
Reincarnated in Pokemon as an experiment

This is my first fanfic so sorry if I have any mistakes and please tell them to me. I do not own Pokemon. Only my OC's

Aterror · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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10 Chs


Next morning

In Jack's Bedroom

"So how does this work?" I ask while looking at Sabrina and holding the psychic gem.

"You hold the gem on your forehead and close your eyes and meditate sooner or later you will feel an cooling feeling after that you will like your mind just exploded and an psychic shockwave will come out which I will suppress and you will be immediately knocked out as soon as the shock wave leaves your body." She said calmly looking at me.

"Ok here I go." As soon as I touch it to my forehead it immediately melts in and I feel a cooling sensation and I feel like I am really high after taking drugs and don't ask how I know that you know I really-



Sabrina POV

A minute ago

'Why dad force me to come here to look after this brat I could be doing my psychic training

rather than looking after some half-talented brat.'

'Then he absorbs the gem and I was surprised at how quickly he did it as it even took me a minute to absorb it looks like this brat is somewhat talented and will be worth teaching after all-'


'What how come there is so much psychic energy I have training since I awakened and he still has multiples time more than me I am doing the best I can to suppress it but even with the quality difference he is overwhelming me with sheer quantity I can't believe it.'

"Kadabra come out."

Out came a 4' 09'' yellow Pokemon with a huge tail with a star on his forehead holding a spoon his eyes widen when he feels the amount of psychic energy coming out of Jack.

"Help me suppress his psychic energy Kadabra the boy is awakening his psychic powers." I say while most of my concentration is still holding back his power.

He nods and starts helping me suppress even then some flies out and hits the walls shaking them slightly after hours of suppressing it feels like there is no end too it.

'Oh, Arceus what kind of Monster is he if he keeps going like this I will have to call upon the rest of my pokemon but all of them are not strong enough, I am sweating like there's no tomorrow and even Kadabra is on his last stand.'

But it looks like Arceus heard my prayer as Jack stopped leaking psychic energy, and falls asleep Kadabra and I immediately started panting like crazy as I recover my some stamina and look around even after me and Kadabra suppressing his energy the room was fully destroyed as all the furniture except the bed beneath Jack was destroyed.

'You are going to have serious talk with because evil people find about his talent even Wataru clan's might will not be enough to protect him.' Kadabra says in my mind looking at me.

'I know let the boy wake we will have to tell them his potential is just champion level even to his family it will come out sooner or later but till then he should be able to build up his strength until he reaches champion level which will be decades later.' I say to him and he nods and I put him back in his pokeball.

[Little did Sabrina know it will not be decades later and she has still underestimated his potential.]


Jack POV

1 day later

'Ugh, she did not tell about the headache that would come with the awakening.'

'You woke up earlier than expected.' She says while looking at me there was a seriousness to her eyes that was not there before, wait a minute.

'Why is your mouth not moving when you speak?' I asked

'Because we are speaking mind to mind brat. ' She said.

My eyes widened as I realised she was telling the truth and with my my headache clearing I felt like I had a supercomputer in my mind and also there is also an unknown energy in my mind and in Sabrina's mind as well.

'The energy you are feeling is your psychic energy and we need to have a talk about something.'She said while looking at me suspiciously.

I panicked thinking that she knew about my reincarnation secret 'Sys does she know about my reincarnation secret.'

[No, host that information cannot be seen even by Arceus himself, so the host does not need to worry about anybody finding out.]

I mentally breathed a sigh of relief and before I could think more about what she was saying she said.

'The amount of psychic potential you have is more than I have ever seen so much that you could easily destroy a region at your peak (With Pokemon), so you must hide your potential and we will tell them you have champion level potential or it will bring disaster to your family, it won't matter how strong or connected your family is.' she said while looking at me with such coldness making sure I understood that this is no joke.

I widened thinking what could happen to my family and look suspiciously at her as she could use this information against me.

'I won't use this information against you if that is what you are thinking and no I am reading your mind I am just predicting looking at your face.' she said looking at me amusingly.

Am I that predictable as those were exactly my thought also 'Why are we speaking only using our powers?' I asked also feeling happy that she cares about me now.

'That is because mental speaking is much faster and cleaner than speaking with our mouths, all psychic talk like this unless there is a non-psychic among them.' she said

I nod thinking this as an logical answer now onto my next question, 'How do psychic's grow stronger and advance in tiers, and what makes us different from normal people ?'

'Well, you see non-psychic's only use 10% of their brain, psychic's are people who have unlocked more of their brain percentage and all percentage that end with 1 are difference in tiers like 11% is basic tier, 21% is intermediate tier, etc. as for how psychic's grow stronger, the brain is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it gets also people are born with limited amount of psychic energy the only thing they can change with training is the quality of their energy and their contol and skillfulness with it that's why there are different potential's in psychic's and aura user's as well, that's why some lower tier psychic's can still beat higher tier psychic's, this information is also only known by psychic 's, aura user's and some professor's so don't tell anyone else as even though it is not a major crime but it will be frowned upon and you will become outcast in every psychic comunity in all the regions.' she said

I nod signalling that I understood and think about all of it after a few minutes of thinking I ask 'What is your percentage, what powers you get at different percentages , how much is my actual potential, what is your potential, what will happen at 100%, is there more after 100%?'

'Calm down brat one question at a time, the percentage of a psychic or a aura user are very private so you should not ask but I will tell you anyways mine is 40 percent and at any moment in a month I can become a elite psychic, I will tell you about different power levels when you reach them and I will teach you, as for your actual potential I don't know it is like an ocean I could not see it's end, and as for my potential I have as large as a sea and my father called it a champion level potential, as for 100% nobody knows the highest percentage ever reached was 70 peak champion level but he could not go through the barrier of 71 before his death, and this should answer your last question as well.' she said

I nodded and before I could ask my next question she said 'No more questions brat, it has been a tiring day for both you and me so go over the information that I gave you and you can ask more questions tomorrow and we will have your first class tomorrow as well.

I saw the state of the room and thought that this must have not been easy for her and nodded, after that I met up with everyone told them that I am ok and went to sleep but before that 'Sys is my limit 100% as well and what happens if I go through it?'

[No, host your limit is not 100% and I don't know what will happen host as that power level is beyond my knowledge.]

'I see well good night then Sys.'

[You don't have more questions host.].

'I do have some but I know she will reveal more information tomorrow so I will ask all my questions after that.' And with some excitement about tomorrow and how my first class was going to be I went to sleep.


Unknown place

1 day before

nobody's POV

'Hmmm what powerful energy looks like his heir has finally awakened.' thought Arceus.

"What energy is that father?" his second child Dialga asked curiously.

"That person's heir has finally awakened." Arceus said.

"Which person father?" his third child Palkia asked.

"All will be revealed with time and you are not allowed to use your powers to look into the future or past." Arceus said

"But father he is just a mortal-" Dialga was saying but was interrupted by Arceus

"No, he may be a mortal now but in future his standing will be equal to your's or higher." Arceus said which surprised both of them and they both thought the same exact thing " I have got to get him to my side and then I will finally be able to beat him and prove time/space is superior.' All the while glaring at each other both of them not noticing the black portal near them listening in their conversation, 'Interesting will he be able to get me out of this cursed dimension.' Thought Giratina the first child of Arceus who knew what was happening but still let it happen as all three of them are his children and then thought how much interesting that person's heir's life will now get with three of them trying to one-up each other looks like finally something interesting is happening after hundreds of years.