
Chapter 31

Selene and Coloman knew they had to wake up Victor now or chances are Kraven will kill him.While Marcus was in sleep,but because of the protection charms from Fenris it was almost impossible to kill him.They also have people ready for when Amelia's group is attacked.

They made their way to the chamber room,as

Selene and Coloman enters a narrow room lined with marble benches. It's cold as hell in here, quiet. She strolls up to a large mirror and stares at her reflection. BZZZ! It becomes transparent.

The Guardian of the Crypt peers out from a security booth on the opposite side of the glass. He knows exactly why they were here. Selene and Coloman nods a thanks as he hits a button.

The opposite wall splits in half to reveal a thick Plexiglas window. She slowly approaches it, peers into-THE CRYPT,Which was darkly lit, cavernous, with a countersunk area crafted of polished granite. In the center of this lower area, housed within a concentric pattern of interwoven Celtic circles, are three very special hatches; each ornately engraved with a single letter:

There's a V for Viktor, an M for Marcus and an A for Amelia. These are the tombs of the vampire elders.

Coloman looked at Selene gesturing her to open Viktors tomb

Selene is crouched_over Viktor's tomb. She turns a heavy latch, CLICK-CLICK-THUD! gas spews as the seal is broken.Then sounds CHINK-CHINK-CHINK. A large metal slab motors upwards, pivoting smoothly on its axis as it emerges from the tomb. KER-CHtJNK!

It SNAPS into place horizontal to the floor. Laid out on the slab is Viktor. He resembles a mummy, dried,withered, not much more than a collection of fragile bones shrink-wrapped in leatherized skin.His arms and neck are mottled with metallic implants, the female components of an elaborate intravenous feeding system.

Selene tugs an ornate contraption made of twisted metal and curved glass from the side of the tomb drawer. This is the CATALYST DRIP. She positions it over Viktor's face.

Then, raising her arm, she bites deeply into her wrist, tearing open a rather nasty wound!

She squeezes the wound, letting drops of blood splatter into a tiny bowl on the catalyst drip. We follow the blood as it flows down through a delicate spiral of glass and silver.

On the Catalysts drip, as Selene's blood continues to flow through the delicate spiral. A shimmering drop forms at the end, dangles precariously. A beat. Gravity finally takes hold. The drop plummets through space and time and splats on Viktor's lips.

Selene didn't worry about Viktor being turned by her,since her blood was sealed from turning someone by Fenris,it was security measure since she practically stays with Viktor and Kraven.

Normally Blood memories is an ability possessed by the Vampire Elders,who has skills to organize their thoughts and memories into a clear cohesive vision, a detailed record of their reign, which they can impart on another Elder with the giving of their blood. Taken from an Immortal without these skills, the memories are chaotic and without a sense of time, disorienting even to an Elder.

Selene was trained by Fenris and Sonja to master this such that she can now fully control which memories other's could see.Selene made sure some of her fake memories are chaotic otherwise Viktor would be suspicious because the ability to sort blood memories is not a an easy-to-use skill and it takes centuries to master it.

The blood splatters the back of Viktor's throat, starts seeping into the dried flesh.As his withered cells greedily soak up the magic elixir. Dead cells begin to quiver, slowly at first, then faster, sparking to life at a geometric rate. Ancient capillaries snap taunt.Slowly Viktor would be back to life,but due to Selene giving chaotic blood memories,these images will be chaotic, disturbing, and constantly hounded by Organic glitching effects.