
Reincarnated in Danmachi with my Discord friend

A man reincarnated with his friend off of Discord into Danmachi

MR_No1 · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Are you ready?

"So, what time are we heading to the dungeon?" Bell asked Hadrian who was moving some boxes

"Whenever Diablo gets back, hopefully, he didn't get himself killed," Hadrian said as he continued moving around the boxes, just then the both of them heard a door

"I'm back!!" Diablo came stumbling in

"Finally, it's damn near four o'clock already, what took you so long?" Hadrian

"Ummm, uh, Well, I went back to Eri's house with her, and when I woke up this morning I was tied up, I don't remember much other than that," Diablo said as he put his hand on his head to try and remember what happened last night

"So, you finally reconcile with Eri then?" Hadrian

"Hehehe, you could say that, but umm, before we go into the dungeon, imma need to grab some coffee," Diablo said as he walked towards his room

"Alright, we'll be leaving in ten, grab everything you need, we're going to be in there for a while," Hadrian said as he heard Diablo open and close his door, after about five minutes Diablo had excited his room dressed in his usual attire with his sword by his hip, as he exited his room, he saw Hestia talking to Hadrian and Bell

"You two ready?" Diablo asked drawing the three of their attentions, Hestia then told both of them to wait outside for a minute

"We've been waiting on you," Hadrian said as he looked at Diablo with a deadpan stare

"Naw, couldn't be," Diablo said with a stupid smile on his face

"Diablo, please make sure Bell doesn't get hurt, she isn't as strong as you two, so watch over her please," Hestia asked Diablo

"Hmm? Well no shit, I'm not just gonna let her die," Diablo said with a smile only to have his smile stripped away when he heard Hestia speak

"Diablo, please, make sure You, Bell, and Hadrian come back alive, I'm counting on you," Hestia said causing Diablo to look at her and speak to her in a serious tone

"I give you my word, you can count on me," Diablo said as he balled his right fist and put it onto his left pec

"Hehe, thank you, now, you shouldn't keep the other's waiting any longer, I'll see you all tomorrow," Hestia said as she smacked Diablo on his back

"yeah, you be safe yourself," Diablo said as he walked out of the church leaving Hestia by herself, as he walked outside, both Hadrian and Bell were standing there waiting for him

"Let's get going shall we?" Diablo said as he looked at the both of them

"Yea!!" Bell replied in an ecstatic tone

"Bout time," Hadrian said as he started walking away from the church, which caused both Bell and Diablo to hurry up to walk beside him, after around ten minutes they arrived at Babel, walking in Diablo heard a voice

"Diablo!" Eri called out to him as they entered, looking over to her, Diablo smiled, Eri quickly made her way over to Diablo who waited for her

"How are you feeling?" Eri asked as she wrapped her arms around Diablo's neck and gave him a quick kiss

"Wonderful, how are you?" Diablo

"I'm perfect now, so, are you heading into the dungeon? Or are you here to just visit me?" Eri

"We're heading into the dungeon for the night, we're gonna try and push for as long as we can," Diablo

"Ok, well be careful, and make sure you come back to me," Eri

"Well of course, but we have to go, talk to you tomorrow," Diablo said as he kissed her on her cheek and walked away leading both Hadrian and Bell to follow

"So, you two really did makeup? about damn time," Hadrian said as they finally entered the dungeons they entered, Diablo looked back towards bell and asked

"Are you ready?" Diablo

"Y-Yeah!!" Bell replied with a smile

"Well, let's start shall we?" Diablo said as he sprinted forwards towards a group of monsters causing Hadrian to charge in as well, leaving Bell there confused until she finally took off to try and catch up with the both of them, as Diablo reached the group of Kobolds he unsheathed his sword and slashed it forwards easily killing two of the monsters, another Kobold tried to attack Diablo from behind but Diablo ducked under the kobolds attack and cut it's body clean in half

looking up, Diablo saw Hadrian up over him and swing his sword down onto the head of a kobold killing it, another jumped at Hadrian only to get swatted away by his gigantic sword, only two kobolds remained so both Diablo and Hadrian looked at each other.......and the next second they both rushed towards the kobolds with their swords drawn, Hadrian had gotten in front of Diablo and swung his sword in a horizontal motion, but just then he felt a hand on his head, Diablo leaped over Hadrian and swung his sword down in a vertical motion, both of them hitting the two kobolds at the same time annihilating both of the kobolds

"Hehehehe," Diablo only laughed at what happened

"Damn it, we're tied," Hadrian said as he put his sword over his shoulder

"Hehehehehe, you really think I'm gonna let you get a head start on the kill count?" Diablo said as he then looked over to Bell who was only standing there in aw as she looked on to both Diablo and Hadrian with stars in her eyes

"So, what do you think? You ready to train with us?" Diablo asked Bell who couldn't seem to find her words so she only violently nodded her head

"That's what I like to hear, come on, we'll let you fight the next one so we can see where you stand," Diablo said as he turned around and started to descend deeper into the dungeon causing the other two to follow as they started to descent into the dungeon, Diablo and Hadrian made sure to watch over Bell to make sure she didn't to a head of her self