
Reincarnated in Danmachi with my Discord friend

A man reincarnated with his friend off of Discord into Danmachi

MR_No1 · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs


"..." There was nothing but silence between both Hadrian and Diablo, who were sitting down looking at the scene in front of them, Hestia was squeezing Bell's cheeks as Bell tried to get her to stop, as Diablo and Hadrian watched this happen, They both had the same thought on their minds

'But why tho?' They both shared the same thought as they looked at the female Bell, Just then, they were snapped out of their thoughts

"Hey, what's the matter you two? I thought you two would be happy to have some more help!!" Hestia said as she finally stopped pinching Bell's cheeks

"Well, um....It's just a little complicated is all, we weren't prepared for another Familia member, it seems going to have to build another room onto the church somehow," Diablo said as he leaned back into his chair thinking about where the best place would be to build another room at

"Well, she can sleep in my room until you do that," Hestia said with a smile on her face

"Well, I can try to squeeze it in tomorrow, but, Arthur and I, are planning an all-nighter in the dungeon tomorrow, so I can't promise that it'll be built as fast as it normally would," Diablo said causing Bell's ears to perk up

"An all-nighter!? Can I join?!" Bell asked as her face lit up, hearing this, Hestia immediately responded

"No!" Hestia said causing Bell's entire attitude to change

"B-but...Why?" Bell

"Because! These two are idiots who don't care if they die or not! And besides knowing them, they'd probably just kill everything before you could even get close to them," Hestia

"Come on bu-" Bell was about to protest but was interrupted

"I said NO! And that's final!" Hestia said causing Bell to hang her head until she heard a laugh coming from her side, she turned her head and saw that it was Diablo who was laughing

"HehehehHAhahahahaha, aw shit!! You know what Bell, I don't really mind if you go or not, what's Hestia gonna do? Follow us inside?" Diablo said with a mocking smile on his face

"Really!!" Bell

"Hey!!!!" Hestia

"Oh come on Hestia, it'll be good for her, we'll take it easy through the first five or six floors, and if she wants to keep going with us, we'll keep going, but if it proves too much for her, then we'll bring her back and go back in by ourselves! And you don't have to worry if she needs help we'll be right there beside her, plus, the stronger we all are, the less you'll have to worry about us, it's better to do this now than when we're stronger, because if we wait, then she'll just be more of a burden, so it's better to do it now then later in my opinion," Diablo said causing Hadrian to nod as he thought over the idea

"So, can I please?!" Bell asked Hestia who only sighed in defeat

"Fine, just don't stray too far away from each other alright?" Hestia said causing Bell to jump in excitement

"YAY!!!" Bell shouted as she hugged Hestia

"Well, I gotta get going," Diablo said as he stood up

"huh, where are you off to this late?" Hestia asked

"I got a date, so I don't know if I'll be back tonight," Diablo said as he walked out of the entrance of the church leaving Hestia and Bell confused, so they looked over to Hadrian who only shrugged


Walking down the street, Diablo was thinking some thing's over as he went on his way towards the Hostess of Fertility, after about a five-minute walk, Diablo had finally arrived at his destination, walking through the door he noticed that the place was booming with people, as he was looking around, a voice called out to him

"Diablo!!" Eri's voice rang out, looking towards the direction her voice came from, he saw her at a table waving at him, he smiled at her and walked over to the table

"Sorry if I made you wait, I was enjoying the night air on the way over," Diablo said with a smile as he sat down at the table

"Oh, don't worry! I just got here myself!!" Eri said as she returned the smile Diablo greeted her with, Looking at her, Diablo couldn't help but think she looked cute, she had a nice plain white button-up shirt on, and a black skirt

"Hehe, you look cute tonight," Diablo said causing Eri to blush, but just then, Eri shook her head and looked at Diablo with a serious face

"Why were you avoiding me," Eri asked causing Diablo to sigh as he thought over what to tell her

"Well, if you want me to be honest," Diablo then told her the same thing he told Hadrian, after hearing why he was ignoring her, she held her face in embarrassment

"I'm such an idiot, I just assumed you weren't a virgin by the way you look, I'm sorry," Eri apologized

"Oh, don't worry about it, your gonna get what's coming to you," Diablo said causing Eri to look up at him

"Wha-" Eri was cut off as a waitress came to take their orders

"What can I get for you two today?" The waitress asked

"Oh, I'll have a large plate of pasta please!" Diablo said, the waitress then looked over to Eri who was still in shock at what Diablo said

"And what about you ma'am?" The waitress

"O-oh, umm, I'll have some pasta as well," Eri said causing the Waitress to nod her head

"And what will you be having to drink?" The waitress

"I'll take some wine please," Diablo said causing Eri to say the same, the Waitress then nodded and walked away from their table, Eri then whipped her head towards Diablo

"What did you mean by what you said?!" Eri

"Hehehe, you'll see later on," Diablo said with a sly smile on his face, which lead to Eri gulp and a smile to spread on her face