
Reincarnated as Venom in the DC universe

MC gets reincarnated as Venom but realizes hes in the DC universe. Decides to try and attach to batman first. Not to do crime fighting but to be Bruce' ally and of course, use his money. Will be focusing a lot on Smallville as well as bits of Flash CW AU Details: Less Action, more billionaire wasting his money and messing around. Making video games, dating hot women, starting a side business, etc. Nolan Trilogy x Smallville x Flash CW AU more details : MC is a symbiote, bonds with people to copy their powers and eventually make his own body using copies of people he bonded with. Identifies as a male due to past life. Copies male bodies so he can have his own human form. Possible love interests : Supergirl, Wonder Woman But they wont appear till much later on the timeline. Small note, Cover image is what I imagine his hero look to be ---------- Newbie at writing here. I don't know if you would like this or not. All I can say is, this is my first attempt so I would hope future comments would be civil and take it easy on me. I am not overly familiar with DC universe hence I may choose to remove certain concepts and characters to serve my story better. No specific schedule or minimum word count since I'm not earning anything

Kenji_Makoto · Phim ảnh
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52 Chs

Chapter 6: Assessing my situation

[Venom POV internal monologue]

Alright let's do this one last time! HAH! I wanted to say that line at least once haha. Even if only internally speaking. Anyway so while Batsy is doing his training montage, I try to properly assess my situation.

I don't remember my previous name. I only remember the world I lived in. A world were DC comics or movies were entertainment. Which is somehow now the world I currently exist in. Marvel was also entertainment in my world. Yet here I am, a freakin symbiote. 

At first, my priority was looking for a workable host but the bat that I was with, stayed here so batsy it is. Now that I'm not in immediate danger of suffocating to death due to lack of lungs, I can properly start thinking. While batman frequently risks his life on a nightly basis, I know for fact that he is very trained and if this world is like DC comics, then it is a proper logical assumption a Superman also exists. While this needs to be properly researched later, for now, the assumption he's out there somewhere, gives me hope that he will become batman's best friend hence protect him on very real life threatening situations. Though I have to remind him later to give supes a heads up about me, lest he thinks I'm an alien parasite (which I am) that would kill batsy. 

Next, despite the obvious nightly danger, he's the richest man in Gotham which makes him the prime candidate so I wouldn't worry about money all the time like Parker.

The main reason why I actually don't want to connect with Batman's mind isn't just because of all the bullshit I told him. It's because I have memories of my past life which he might access with his extremely brilliant mind and strong mentality. If he comes to learn that this world is similar to entertainment in mine, I don't want to risk him becoming more like Owlman from Crisis on two earths animated film. That nutjob wanted to erase the freakin multiverse. Hell no! This Batman is fine as he is. 

Next, I cannot tell yet if this is very similar to a particular version timeline or a mixture of several. Because frankly, he looks like a mix of actors. This means my fake future knowledge can come to bite me in the ass so I better not speak of it until I am sure. Hopefully he will still follow his original sequence of events whatever they are, and I can just be like a secret weapon or trump card that he never tells anyone else about. 

When I really think about it, in a life and death situation, batsy can suddenly move at incredible speed and flexibility or resist a bullet to the head because of me to avoid a fatal end. 

I guess the best way for now is to give him a heads up only if I think a certain situation is going to happen. The rest he will have to figure out like he normally should. I wouldn't want to change or hold back his development after all. I need him to be the worlds greatest detective and an important member of the Justice League so I can live out my proper life. 

As for the Autopilot thing, since I knew symbiotes can technically survive with a dead host for a little bit, that means I can take charge of his entire body if he's not mentally active. Like in Sam Raimi films, parker woke up in the middle of the city with the symbiote on. So I will become Bruce. Mostly so I can be rich, famous and not a damn care in the world.

I intend to let him take full control of my abilities when he's in Batman mode and I can just ignore everything unless needed. Though I still have to keep an eye out for the joker. If I have to, I intend to kill him behind Batman's back. Hell nah! I ain't risking this world to becoming Injustice. He needs to die ASAP. Plus Batgirl's pretty hot too so I wouldn't want her to be raped in the killing joke. 

And since I am a symbiote after all, I intend to connect to batman's nervous system as well when I'm in Bruce mode. After all, I want to actually enjoy my life so the feeling of a woman's touch isn't something I want to miss out on. 

Let's see, what else do I need to think about? To be honest I wasn't that much of a DC fan in the first place so I don't really know much about this world at all, save for the things that happened in major films. I suppose I will have to take this one step at a time.

Oh, it looks like he's done for the night. I saw on the clocks that its almost daybreak. I guess its my first turn for now! Not gonna lie, I'm quite excited that I can finally see what it feels like to be a Billionaire!