
Reincarnated in Pokemon as an experiment

This is my first fanfic so sorry if I have any mistakes and please tell them to me. I do not own Pokemon. Only my OC's

Aterror · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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10 Chs


A week later

Jack's (Pov)

'It's been a week since I finished learning all the the teacher could teach me, it was a breeze with my past life's memory now I can skip normal school and focus on Pokemon studies only.'

'I think about how Lance has gotten a full schedule since last week school studies, manners,ethics,politics,buisness,etc.'

'I feel happy and pity for him happy because he got the heir position and pity because I know this kind of life heavily restricts the freedom of a person and he will have to do a lot of paperwork.'

'I feel a chill down my spine when I think about his future champion Position and the amount of paperwork that he will do.'

'Thankfully this means he doesn't have time to bully Claire anymore.'

'Then I think about Claire, that little ball of energy, lately she has been depressed because I was busy with my studies and she thought I was ignoring her.'

'Mother scolded me about this 2 days ago and I had spend the whole yesterday playing with her and my god does she have some energy

except for eating we ran around all day, I was on my knees by the time day ended but she looked like she could go on for another day but at least she became happy again, I don't believe I could have gone for another day like that.'

I was interrupted from my internal monologue by a knock on the door.


" Young Master Jack your father has called for you." the butler of the house called Steven entered and spoke.

" I will be there in a moment."

Steven nodded and left after closing the door.

I climb off my bed and take a look at myself in the mirror and check if I am presentable enough and go towards my father's office.

Knock Knock

"You may enter."

"You called for me father."

"Yes I would like you to meet Sabrina Natsume your Psychic teacher as of now."

I looked at her curiously she looked exactly like her model in the game except a bit younger.

"I have been called here to teach a brat patriarch wataru." she said raising her eyes.

"Your father didn't tell you?" my dad asked.

"No he just said I have to teach someone about their psychic powers as it would be good experience for me, probably because he knew I wouldn't come as I don't believe a child outside of Natsume clan in Kanto or Johto could be a psychic." she said with an annoyed tone.

"Anyway then since you are here why not test him I am sure you would be surprised."my father said.

"Jack take her to the living room and you can begin there where she will tell you all about psychics and their powers as only a psychic or high-level people know about those I will tell Steven to send refreshments later."he said to me.

"Ok, dad."

I start leading her towards the living room and we both sit on the sofa.

I stare at her and she stares at me after a while she blinks and sighs and starts speaking.

"I will know tell you about how psychic power system, I should tell you about it after you have awakened but even if you are not a psychic when you grow up you will find about it anyway." she says.

"Psychics awaken when they are stressful situations or under stimulation from psychic Pokemon but there is third way the best and expensive way used by clans that is to use psychic gems as they will also awaken you and increase your potential a little bit."

'This is information is new as in the show they only tell about Sabrina, her mother and father using psychic powers without telling us how they got them' I thought

"Which method will we be using to awaken my psychic powers?" l asked

She looked at me with a deadpan look "You are Scion of the Wataru clan one of the most powerful clan in 2 regions which way do you think you will use."

I blushed and realised that if I had thought about that the answer would have come to me

'Stupid infant brain can't keep with my mature thoughts.'

"Anyways now I will tell you how psychics are ranked they start from basic, then intermediate, then advanced, then elite, then champion, nobody has gone higher than champion as far as my knowledge goes, the strength of psychics keep up with pokemon of the same category but we will be weaker as we have weaker bodies so an unsuspected ambush by weaker people can also kill us so don't get cocky about your powers and more info about your powers and and to upgrade them when you awaken and I see your potential, but be prepared as the process will knock you out for days at the minimum so you can go to your family and tell them so they won't worry for you the psychic gem has already been brought here by your father."

'That was a lot to take in and it feels like this is a totally different world than what saw them again the god clone said it will be different but this is too much'


God clone Pov

If he thinks it is too much then wait till he realises what else I have changed then he will think this change was nothing compared to that.


After saying that Sabrina leaves the room I go to my father and tell him about it and he reacts calmly which means he knew about it but there is still some worry in his eyes which makes me very happy as this reassures me that my father still cares for me, after I told mother she nearly refused to allow this until father had to come and talk her down about how this good this will be for me and reluctantly agreed after I told Claire she cried thinking I was abandoning her and I had to promise her that I will play with her everyday to get her to stop crying and the little minx immediately stopped crying and started giggling making me realised I was tricked as Punishment I tickled her till she actually cried, Lance on the otherhand did care much about as he was busy in his heir studies though he did ask me to look after myself, I was really happy seeing their concern for me as I did not have anybody in my previous life and with excitement about tomorrow I went to sleep.