
Reincarnated in Black clover With 10 wishes

A guy saving a child life before he died got wishes lets follow his journey to where he lead

Ch_AN_G · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

AINA and Training

Arthur woke up in room sorrunding he saw and thought so this a house god give himself so i can live and training.

Looking at his house its not big and not to small so god really decided to take good care of me how awesome he thought.

Now "hey system are you awake?" arthur asked

??"system initializing please wait"


system binding complete

system: hello host

Arthur: Uh- system what function do you have?

system: i have skill, ability, inventory, shop, navigation

Arthur: thats great now i dont have to lost in this place ok system do you have a start up pack?

system: yes, does host want to open it?

Arthur: please open it

system: ding! you have recived 10 million skill points

ding! you have receive instant mastery skill

ding! you have receive mana control

ding! you have receive weapon mastery skill

ding! you have receive ki technique

ding! you have receive 3 form of haki

Arthur: Huh i already feel like i have mastered all weapons

system: yes host you have mastered all weapons but you need to keep practicing that you can experince yourself

Arthur: Yeah you are right by the system do you have any name its kinda lane you know keep calling system

System: I dont have any host

Arthur: so how about i call you AINA and you dont need to call me host just tell by my name

AINA- thank You so much arthur

Arthur: thats more like it from now on i have to keep my training for my powers.

Aina: Arthur i recommed you before you go to training dont forget to cut your tail

Arthur: opps sorry about that and thanks for reminding me otherwise i would be in preety bad luck

Aina: thats my work

Arthur: yeah aina is the best by the way how can i check my status

Aina: you have call status or you can call in your mind that others may not think you as a freak

Arthur: y-yeah 'status'








creation ability, copy ability, antimagic(unlock when you receive your grimore)

other abilities: gamers mind, immortality

'umm my mana is over 4000 i need to keep increasing and practice all my element that i can master it'

so lets traing from tomorow

the next day

Arthur woke up in the morning and started to practice in the moring.

push up: 50

curl ups:50


running:5 km

its preety tiresome to do exercise in the morning

Aina: but you have to do your self if you want to become stronger

arthur: yeah i will become the strongest persion in the wold that nobody dares to mess with me

aina: yay way to go arthur but you have to keep exercising in magic

arthur i know now lets go

later day and night arthur began to practice himself in magic and swordmanship.