
Reincarnated as Severus snape

A soul from our world reincarnated as Severus Snape with wishes and a annoying Golden trio

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12 Chs

Chapter 8

So Maya Won by getting 17 votes and Claire also get 13 votes so Maya will be Severus's second wife.

There will be many time skips in this novel

Because it will be very boring if I explain every single day of their life.


Days passed and Severus also become busy with his medicine and start the procedure according to the laws of Italy and America, after clearing the third stage of human testing he got approval from the FDA and Italy's medicine testing department.

He called the face of his company and said," Hello Maya, yeah I have got all the necessary documents and we can launch the medicine in the market and start the production."

Severus met Maya a month ago when


Severus was going home after dropping Sarah off *Not from the date of the previous chapter* when he suddenly saw some people in black pulling a girl with force and her face was covered with black cloth.

Severus understand that they were kidnapping her and sighed while thinking,' why i am getting into these cliche situations, and why only I have to see these scenes?'

Severus shook his head and immediately hide in the darkness of the night and moved at a high speed and knock every man around the girl in the second and tied them with the rope from which the girl was tied.

The girl removed the cloth and her face was stained with tears she started crying. Severus didn't know what to do in this situation so he just pulled out a water bottle from his dimension and passed it to the girl.

She was wearing normal clothes and they were looking old so he guess that she was not the daughter of a big family which confirmed that the kidnapping was not for money so only one thing came to his mind and he grip his hand tightly.

After the girl becomes a little normal Severus asked," Who are you and where are you from?"

The girl said in a weak voice but without any stuttering," My name is Maya and I am from the magic school..."

Severus covered her mouth with his hand and looked at her with a cold look in his eyes and said," you know that you can not tell anyone about the wizarding world."

Maya looked at him with a questioning look in her eyes and Severus just nodded for her confirmation, Maya started crying and said," I DON'T CARE ANYMORE I WANT ALL THOSE WIZARDS OR WITCHES, BLOODY BASTARDS TO BE BURNED ALIVE BY CHURCH."

Severus rubbed her back and asked," what happened to you?"

Maya said," My mother and father are death eaters and they sold me to these people on the order of the dark lord for the greater good."

Severus was shocked and sad at the same time he don't know what to say anymore, he took a deep breath and said," first we need to do something to hide your magic traces, give me your hand."

Maya forwarded her right hand and Severus bite his index finger and write some kind of rune on it. Maya suddenly felt that the connection between her and magic is cut of.

Severus said," This will temporarily break your connection with everything relating to magic it also kind of makes you a squib so you know what I mean."

Maya nodded and said," I understand and I also don't want anything to do with that world anymore."

Severus nodded and said," Okay, follow me."

Maya asked," where are we going?"

Severus said," somewhere you will be safe, and no one even thinks about you being there."

Severus and Maya soon arrived at Sarah's grandparent's restaurant and Severus knock on the door of their house which was at the back of the restaurant.

Soon Sarah opened the door and smiled seeing Severus and said," Can't even stay 1 hour without me huh."

Severus becomes awkward because the time came when he will tell Sarah about the wizarding world but he doesn't know how she will react.

Severus said in a voice loud enough for only Sarah to hear," I want to talk to you about something very important."

Sarah frowned, Maya, come out from behind Severus and Sarah nodded and went inside to change. Soon Sarah comes out wearing denim jeans and a white T-shirt.

They went to the beach and started walking on the edge and Severus said," Sarah, I am a Wizard and a world of wizards and witches existed in this world hidden from the eyes of normal humans, and there are three categories that exist in that world, Purebloods who are wizards from the very beginning as their ancestors were also wizards. Next are half-bloods..." (An:/ I won't explain what we already know.)

Severus continued to explain and after some time he said everything in one breath and his breath become heavy he thought Sarah will be mad at him but to his shock, Sarah was smiling at him.

Sarah said," It took you so long to tell me this."

Severus looked at her with shock and asked," you already knew everything?"

Sarah nodded and said," Because I am also running away from that magical world."


Thanks for reading and I know I end the chapter between flashback but it will create curiosity about her past which is also very special.😊