
Reincarnated in a Fictional world

One day Rahil suddenly reincarnated to a cross fiction world where anime, manga, and other fiction stories are mix. The twist is that he does has memories of his previous life but for some reasons he can't access them. But he remembered in which family he has been born to so he confirm that he is in peaceful and he is Ready to enjoy his new life But is this world is truly peaceful as it seems...? let's go and found out. [ System is online ] I don't own any character other than my OC they belonged to their rightfull owner. I don't own profile picture if the owner has any dissacftion please message me.

Sahil_SA · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
21 Chs

Chap-2 Shock and Understanding.. [Edited]

At the same hospital, in another room there is a lady resting on the bed. the lady apparence is truly mature and beautiful, she has Deep red hair and sky blue eyes. But currently her face is extremely tired but she's still has joy on her face while looking on her left side of the bed, there is a crib near her and a full of five beautiful babies sleeping on the crib.

"My babies thanks for coming in my life. All of you coming to this world gave me strength to live longer" The lady said to her babies from the bottom of her heart.

The room door suddenly open and a nurse come, seeing the lady is talking to her childs, she still is shock from the time before she left. but she still has her work "Mam, Miss Nakiri is trying to calling you but she can't connect you, so she send me here to inform you" The nurse words startle the lady and she coming back to scene, and quickly check her phone and there is indeed has few miscalls from her friend.

"Sorry and thank you for imforming me" says the lady, to her respone the nurse silently gesture her to not to mind and then leave from the room.

The lady then dial the number of her best friend. And in the other room where is our mc is currently sleeping, suddenly his mother's phone rang and seeing the name on display.

His mother smile and pick up "Congratulations Rena for giving birth to quintiples, I heard from the nurse just now".

His mother wishes the lady on the phone "fufu thank you and congratulations you too for the twins" the lady on the phone respond or we could now say Rena.

"Btw, Nora you don't name the babies did you?".

"of course not we promised to each other, that we will name our babies together how could i forget this". The mc mother or Nora respond to Rena agrily.

"ok..ok don't be too angry, you know i was only just making sure" Rena quickly resond to nora "ok then lets go home quickly and name our babies together" "I am ok with that but have you thought the names "

"Of course i have, but I will announce with you and and your babies together" Nora respond to Rena.

And Rena also responded "ok i also have thought the names then let's pack our things and quickly go home " "ok".

Nora cut the call then she hurriedly start packing her thing, she can't wait to go home and seen Rena's babies and name them together.

Same day 3hours later.

Our Mc face suddenly twitching and he is trying to open his eyes but he can't see anything.


"where am i" when i gradually awake from the sleep, i suddenly found that I was on a futon, and when I tried to move but found that i can't move my body.

At this time i truly accepted my reality, yeah I am currently became a fuc@king baby, that Means the space before i was in is my mother's wormb. But I still can't move much, but still hearing an unknown language that I don't understand. Ahhh.. "who" when i constantly trying to move i felt i crash in to somthing.

My curiosity got me and after trying very hard to move to see what is that.

And now i finally sees what is "Oh here is another child but who is this child? my twins or another child?".

The I remember when i was in my Mom's womb, i could see something but my birthing intercept me.

So now this child basically is my twin. This child is truly cute and judging from the child face hmm i am sure this child is a girl. Means she is my little sister. Aahh.. whatever is this i have to remember why i am in a child's body.

I Have some memories but every time I want to access them i will receive a massive headache. And when i was trying hard to remember, suddenly a voice startle me

"Look likes your child is awake first" A woman says somthing which is i don't understand "yes this child is truly active, as expected of my son who has six sisters to look after" then there is another woman says something which also i don't understand a thing.

Then suddenly i feel like i was lift by something warm, then some seconds later i was put in the same futon from before, but this time i don't have enough space to move.

"So now the babies has gathered together then lets start the Name announcing"(Nora)

"Ok then I am first(Rena)

These two Ladies Start Talking again which i don't understand a thing. Ahh you know what forget it, i don't understand a thing so lets just forget it.

" Mmm.. first Ichika Nakono; Nino Nakono ; Miku Nakono ; Yotsuba Nakono ; And Itsuki Nakono Hmm.. Hmm. (Rena Nakano)

"Oh My, you truly take your time to thought their Names, their name is well suited them"(Nora) To which Rena just chuckle and reply "Of course I have to, for my girls"

I am currently managing my thoughts and accessing my memories hmm i now remember my Name but other thing i don't rememberd.

Between my thoughts i could hears the ladies seems to talking something but i don't pay attention to them, i mean look i don't understand a thing so why waste my time.

Suddenly a lady's voice startle my thoughts and i hear something which gives me headache and the voice says something like ichika, nino, istsuki, something which trigger my memory . Ahh... this is giving me a truly pain, quickly forget it, this is truly painful ohh.. lets try to not to have focus on that lady's words.

"Then I guess Its My turn then, Hmm For my cute baby girl Alice Nakiri ; and For my handsome boy Rahil Nakiri". (Nora)

"I understand something For Alice name, but i don't understand a thing for Rahil name".(Rena)

"Hmmm.. nothing special this name suddenly come to my head and i fell like this name suit him, so what's the problem".(Nora)

"you and your tactics, haa.. whatever suit yourself "


"Teeehee" 😋(Nora)

Looks like, this headache is going away But then other lady says something which make the headache worse.

Ahh... this pain is killing me I can't "aawaaa awaaa" haa.. i ended up crying ahh... fuck this headache lets get to the source and acceas the memories. Lets start from the beginning, first headache came from itsuki ichika yotsuba nino miku and then alice and lastly name rahil, obliviously this name is my and other is i feel like I Heard somewhere feel like Deja Vu.

Ahh... this pain is killing me, but I have to accept the memory ahhh..

Now i finally remembered whose name is this but I don't know if i have to happy or sad because if this is the same thing from what i remember.

Then this means i have died. I mean to being in baby's body means to have dead but i thought this is a dream and suddenly boom and wake up.

And happy thing is the wish i have been requesting have finally fullfill. Meaning i am reborn and in anime world yeah You heard me right I am currently in anime world which i am sure from the name of childs beside me.

Let's try to open my eyes i have to make sure. Ohh.. for the god sake i don't know a baby eyelids is this heavy, ohh finally opening my eyes and scene before me is truly unbelievable

I finally see Rena Nakano and leonora nakiri haaa...

Rena is from the quintupless anime and Leonora is from food wars anime and they are truly beautiful.

Suddenly leonora come before me and lifted me to carry me. and says" Look, look!! Rena Rahil is opening his eyes" (leonora) "really your baby is open his eyes much faster than rest of the babies" (Rena) "of course he is my child" (Nora)

I don't know what they are talking about but they seemed to happy so just let them be. Haa... wooo... leonora suddenly start to rotate me, and this make me dizzy before gradually getting me sleepy, so let's sleep for now.