
Reincarnated in Hajime No Ippo

Aspiring to become a boxer with almost no talent. Kenta went through blood, sweat and tears to have a chance at being known as a boxer, but... Luck wasn't on his side... The very first amateur boxing match of his career, Kenta suffered a very fatal injury to his knee. Everything he worked for tragically all went down the drain. 8 years of dedication just like that, went because of a injury. Ever since that moment in his life. Kenta dedication to the sport he loved, slowly died. But no matter what, he always hoped for a miracle. Hoping for a life changing event to happen, each year went past until Kenta finally acknowledge at the age of 28 that nothing was going to change. Just like that. Kenta worked a normal job barely scrapping living a normal life. To escape this painful reality, Kenta was lead towards the world of anime. Believing it to be disgusting at first, gradually Kenta came to love all sorts of anime ranging from Slice of life to Harem. But their was one specific anime that struck his heart deeply, Hajime no Ippo. An Anime that was based on his whole past dedication. Boxing I I I I I V Tags - Small Harem, No ruling System, Romance, MaybeNetori, comedy, HandsomeMc, KindMc, ChillMc, BadassMc, Smut, Lemons, R-18, Reincarnated, Hajime no Ippo and lastly, some drama. Warning - I do not own Hajime no Ippo neither the image, everything goes to its respectable writer/drawer.

TruckkunJr · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs

Chapter 8 - Meeting (Slight R-18)

{A/N: Please read this before you start the Chapter. The MC is a Featherweight as you can tell and I've had readers say he is skinny and why don't I make him a lightweight? Well to explain, It's hard to put him in the lightweight when I don't know nothing of that Class and I'll have to make mostly OC's. Also him being tall and in the featherweight still makes sense when Mashiba was 5'11 he still looked decently buff. Lastly, Please look at the synopsis for the tags before you continue.}

Ippo: 'I've never been so nervous just from standing outside a door before.' Outside the door of Kamogawa gym, Ippo's eyes turned serious.

Ippo: 'I'll do my best!' Pumping his fists, Ippo was lucky that it didn't went out like canon because if it did. Well, there would be Aoki's fingers up his ass, no homo seriously.

Ippo: "Hello, Good afternoon!" Mr Yagi already in the Gym looking over everyone, heard and saw Ippo appear at the door.

Yagi: "Good to see you again Ippo. I am the General manger of the Gym, My name is Mr Yagi." Respectfully bowing, Ippo said Infront of him.

Ippo: "It's a pleasure to meet you Mr Yagi." Looking at each other, Yagi said already knowing what's on Ippo's mind.

Yagi: "I'm sure you already want to know all about what training you will be doing." Nod in reply, Yagi walked to Kamogawa office with Gesturing to Ippo to follow behind.

Ippo: "Where are we going?" Confused Ippo asked Mr Yagi while still following.

Yagi: "Mr Kamogawa wanted me to escort you to his office so he can introduce you to your training regimen.... Well here we are, come in." Explaining, both males got to the door with Yagi immediately opening it.

In the room already waiting on the couch, Kamogawa looked at them briefly and returned closing his eyes. No other place to seat, Ippo sat down opposite Kamogawa nervously.

Kamogawa: "Kid, I assume Mr Yagi has explained to you by your here." Slow nod, Kamogawa opened his narrowed eyes and tapped the floor with his cane.

Kamogawa: "Before we start the training kid. You need to know that boxing isn't for fun, Boxing is where you can lose your life just from the simplest mistake. Are you sure your really prepared for that risk?" No childish or soft tone in his voice, Ippo swallow his saliva from the scary predicament.

Ippo: "I-I've already decide to become a Boxer! I-It doesn't matter anymore." Stuttering in nervousnes but some determination. Kamogawa nodded sagely and stood up saying.

Kamogawa: "I see you've made up your mind already.... Come with me, I'll show you the Gym."

Obedient in his following, Kamogawa showed him around. The Upper part of the Gym, the bathroom and the bellow ground gym but before they could enter Kamogawa stopped outside the door. Already just from outside, Ippo could hear constant and quick loud thumping sounds without needing to know what it was.

Ippo: "Why are we waiting outside?" Asked from behind him, Kamogawa looked at Ippo and said.

Kamogawa: "Watch carefully." Given a short serious reply, Kamogawa opened the door.

*Bam!* *Bam! *Bam Bam!*

Echoes of punches covered the Gym, Ippo looked around expecting there to be at least a good amount of people but to his shock the high volume of punches came from a single person. A Tall imposing back came to everyone's eyes, he didn't have any sorts of clothing on his upper body. His body wasn't over muscularly but had the right amount of muscular in the right places.

Ippo eyes widening at the monstrous power behind his punches. Every contact that his fist would meet with the bag would leave it forcefully thrown back. To make it even more scary, the tall man would dance around the bag side to side while leaving body blows and combos at every opportunity. His speed and footwork was on another level compared to Miyata.

???: "Coach Kamogawa. What are you doing here?" Voice not far from the blonde. Ippo was awe struck at the person, his heart thumped at the black haired beauty with a blush.

Kamogawa: "Seeing how the lad is doing. And from the seems of things Kenta looks to be more energetic." Walking towards the group, the beauty introduced herself to Ippo nicely.

Nyoko: "Your Ippo correct? My name is Nyoko Miyata." Smile enchanting him more, Ippo dumbly nodded with a blush until he finally realised who was Infront of him.

Ippo: "Your Miyata's Sister!?! Wow it's nice to meet you!" Shaking her hand while rubbing the back of his head, Ippo came out of his stupid mess because of the reveal.

Nyoko: "*giggle* it's nice to meet you two." Giggle leaving her mouth at Ippo's sudden change, Nyoko escaped from the handshake and shouted to Kenta.

Nyoko: "Pretty boy! We have visitors!" Cheekily strolling to him from behind him. She tapped his back gaining his attention.

Kenta: "Nyoko what's up?" Biting the laces off from the gloves, he looked down at her.

Nyoko: "*Giggle* You have visitors Pretty boy." Helping him take the gloves off tenderly, Kenta looked over her.

Kenta: Coach, Yagi! And... Ippo?" Surprised by his Appearance, Kenta finally getting his gloves off hugged Nyoko in appreciation and headed to them.

Stopped to regain her composure from his hug, Nyoko followed behind like a good house wife with a beaming smile. Ippo shocked from the realization of Kenta being here, kept quite in mind boggling disbelief.

Kamogawa: "How are you feeling lad?" Grinning, Kenta jabbed in lightning fast speed to him. Connecting in a similar fashion like using his hands like mitts, Kamogawa returned the smirk.

Kenta: "Feeling great Coach like always. Can't wait for next year!" Pumped with expectation and excited, Kenta shifted his eyes to Ippo.

Kenta: "Nice to see you again Ippo." Slapping his back, Ippo felt suddenly from the slaps like rocks were being hit against his back.

Ippo: "Please... Take care of me!" Bowed towards him, Ippo took some time mid sentence to suck through his teeth the pain.

Kenta: "Don't worry I've got you." Face looking like an angle, Inside it was completely different. Kenta grew horns and a tail while planning different ways to spar against him.

Kamogawa: "That's it, kid we're going to train. No more wasting time already." Bowing one last time, Ippo followed soon after Coaches back.

On their own, Kenta went back to his training. Nyoko as always on-looking the training. Kenta feeling his blood flow increase severally after just thinking of the future leaped into training without holding back. At the end when Kenat finshised his training, his legs shook from beneath his weight. Barely standing up, he dropped on the bench next to Nyoko.

Nyoko: "You look in pain. Let me help you." Scared if he gained a injury and worried for him. Nyoko dropped on her knees and started to massage his calf.

Fingers digging in his calf muscle, Kenta felt every touch and graze from them. All of it was relaxing and more. Groaning in pleasure from the sensation, Kenta looked down to her. Her head was looking away downwards not daring to look at him. Kenta knew why, because she felt embarrassed and enjoyed his satisfied expression as well as groan.

Kenta: "*groan* Your really good at this." Emphasis on the word "really" to portray how good she was doing. Nyoko face grew a brighter red and said.

Nyoko: "...Thank you." Quietly replying sincerely, Nyoko enjoyed being complimented by him.

Finished with his calf, Nyoko carried onwards. On his thigh, Nyoko did what she did before digging her fingertips in his muscle and massage it. But unlike his calf, Kenta had a way different reaction. His increase in grunts, groans which completely set off her rails.

Kenta intoxicated by the feeling didn't realize his 'power tool' was now energised and automatically turned on. Nyoko not zoned on that part was focusing on her work yet when she came further upwards her hands touched something long and hard.

Grabbing a hold of it and rubbing the thing to get an understanding of what it was. Kenta breath turned ragged, he knew already what was going off but he couldn't bare to quit what Nyoko was doing. Fuck his hormones were to be blamed for this.

Passionate in what she was doing, Kenta felt his balls churn with delight after the exhilarating and breathtaking rub from Nyoko. Dick twitching to show its appreciation. Nyoko kept on rubbing with curiosity of the unknown object twitching behind her movements.

Kenta: "Fuck... I'm cumming." Whispering, Kenta grunted one last time. Jolts of pleasure shooting to his brain, Kenta's vision turned white for a second.

Releasing his pent up stress to show by the escaping liquid from his heavy tool. Kenta's pants forming a huge wet mark, Nyoko only just now snapping out of her tranced state, looked at the obvious large bulge where her hands formerly was. Instinct screaming at her of what it was, Nyoko verified it by the stain.

Nyoko: "I-I.... Y-You!... Pervert!" Slapping him around the face, Nyoko ran away to the door leaving Kenta all alone with a satisfied expression.

Kenta: "Might of deserved that but who would pass up on a handjob. Certainly not me." Kenta touching his cheek just sat their to regain his gears and headed out to the toilet to wipe the white gunk in his pants.

Left the Gym room in a hurry, Takamura and everyone including saw Nyoko dashed from the door that lead downside. Without letting anyone asked off her actions, she exited the Kamogawa entrance.

Nyoko: "I'm soo stupid to believe he was any better than the rest! All men are the same!" Still running, Nyoko ran away crying while shouting in anger.

Nyoko always was cold towards men for an unknown reason after she went missing. To explain without being cliché, Nyoko was kidnapped by men when she was at the park. Luckily she was saved by cops or she would of been put in a whorehouse. Even a year after when her PTSD was slowly going away she was almost rapped by students her age at 13.

{A/N: Age of consent is 13 gotta say before people try and prove me wrong.}

Ever since that moment her trust with men started to be a one track thought. And this one was that men were only lustful beings which didn't care for but sex and pleasure.

Gasping in breathes, Nyoko arrived at her friends working place. Kumi behind the desk, saw the exhausted and tearing Nyoko.

Kumi: "What's wrong with you." Crouched down to her level, Kumi asked with worry on her facial features.

Nyoko: "K-Kumi I-I don't know what to do!?!" Tears leaving her eyes, she looked up to Kumi in pain and sorrow.

Kumi: "Stay for a second I'll cut my shift short." Shouting out seconds later to the person behind the scene, getting a thumbs up. Kumi helped Nyoko and got a drink for both of them.

Kumi: "What's the problem?" Arse's seated on the bench, Kumi took a sip and asked the mess beside her. Taking a second to compose her thoughts, Nyoko said to Kumi.

Nyoko: "...I don't know..." Finally not understanding what was going off with herself. Kumi being told of her reason behind her behaviour towards men said with a sigh.

Kumi: "Has this remotely for anything to do with Kenta?" Nodding shyly at her, Kumi smiled sweetly at her and held her hand.

Kumi: "Nyoko you like Kenta don't you?" Nod in reply, Kumi not knowing her feeling even though the pain in her chest. She said softly.

Kumi: "Then trust Kenta. If you carry on comparing him to the same people that tried to kidnap you and rape you. How will you ever truly understand him or get to that point in your relationship." No words or sound from her, Kumi carried on.

Kumi: "I don't know what has gone off between you two but I'll say for sure. Your lucky to have him. He is everything a girl wants, Handsome, hard-working, kind and thoughtful. Don't do something stupid and mess everything up, think about it." Same as before, Nyoko just kept on listening intensely. Though listening closely she somehow missed the dreamy tone when describing him.

Staying in silence, Kumi having to go back to work. She left Nyoko in contemplation, the black haired girl didn't know what to do. If she labelled him as the rest, she knew it could be one of the worst mistake she had ever done. Still, she didn't want to take any risk because what if he was like the rest. Nyoko didn't know what to say or act around him anymore.

Nyoko: 'I need time to think about this...'

Words: 2150