
Reincarnated in a Fictional world

One day Rahil suddenly reincarnated to a cross fiction world where anime, manga, and other fiction stories are mix. The twist is that he does has memories of his previous life but for some reasons he can't access them. But he remembered in which family he has been born to so he confirm that he is in peaceful and he is Ready to enjoy his new life But is this world is truly peaceful as it seems...? let's go and found out. [ System is online ] I don't own any character other than my OC they belonged to their rightfull owner. I don't own profile picture if the owner has any dissacftion please message me.

Sahil_SA · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

One Year

3rd. Person POV.

In a Room. we could see that Their is 2 different size of baby cribs. In The big crib has 5 babies with the same face sleeping and in the other crib has 2 babies in which has some diffrence. The first baby which is seems to girl have been sleeping peacefully.

But the Baby next to her sitting and looking at her and the babies in the Next crib seems to thinking something.

' Looking at them like this to. still feel me like this is a dream and unreal but I have to accepted this reality cause I live in this world for more than 1 year'

The baby though or the our MC who has a name now is Rahil. He is in this world for one year now and come at accept his situation.

This past one year is not easy for him because he can't speak and has been keep crying for everything especially the pooping thing he can't control they automatic come out.

In which is the most embrassing thing is that Leonora is coming to cleaning him and sometimes Rena does. but Rahil quickly forget his embrass emotions and start the about future.

' What should I do from now on. In this year i have been flowing to flow but this can't go on and I seem to remember nothing from my previous life other than my name and the weird thing is I remember some anime from my life but i don't remember my family or how i died. '

Rahil thoughtly trying to remember his previous life but he don't remember anything other than his name and some anime. Or he has memories but he can't access them.

In this one year. First Rahil has fully open his eyes and in the next 3 months began to crawl be able to sit and in the next 8 to 9 months start walking.

And now he is now known that the language he's been hearing is Japanese then he began to learn Japanese which is quite easy for him Cause he knows the basic from Anime.

Suddenly his thoughts come to halt because the door suddenly open and. Leonora Nakiri come out. She is a pale-skinned woman who is considered to be very beautiful and has lower back-length silver hair that has long bangs split on both sides with a medium-length braid on top of the rest of her hair in the back that she allows to flow freely, and red eyes.

"My my Rahil you like always awake the first and look after your siters acting like big brother " She chuckled to see him wake up.

To in respondto his mom words Rahil just smile and began to stand and Come to cribe side and gesture her to carry him" Mumma mumma " say in childish voice.

Leonora smile slightly and carry him on her warm and begun to loose her upper dress for feeding him.

Looking at her boobs. Rahil has to say that the shape of her boobs has truly round and perfect and start sucking the milk taste weird but great for him.

Rahil heavenly moment is suddenly come to halt because the door open again. and from the door another woman come in. She is Rena Nakano. She has chest-dark-red that has bangs swept to the right side light-colored or dark-blue eyes, a well-endowed figure with large breasts and full pink lips. Deep red hair and sky blue eyes.

"Nora My previous job place has contact me to confirm in which time i can continue my job and they have shortage of teachers "

" Ahh... You know Rena first you truly have no time to continue your job" Leonora sigh and says and glance in the quintiples direction.

Rena also look at her childs side and thought slightly and began to spoke in which leonora just cut her.

"And I have my own company to support my family and at the same time yours " leonora has a small company of research of spice in Tokyo that can support her and both Rena family easily. " "But"

"No buts just shut up and listen to me this time and accept the offer and if you want to go to your job then you can when your childs grow "

Rena uppon seeing that her difficulty and support from Leonora she is fruly touch but she still has her pride and finally chose to decline.

But then Leonora cut her again " Don't make that face I can see what's in your mind right now. but you know that Other than my children and you I have nothing left. "

Seeing Leonora making a sad face Rena couldn't stand and quickly hug her and says " Ok ok i accept but don't make that face"

On the other Rahil hearing the talks between the two his confusion getting bigger and bigger.

Because in Rena side he understands her situation that she has basically nothing left other than her father and childrens

But his mom situation he's not understand beacuse his mom married to Nakiri family and has totsuki academy. But from the past and present talk betweens the two he can conclude that his mom for some reason has left her family and has been living with Rena now.

But he don't think too much he still has time and now ' Ahh... this feeling between the two soft lemons is truly Heavenly Ahh.. oh.. i am melting in'

So Our MC is now currently busy in sexual harassment is new mother and probably Aunt.

" Who's scoundreling me!! ".