
Reincarnated in Pokemon as an experiment

This is my first fanfic so sorry if I have any mistakes and please tell them to me. I do not own Pokemon. Only my OC's

Aterror · Video Games
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10 Chs


Tomorrow Morning

Jack's Bedroom

Unaware of his reveal to the gods Jack woke up yawning and set about to continue his daily routine of being washed and clothed, by his maids and made his way to the breakfast table and said good morning to everyone.

He then realised everyone was looking at him. weirdly and asked "Is there something on my face?" he asked and realised everyone was expecting him to talk about his experience yesterday and so he told them how she gave him a psychic gym and how he was knocked out for some time, his mother and Clair were really tensed when they heard this but calmed down when they nothing harmful happened and how he has champion level potential-

"You have what level of potential?"My grandpa interrupted me and looked as if his eyes were about to pop out.

"It's just champion level potential why are so tensed about it grandpa?" I asked

"That's because son champion level potential is very rare like rare enough to people to come to kidnap you thour our clan strength will deter most of them there will be some who will come and they are the dangerous one as they must have champion level strength that's why we need to keep this a secret and tell everybody you have elite potential." My father says and gave me a grave look and this makes my mother all the more worried.

'I wonder what would his reaction have been if he had known my true potential he would have died of heart attack' mentally rolling my eyes.

"Yes it a very serious matter as the champion level psychic I had seen was killed only 1 week after his awakening and he had been protected by a champion level trainer."my grandfather says.

That brought a silence to the table.

"Anyways best not dwell on the subject anymore and I hope you are excited for your class today." My father says changing the topic which immediately gets me pumped up for today and devour my breakfast which my mum smacks me for and says not to do it again as she knows I am excited.

I quickly run after the room and then I realised that I did not know where she was staying and realised and ran back to the room and realised that everyone was laughing at me and my dad looked smugly at me and innocently asked "Are you forgetting something Jack?" and I blushed and asked " I don't where she is staying." then everybody except grandfather starts giggling and chuckling and even he had a smile " I guess even geniuses sometime make mistakes, what do you say son? any way she will be in the main hall waiting for you." he says and I mentally mark 1-0 and I am extremely petty.

I get rid of my embarrassment and run to the main hall where I see Sabrina waiting for me and she start's mentally speaking 'You are late and so there will be a punishment later for that.'

'But it was not my fault -'

'I do not care whether it was your fault or not now calm down.' she says with a strict gaze in her eyes.

I realise something has changed about her and think what could it be ' If you are wondering about why I feel different is because of holding your energy for so long mine broke through the barrier at 40% and now I am the youngest elite psychic in Indigo.' she says with pride in her tone and I am surprised that why I am so easy to read and that she has broke through and became a elite psychic.

' What does that mean for you?' I ask her.

' That means that I can now learn how to teleport.' She says with a smug smile

'That is so OP how far can you teleport how many times a day' I ask thinking how I could

utilize this.

'When I start learning it I will only be able to go 10 miles at at time once per day but later when I reach peak elite I could go 1000 miles 2 to 3 times a day with people.' she says

At the start I was thinking it was not so OP but by the end of her sentence I realised it is going to become OP.

'I wanted to ask this yesterday how do psychic's grow stronger and what are tiers called as you said nobody will tell their percentage.' I ask

'Good catch I was thinking you forgot about that, anyway the tiers follow the same tier as Pokemon tiers they start with basic then go to intermediate, advanced, quasi-elite, elite, quasi-champion and champion, as for how we grow stronger I told you it is like a muscle the more you use it the stronger it grows so the more you use it the more neurons in your brain will get activated and your percentage will go higher why do think most psychic's are always levitating things or not paying attention is that they are always training there psychic energy the power you get at your tier is the most effective way to train your energy like now I will be most of the time

outside training my teleportation ability.' she says.

I see that's why in those games psychics are always floating something.

'Well what about my power what is it and how long will it take me to reach second tier and what is it's power?' I ask

'Well your power right now would be photographic memory it is very easy to train just keep channeling psychic energy to your eyes and you will remember evrything you will see and the more you read and see you will get higher percentage, the power of second tier is channeling psychic energy inside your whole body which will make it slightly faster and stronger and you will have internal vision as for how long it took me 1 months to reach tier 2 as for you approximately it will take 3 to 4 years.' she says calmly.

'Why that long?' I ask and look at her with surprise.

'Why do you have so much energy? To get more percent you need to empty your reserve till 15% and let it regenerate which will take the amount of time it took you to empty it now here take this book and finish it normally students are given 3-4 year to finish this book but you need to finish this book in 1 year as your punishment and you don't want my punishment to get worse if you fail to complete this task ' She says with a sadistic smile and hands me a thick book of about 400 pages.

l look at it and her not getting the punishment and think I can finish this book in 1 month but when I read the first page of the book I understand the punishment.

' Is this book just a table of contents and 1 page has around 400 books.' I ask with my eyes twitching. ' I can't understand what is written here as well'.

'You are not supposed to understand what is being written as it requires more energy to remember words that you don't understand and can't connect images to now go on start reading you can find the books in this bag, just think of the book you want and they will appear in your hand 'she says gives me a school bag and walks out probably to practice her teleportation.

I look at the marvel at what kind of technology would be required to make this, I guess using Pokeball technology in other things would be easier than storing living Pokemon.

But first things first time for my revenge.


Lester POV


'We haven't had sex since Jack and Lance were born now I can finally get some action again .'

I open the our bedroom door only to see Jack talking to Julia with with a crying face.

"Dad told how I-I can not sleep with y-y-you anymore and t-told me to sleep alone e-e-even when I am s-scared." And burst into tears.

I could only watch this dumbstruck as I had done no such thing.

"Lester I can't believe you would tell our children such things just to sleep with me, now you are going to sleep in another room for a whole year." She says and angrily and slams the door on my face but before it closed I saw my son's smirking face.

'1-1, Jack it is on now.' I think while gritting my teeth.


Jack's POV

'Now suffer with me dad for one year mwhahahaha.' I think.

"Why are smiling strangely Jack? Come on let's go to bed." my mother asks.

"It's nothing mom." And I hug my mom to sleep while looking smugly at my father outside the window.'1-1 Dad' I go to bad thinking that all is well that end's well.


Author's thought

Next chapter there is going to be a time skip till 10 years old and I will cover everything important that will happen in the next chapter.

I am in my first year of college so it is a bit hectic and I will have a lot of classes for my first 2 years so updates will be slow and I have decided not to write 18+ chapters till I myself have sex as I don't want to write without experience.

Thanks for reading my novel and thought's