
Reincarnated In Pokemon World(Paused)

Ranked 79th in fantasy carnival. My second work although first isn't finished. I hope you guys give it your love as readers. Synopsis:- A teenage boy died. The End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Just kidding And he got reincarnated in Pokemon world as son of the richest parents in that world. But this world is a lot cruel then what is shown in anime will our mc can survive with is kind behaviour? Read to find out more My entry for fantasy carnival. (Begging) Please show some love, Please. Tags:- Comedy, crossdressing(only in volume 1 and may come in further chapters), romance, harem, R-18, ecchi, rich mc, evolution, possesive characters, slice of life Note: English is not my first language Catching girls will be more easier for mc than Pokemon The Biggest Harem ever in the Universe of Pokemon Cove art doesn't belong to me.

Siddharth_Sahoo_01 · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
66 Chs

Poor Totem Pokemon

After I got hurt, all of my pokemon came out of their pokeball and started attacking the Totem Pokemon. Lana told Popplio to use bubble beam and Mallow told bounsweet to use magical leaf. Serena took out her fennekin and comfey to use flamethrower and petal blizzard.

My water types other than magikarp, attacked with water pulse or hydro pump, fire type and Aerodactyl with flamethrower or overheat, Grass type with Solar beam, Darkrai and Zoroark with Dark pulse.

The most unexpected thing happened when Olivia brought out her lycanroc and use rock type z-move, Continental Crush.

Poor Wishiwashi.

This caused the shape of whole lake to change appearance. After sometime, when the water calmed down, countless hurt wishiwashi came flouting over the ground.

"It was wishiwashi that caused this whole?" Serena almost shouted as she didn't have thaught that the pokemon they were feared of and didn't knew about was a whole school of wishiwashi and they are preety badly hurt.

"I am sorry. If I have told you that they are wishiwashi and haven't pushed you by accident...." Olivia said with tears still in her eyes.

"It ok. And you said that it was accident yourself so you don't have to necessarily take responsibility" I said wiping tears off from her face.

While I was trying to stop her tears, my actions caused her to cry even more.I hugged her and started patting her back, trying to console her.

"Serena, Lillie, Mallow and Lana there is medicine in my bag. Use that to bandage wishiwashi" I said still patting her Olivia's back.

"Are you sure?" Lana asked

"About what?" I asked

"About treating wishiwashi, because they hurt you" Mallow said

"They didn't do it intentionally. There was a z-crystal there and they were just trying to protect it like they should be" after I said that, everyone else than Olivia moved and started doing wishiwashi's first aid.

"Stop. How long are you gonna cry for?" I said

"I am sorry" Olivia only said this

"I am only gonna forgive you if you tell me why were you ignoring me?"

"Because I like you" Olivia said in a barely audible voice which I heard because I am in her arms.

"What? I didn't heard you properly" I said even though I heard her clearly. This is payback for ignoring me.

"Like I said, I like you" Olivia said with red cheeks more red than a tomato and this time in a more audible voice than before but not enough so the others can hear her.

"Why were you ignoring me if you like me?" I asked

"Because you are so small. Even if it's not illegal, it's not good for an adult woman to love a kid" Olivia said

What she said also has a point at some part so I can't be angry at her

"What if I also like you?" I asked

"You mean...."

"But, I also like other girls and they also like me. I can't leave anyone for one girl. So, do you agree?" I asked

"I don't mind but what if others think that...."

"I don't care about anyone other than the person I love, including you" I said interrupting her in middle, again. As I said this, her face turned more red.

If it was an anime, I think that I could have seen steam coming out of Olivia's head.

Olivia didn't said anything and took the medicine form my bag and started dressing my wound. During the whole time, I kept looking at her and she looked at me sometimes only. Whenever she looked at me, her face turned red. She is too cute.

The wishiwashi gave Lana a Waterium Z after girls put medicine on their wound.

On our way back, Olivia tried to avoid direct eye contact with me but whenever our eyes meet, her fame became red.


During midnight,

I went out of the big room as Serena, Lillie, Mallow and Lana were sleeping in my room. They said that it was to take care of me.

I went out as I couldn't sleep.

Outside, I saw Olivia sitting on ground.

I quietly sneaked behind her and put my hands on her eyes.

"What are you doing Sid?" Olivia asked

"I didn't even say anything and you guessed that it is me"

"Well, anyone else doesn't this close to me because I am island kahuna"

"I don't think that the reason was that you are a island kahuna" I said sitting beside her

"Than what's the reason?" Olivia asked

"Because they knew that you are already made for someone else" as I said this, a blush appeard on her face.

"Is that so?"

"Yes it is.

So, why are you awake at this hour?" I asked

"I couldn't sleep, and why are you awake. You should rest judging by your condition"

"I also couldn't sleep"


"I don't know. Maybe because of pain.

And why are you awake?"

"I was thinking about someone"

"You should have just said that you were thinking about me instead of saying someone"

"It was not you" Olivia said in a tsundere style

"Than who was it?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because my girlfriend is thinking about any other man than me" as I said this, Olivia turned red.

"Who is your girlfriend?" Olivia asked, still maintaining her tsundere style


"I never agreed to become your girlfriend"

"But I want you to become my girlfriend"


"Because I also like you" Olivia turned even redder after hearing me.

"I was thinking that what your parents will think when they know about us" Olivia said putting her hand on my shoulder and bringing herself close to me, putting my head on her chest

"You don't have to worry about that. Even if don't agree right away, they will agree of it later on as they love me a lot" I said

"I hope that they agree"

"Don't worry, they will" as I looked at her, I saw that she felt asleep. She looks cute even while sleeping.

I took her in my arms, even if it hurts. and took her inside of the room make put her on the bed with the others.

"I love you all" I said looking towards all of them.












have recently donated power stones