
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Tranh châm biếm
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230 Chs

Discussions in the right direction.

".....every time something to do with Spirits comes up…something terrible always follows." Sakura said with her head tilted downward as she spoke with a low mumble.

A stunned silence echoed in the room caused by none of the people finding a proper response as Sakura almost began to turn red from embarrassment.

Looking around, Sakura pleaded with everyone using her eyes, trying to get them to tell her something so that she wouldn't have to feel so awkward.

Megumi was the first to react as he placed his hand on Sakura's shoulder and patted her slowly as if to console her for some reason, while Mito and Hashirama suppressed their giggles.

"It's alright Rura. You don't have to worry about it, we'll beat up the spirit if it does something terrible to you."

"Pfffttt…Sorry Sakura, I'm not laughing, something just fell into my mouth that I needed to spit out. What I mean is, don't worry about it, we'll take care of you during the process."

"Hmpf. I'll do it myself! And I'll do it right! I don't need your help! At all!"

"Really?" Megumi asked acting stunned.

"Well, maybe you can stay outside the room with the door a little open so that…." Sakura rambled on, embarrassing herself a little bit more and barely held herself back from finishing her words.

"So that…?" Megumi egged her on by poking at her waist.

"So that…." Sakura spoke as she gulped her saliva trying to come up with something to complete her sentence.

"...?" Everyone leaned in waiting for Sakura to embarrass herself further.


Suddenly standing up by forcing herself up with her hands, Sakura looked down at everyone else sitting on the floor for a second as she maintained a silent eye contact with everyone and then shouted, "I need to go to the washroom!" and ran out of the door she had just come in through leaving everyone to laugh at her sudden exit.


"Ah! Finally! Everything is finally in place!" Hagoromo spoke with a huge grin plastered onto his face as he looked glad, almost as if a burden thrust on him to carry for a million years had finally been put off.

"But you couldn't kill him." Danzo stated.

"Ha! Don't worry about that. How will he ever win when I have someone that can act as my mole right by his side." Hagoromo said as he turned around and looked at Danzo.

"But you still couldn't kill him. A brat that was younger than a genin." Danzo counter argued once again as an Amegakure kuonichi helped heal him using medical ninjutsu.

"Don't worry. Tell me. Who'd you prefer? An enemy you know everything about. Or someone new that you know nothing about."

"You let him gain information about us too. He captured that fool and teleported away along with him in the end." Danzo retorted as he pointed out how Gakushi was captured by Megumi in the end.

"Don't worry about that. He's dead. I made sure his fate line no longer existed in the world of the living." Hagoromo dryly replied, getting tired of Danzo trying to ruin his happy moment.

"....." Danzo stayed silent under Hagoromo's persistent smiling gaze and then finally gave up after a minute of staring and then voiced out his opinion. "Make sure to get me those Sharingan you promised me."

"I will. Soon." Hagoromo explained as he looked over in the room above him. "Make sure to follow the rest of what we planned properly. I want everyone to be against Konoha. No matter what it takes. You've got one, one more month."

"They will." Danzo stated in his usual dry voice as the kunoichi wrapped up the bandages around his body.


"Rura….you alright?" Megumi asked as he wrapped his hands around Sakura in bed while she kept her head hidden under the pillow.


"....sorry for being late when Hagoromo attacked you." Megumi apologized as he squeezed Sakura's waist.

It was slow and begrudging at first but then quick and rough as Sakura turned around with her head still hidden in Megumi's arms as she spoke in a forced voice.

"I just…..can't remember what actually happened…."

"What do you mean?" Megumi asked Sakura while she put her own hands around Megumi and tightened her grip around his back.

"That's the thing. I don't know exactly….all I know is that he showed me a genjutsu I couldn't resist."

"'You' couldn't resist? You? I find that hard to believe. It was probably some other kind of jutsu…."

"No. Or maybe. I don't know what it was. All I know is that I remember are the words, 'I trust my Megi to do the rest….'"

"That's weird….why'd Hagoromo show you a genjutsu with you telling you trust me?"

".....the thing is I heard Kaguya's voice not my own…." Sakura spoke in a saddened voice.

Megumi looked at Sakura thoughtfully and wondered if he should speak about the theory he was thinking about, but stopped himself since he didn't have any proof and didn't know what the consequences would entail if he explained it, especially without fully understanding about it himself.

"Don't worry about it. He probably did it just to make you confused about it or something."

"....alright….I'll try…." Sakura said tightening her grip on Megumi as he combed her long silky hair slowly.

"....by the way Rura…this gives us a nice clue of information about Hagoromo's abilities."

"In what way?"

"It means that if he can actually even see some kind of future, he can't share it. At least he can't make anyone else remember all of it."

"That's not very helpful though….he could just see everything himself and remember it and then just lead other people to take actions in whatever way he sees fit, like he did when he tried to kill you."

"True. But…what we can do is to make sure we use this lack of information to our advantage and sow seeds of distrust within them."

"...how would we do that?"

"....I'm sure we'll find loopholes in their actions….we could get some proofs and find ways to turn them against each other by claiming Hagoromo sold them out…."

"That won't ever work, at least not anymore. They know you'd go after them for a single group of no name shinobi. Why would they expect you to not kill them off the minute they are captured by you or switch sides with you?"

"That they might not do, but we could break them up, make them argue with each other and much more."

"No. Hagoromo could just inform them about it earlier than it happens if the Toads see it happening even once. I don't know how often they can see this stuff or even how, but they can use several codes like tattooing their own secret codes on their foreheads or on some marker that can be used to signify betrayal or trust level or something….it's not that hard to do that…"

"Hmm...I don't think people's brains work like that."

"No. Shinobi are trained to trust the information only they know more than anything else. Even more than their own senses."

"Yeah, but Hagoromo or the toads could pic-" Megumi froze for a second as he began thinking about something.

"...what happened?" Sakura asked a little confused.

"...what if…"

"What if?"

"What if they could only see what they have bound themselves to seeing?"


"....people or rather their minds have biases. Things that pollute our perception of things."


"Like this." Megumi said as he suddenly vanished Sakura's clothes and brought her closer as she blushed and tried pushing him away shyly.

"What're you doing!? Not now! We were just-"

"-Hmm….you're nin-"


"Rude! You're not supposed to do that!" Sakura shouted back as she pushed him away when she saw the measuring tape in his hand that went around her body.

"Exactly, you didn't think I'd do this. Did you?"

"Obviously I wouldn't, you're supposed to like me however I am!"

"That's my point. You think about me a certain way. You don't know if that's true or not, but you think I am like that since I haven't given you a reason to believe otherwise. Have I?"

"Yes…but…I'd know if you were like that even if you were hiding it from me….I have g-"

"That point isn't about your instincts….it's about the mental image of me you have."

"...that sounds so unromantic…."

"I find it quite nice…..someone trusting you fully, trusting you enough to let you break their heart if they betray you…."

".....that's just…."

"Anyway, what I'm saying is-"

"Give me back my clothes fir-"

Sim[ly wrapping his arms around Sakura and covering them both with a blanket, Megumi continued to speak under Sakura's annoyed stare as she wondered if she should just summon back the clothes herself.

"So what I'm saying is, what if Hagoromo and the Toads can't actually see all possible futures but only ones that they think are possible?"

".....that is not easy to prove and…..it would be something they'd have found out quite easily…..don't you think so? I mean what? Like they'd basically have to predict exactly what they wanted, and then they'd be able to see that, and then it comes true for some random reason?"

"No….but I think it's something they learnt to do over time….remember Benzaiten told us about how he had to train to be able to do it?"

"Yeah…like people train to do any other jutsu?"

"Yeah…but I…forget it…it's just speculation…I get it…I'll think about it once I have proof to do so."

"....Hmmm…by the way what happened to that guy you captured?"

"Mito left him inside a sealed room after she checked him for any means to communicate and leak information along with Hashirama and healed him enough to not die. She said it is better for a prisoner to wake up in an empty cell and remain isolated for a while."

".....we should do it quick….Tsunade and the Hokage are probably waiting for us to deliver…."

"We'll do it tomorrow. After you're first done with unlocking your kekkei genkai first."

"What! No!"

"I'll be with you…it'll be fine….don't worry….and aren't you excited to see what sort of kekkei genkai you have!?"


"Also! I have an idea for a new style of spying weapon!"

"...what is it?"

"A space weapon that can look down on people from high above using a camera!"

".....that doesn't sound possible…."

"It works. My old world heavily depended on them, they're called satellites."

"If you could do that wouldn't you just drop something really heavy from space onto Earth and easily destroy an entire village?"

"Oh? How do you know about that?"


"Oh….the images of meteors are still burnt inside your heads?"


"Well….in a way, yes, I could do that. But it'd be too hard….and my chakra would probably be better spent elsewhere to create the same amount of damage more easily. But in another way, there is an easier way to do that without lifting an entire meteor that high up, you'd need very little Tungsten to be able to pull that off….but I don't think I can extract enough Tungsten and prepare such a weapon….."

".....your world is scary…"

"It is. But people also value their own lives quite a lot."

"....Megi….which was the most affluent country in your world?"

"Well….there's no single answer to that question…..each country had their own ups and downs…and each one excelled at different things….but…maybe there are a few that did stand out the most…."

"And did all of them-"

"Yes, all of them had equally dangerous weapons. Affluence does not mean weakness. The stronger you are, the sharper your weapons have to be so that others don't try and snatch it out of your hands."

".....why? People could just live peacefully…..can't they?"

"You'll see what I mean when the internet get's published for public use."


"You'll see. Don't worry."



"What do you think Mito? You want to join that brat?"

"...what do you think about it?"

"*sigh*....I don't want to go back into that same world and go through the same blood shed once again. I still can't believe how quickly everything built went to rot once the message of my death spread around."

"It's not your fault Hashi. You know it. Sometimes people are just…..a little stupider…."

"Ha! What do you mean stupider!?"

"Well…I can't call 'you' a genius now can I? I mean….if you were a genius then people would have no hope when they compare themselves to me the super genius!"

"Ha! Super genius she says! All you do nowadays is draw manga or write more stories!"

"And all of them have been super hits! Do you even know how many people are reading my books! When I was the elder I could probably feed all of Konoha simply with the income earned from my books alone!"

"..." Shaking his head, Hashirama snuggled under the blanket as he left Mito to continue rambling about her greatness and occasionally gave out trained 'Hn's' to make sure she felt like he was hearing her speak about her greatness.


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