
Reincarnated in Black clover With 10 wishes

A guy saving a child life before he died got wishes lets follow his journey to where he lead

Ch_AN_G · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Wishes (Part-2)

Arthur: Now my fifth wish i want to reincarnated in Black clover world

God: Done

Arthur: my sixth wish is i want all element law magic power (Fire, holy, water, wind, earth, light, darkness, thunder gravity, poison) including space and time and anti magic that dont suck my mana

god: done

Arthur: my seventh wish is i want a spirit emperor that control all elements law

God: Done

Arthur: my eight wish to have mind control and gamers mind that nobody could enter my mind

god: done

Arthur: my ninegth wish to have infinite amount of magical power

god: done but i will make some restriction on your body that could seal your magic power that you dont get attacked ass soon as you lend on that world

Arthur: ok thank Q

God: Dont thank me and your last wish hurry up tell me

Arthur: I want my body to immortal that nobody can kill meand at the age of 25 i cant age

god: ok done

Arthur: can i have request please god

god: now what?

Arthur: can i give my immortality to my wife or some one i like

god: hmm! you can give him but if he /she can betray you can take that ability

arthur: Thank Q god

God: Now do you want a fictional body or want birth?

arthur: ' hmm i dont want to act as a baby so' i want a fictional body

god: now try imagine how you want to look

arthur: ok


'ok done' Arthur thaught to himself its preety nice to create your own body. looking at his body he couldn't marvel himself (eight packs abs, golden-blue eyes, jet black hair) he can in the near future preety nuch gona be lady killer

Arthur: ok Done God

God: ok which year you want to go and what age?

Arthur: umm maybe 10 age same age as yuno and asta but dont want be with them beacuse they are the main protagonist so i dont want to destroy the story so can i stay near the hage villge but not in church so can you give me some money to so i can live maybe 5-6 years worth

god -'tch' fine ok brat you are now ready to go

just as a vortex apeared under Arthurs feet he yellled

Arthur: wait wait wait i want to ask you something?

god: now what? (irritated) 😠

Arthur: Can i get a six clover grimore?

God: fine 😞

Arthur: thank You father

God: ok now you go

Under Arthur feet a vortex appeared and he dissapears form the place

looking at the dissapear figures the god thought to himself 'father! its been a while i listen to this word. I hope you can live your live to the fullest my son'