
Q/A Session

Reporter: Adinda-ku, why you choose such girly name as your pen name?

Me: I truly love my wife. And I usually called my wife Adinda.

Reporter: Why you decide to write this TDG fan-fict?

Me: I love TDG, but my patience already up.

Reporter: With your pathetic English, why are you so confident with your novel?

Me: At least I still try. Also, I didn't use English as my primary language.

Reporter: Allright. Another question. Are you not afraid with negative or hater reader?

Me: No. From my perspective, my life is already difficult. If I still have to respond that negative comments, My life still difficult as always. Why bother?

Reporter: Haha you're so funny! Let's enter the main topic. How much chapters do you intend to write?

Me: I don't know. Maybe less than 200?

Reporter: So you still uncertain with the finishing point. Then, are you going to give MC cheating abilities like original?

Me: No. At least not all. From the start this is just fan fiction. And original TDG also still ALWAYS on going. So, I cannot use the original story line as handbook.

Reporter: Hm, you have the point. But with these meager chapters, Is Nie Li will enter Draconic Ruin?

Me: Maybe yes, maybe no. Because current Nie Li didn't know about Neither Realm as well. If I suddenly write Nie Li found the map inside the library, it will be more illogical for me because there is no record about Abyssal Prison Realm on the library, Obviously map about Neither Realm also unavailable, right?

Reporter: Last question. Are Nie Li will fight with Sage Emperor?

Me: Absolutely no. He is not original Nie Li and he didn't have any enmity with Sage Emperor. Of Course, if Sage Emperor dare to annoy him, Nie Li will retaliate too.

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