
Where is my cheat?!

"Huh! Where am I?"

Julius looked around and found that he woke up in the middle of auditorium full of children… or maybe teens. They spoke weirdly, but more weirdly was, Julius able to understand what they spoke.

"I heard that the new teacher, Shen Xiu, is one of Sacred Family's 3-star Silver rank Demon Spiritualist..." Julius heard someone said very familiar word.

Suddenly beautiful tall figure, wearing a lavender dress that wrapped tightly on her body. And it made Julius almost drooling. Her voluptuous body really nice.

But the words 'Sacred Family' really disturbed his mind. Although Sacred or Shen was common surname in the China, but Sacred Family combined with Demon Spiritualist really gave him goosebumps. Julius hoped that he didn't reincarnated on the novel world, Tales Demons and Gods.

Became protagonist really tempted him when he read many action novels. But experienced in the first hand was really not something Julius wished. Although he was a trained soldier, he was a normal soldier one, not special force, ranger, or assault team member.

But the fate seemed want to play with him. He looked at his own outfit, his hair color, and found two child who similar to Du Ze and Lu Piao. His body suddenly became limp. He slumped on the bench and leaned his head on the table.

'I was reincarnated into TDG world for sure and my role was Nie Li. But I'm not omnipotent as Nie Li. How would I survive on this dangerous world?!!'

'Right, usually the reincarnator was gifted with golden ring. Where is mine?'

But after searching for long time, he didn't find any sign of golden ring. Julius aka Nie Li become depressed.

How could he life on this harsh land without any power?

How could he escape beast horde within 3 years?

When Shen Xiu explained about superiority of Demon Spiritualist, Nie Li didn't even hear her voice at all. He really was doomed. He just hoped that he can read any books inside library, so he can learn one of two tricks to defend his pitiful life.

Shen Xiu still ramble about Demon Spiritualist that made commoner student felt angry and ashamed.

"A Demon Spiritualist is above a Fighter. We truly noble existence..."

'Right, why not become powerful demon spiritualist? Although I'm not omnipotent as the real Nie Li, I can still integrate a powerful demon, right?'

'Then what should I do?'

Another problem occurred again. He didn't have any good cultivation manual. Where he can fetch good cultivation manual? Obviously on the institute library or treasury of three major family.

Treasury of three major family still far fetched. So, the only choice available was institute library.

After the class ended, Nie Li immediately rushed toward the institute library. He wanted to gamble his life here. After pay a respect to the clerk, he open random book. Fortunately, he still able to read it. And Nie Li found his memory was strong enough to be called photographic memory.

Of course his understanding still lacking.

Realized his short coming, he immediately asked library clerk where the basic knowledge about cultivation. He just hope that the basic available was not inferior knowledge or written by layman.

He read one by one basic knowledge book until the afternoon. He managed to remember all written inside the books. He also borrowed a book for next lesson.

Then he asked about his dorm to the dorm clerk. Although it was embarrassing for normal people to forget his own room location, but Nie Li was not normal people. He was reincarnated, and he didn't inherit Nie Li former memory. Embarrassed was not included inside his dictionary… or forcefully deleted after coming to this world. He cannot survive on this harsh world if he still daily dally with embarrassment.

He knew something about feature, and he needed to be strong enough to defend his puny life. In three years before beast horde pay visit to the Glory City, at least he needed to be a peak gold-rank Demon Spiritualist.


After fetch his diner, he back to his room. He calmed his mind and digested the basic information he memorize. He used all his time to understand the information. And he finished his study at the midnight.

At least, tomorrow he didn't lack common sense about Fighter and Demon Spiritualist.

He suddenly remembered about a scene the original Nie Li concocted an alchemy potion to hunt a goat inside the training ground. The main topic was not the hunting goat, but when the original Nie Li met class belle Xiao Ning'er and told her about Arctic Disease she suffer. Maybe he can courted her and gained a helper for his survival.

He immediately rushed toward training ground. His purpose was obvious, he wanted to search Xiao Ning'er training place. Became powerhouse was good ambition, but solitary became powerhouse was not his ambition. At least, he didn't want to be alone. As per the last TDG chapter available, he can courted three goddess.

Entering the training ground, he aimlessly wandered around. With his current body power and his former training, he can do ninja jump from branch to another branch. Alas, he didn't find Xiao Ning'er trace after three hours searching.

Then he decide to sleep for few hours. He still needed to attend his bullshit class and heard beautiful teacher bullshiting. If he didn't wrongly remember, next class will be attended by few academic figure and mysterious powerful Demon Spiritualist from Snow Wind Family.

Next morning, Nie Li entered the class and immediately search for Xiao Ning'er.

He already accumulated his bravery and walked toward her. To avoid any suspicion, he wrote about Arctic Disease she suffer on the paper. As he remember, Xiao Ning'er was training hard in the midnight secretly.

In front of her, Nie Li greeted her, "Morning Ning'er. I want to talk about something. Are you have a few minutes?"

"No, don't disturb me again!" Xiao Ning'er answered with annoyed expression.

As expected from cold beauty. Nie Li just smiled and fished out a letter he prepared before. He handed it to her while whispered, "I know about your disease. Just read it and you will know what I mean."

Nie Li immediately back to his seat and read a book like his meeting with class belle didn't happen at all.

"Nie Li, you are really brave! I hope you not broken heart after get rejected by Ning'er goddess." The man similar to Lu Piao, or the real Lu Piao consoled him.

"Don't worry bro. Just let nature take care the flow." Nie Li said with ease.

Du Ze just nodded and didn't said anything. Lu Piao shook his head and back to his seat. The other students gossip him like crazy but it didn't bother Nie Li slightest. He continued read the book on his hand to prepare about current lesson.

"Today I'm going to teach about Inscription Patterns. Whether if it's Fighters or Demon Spiritualists, Inscription Patterns are very important… As it can greatly enhance the combat abilities those armors and weapons, especially if it's was used by Demon Spiritualist." Shen Xiu started her teaching.

She also said substantial information like history of Inscription Patterns, and the portion learnable Inscription Patterns available.

'Hm, maybe she is very overconfident and self-conceited, but her information still contain good thing.'

"Today, we will be talking about Enchanting Patterns." Her tone became gentler than her usual tone.

Of course Nie Li knew why she became like this. Three elderly man sat together outside the class room. Obviously Nie Li knew what they talking about. But the next incident which involved former Nie Li won't happen anymore. Although current Nie Li knew about Scarlet Sunburst Pattern, it didn't matter for current him.

Maybe she wanted to gain recognition from the mysterious gray robed man.

"The sacred Flaming Patterns has 66 foundation patterns. This pattern, for example…" She draw familiar Inscription Patterns that current Nie Li saw inside TDG manhua before.

"This is Scarlet Sunburst Pattern, created by Sacred Family's first generation house master! This pattern is made up of 36 foundation patterns combined together. It's also the most..." She began talk non-stop like machine gun.

Maybe he inherit former Nie Li trait, he began ignore Shen Xiu teaching and immersed with his book.

"Nie Li, you seem ignore my teaching. Can you explain this patterns!?" Shen Xiu pointed at him and told him to explain the Inscription Pattern on the white board. Very similar to the former story flow, with different cause.

"Are you sure? Your family will be implicated if I explain it properly. And I hope you won't drag me and my family." Nie Li asked back with annoyed tone. He really didn't want to be dragged down by this incident. But if he didn't ask back, that beautiful bitch will surely annoy him again and again.

Of course, the real cause was, he lacked a sleep. And when he immersed on the book, Shen Xiu disturbed him.

Woah!!! The class uproar. Everyone gaze at Nie Li, including two class belle and three old man. They really interested with untalented young man who calmly asked Shen Xiu back.

"What's up with Nie Li today?"

"Is his head banged to the wall last night?!"

"Are Nie Li become stupid?"

Thanks to Henki for your reminder.

Hahaha I remember the timeline wrongly. Indeed, it is 3 years. Two month was already up for Fighter class exam. Sorry guys. I will update the other chaps too...

As for another timeline like inscriptions class... it was intentional.

Adinda_kucreators' thoughts