-Vex said, talking about the departed Magi.

With a nod, Zod ordered "Get aboard the ship."

"Umhm, yes, sir." Car-Vex answered as she followed him.


'Well, it seems I can only stay in other universes for a short time before I'm pulled back.' I thought before I was tackled by a small body. Looking down, I noticed Alice had a death grip on me.

"Alice? What are you...?" I started to ask before she interrupted me through her sobs.

"WHERE WERE YOU?! I couldn't see you! You disappeared and I couldn't see you in the future anymore?! Your scent disappeared right here, and I couldn't find where you went after that!" she stuttered out.

"You couldn't see me in the future, huh? Or smell me?" I asked her. She froze.

"...well, I, uh..." she struggled to say before I interrupted her.

"I already know, little pixie. Calm down. You're a vampire with future sight. I don't care that you aren't human." I said as I rubbed her back and head.

"...you, what? Really?" she asked, shocked.

"Yes. Now, can you let me go so I can take you back home?" I asked after seeing the date and time on my wall clock. I was gone for exactly 12 hours. The time difference was 1:1.

"Can't I stay here with you? I already missed school because I thought I lost you, and since you know everything, being alone with me shouldn't be an issue anymore, right?" she asked, hopefully.

"I suppose so. As for where I was, I went to another universe for a while. I just got back to be tackled by you." I said with a smirk as her grip tightened.

"Another universe?? I can't see you when you leave! You have to take me with you when you go!" she demanded.

"I can only try, Alice. I don't know if I even CAN take someone else with me when I go." I admitted.

"Fine. But at least WARN me before you go next time. I really thought I lost you." she whispered the last part into my chest.

"I will. But in my defense, that was the first time I traveled. Now let's go meet your family. I'm assuming your mother still wants to meet me." I said.

"Yes, she does." Alice said, still not letting me go.


"Mom, I'm home." Alice yelled out as we walked through the door.

"Alice. I'm in the kitchen. Did you find him?" Esme yelled out.

"Ya, she found me. Its not like you couldn't hear my heartbeat or smell me." I said at a normal volume.

Everything went quite before we reached the kitchen.

"Nice to meet you, Esme. I was busy testing something, but it seems to have blocked Alice's powers while i was using it." I said as I sat down, pulling Alice around from my side, where she still held me, onto my lap.

"You know about us?" Esme asked while looking between Alice and myself.

"Yes. I knew before today, so don't blame Alice for anything." I said with a smile.

"How?" she asked.

"I'll probably explain that at a later date." was all I said before looking around the house. 'The movies did this house zero justice.'

"So, can we hang out now?" Alice asked.

"Yes, little pixie. But not in public until you're eighteen on paper." I said.

"Okay! Let's go hang out in my room before everyone gets home from school. There's still a couple hours." Alice said, dragging me up the stairs.


[A few hours later]

"Here they come." I said aloud.

"Yes. You can hear them from this far away? They just pulled into the driveway." Alice said in astonishment.

"Of course. I wonder how they will react to my presence." I thought aloud.

"I don't know, but it will be funny." Esme said from downstairs.


"A human is here." Rosalie said as she stepped out of her car.

"It's Hadrian, Alice's mate." Edward said.

"And how do you know that?" Jasper asked.

"I can hear Esme's and Alice's thoughts from out here." was all he said.

"""Spoil sport.""" they heard from three people, inside.

"How did he hear us?" Edythe asked.

"The answer is nonya." I said from inside.

"That's no fair! I want to know how you can hear us from out here." Emmett said.

"Hmm. If you can catch me, I'll tell you. You have one hour." I said as I princess carried Alice out her window as I flew out her window as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.

After reaching a hight above the house, I looked back to see everyone with their heads poking out Alice's window, staring at us.

"Remember, one hour." I said as I flew even higher.

"NO FAIR!" Emmett yelled as I busted out laughing.