

??: {Hello Mizuki, My name is Ichikishimahime}

The white snake established a telepathic link with Mizuki as she introduced herself.

The telepathic link felt weird to Mizuki no matter how much he used it. He initially thought that talking to the snakes would be something like Parseltongue from Harry Potter.

Instead, it was more like visualizing what you are thinking about and then 'sending' it to them in their minds.

Mizuki: {Nice to meet you Ichikishimahime. Say since your my default summon now and you have a pretty long name, would you mind if I were to give you a nickname?}

Ichikishimahime: {What's a Nickname?}

Mizuki: {Ya, a Nickname. Like different name that people use when talking about a person.}

Ichikishimahime: {Why would I need one of those?}

Mizuki: {You don't need one per se, I just thought that it would be a good way to get familiar with one another}

However, Ichikishimahime could sense that there was some other reason why Mizuki was asking.

Ichikishimahime: {And your other reason?}

Mizuki: {No other reason}

Ichikishimahime: {.....}

Mizuki: {Ok fine, its because its a little bit of a pain to say your full name every time}

Ichikishimahime: {Fair, I definitely have a long ass name, you have any ideas about a good one for me?}

Mizuki pondered on that thought for a little while.

Mizuki: {Shit. I need to think of something. I never thought I would make it this far.}

Although Mizuki wanted to avoid calling out such a long name every time he spoke to her, In reality, Mizuki was simply horrible at naming things, creating his current conundrum.

Mizuki: {Something Simple. c'mon Mizuki....oh! I know!}

Mizuki: {How about Hime?}

Ichikishimahime: {Hime? Hm, it does have a nice ring to it.}

Mizuki decided that it would be best to treat his summon more like a friend/comrade like Naruto or Jiraiya does with the toads as opposed to what Orochimaru did with Manda.

After all, Mizuki didn't want to need to pay human sacrifices just to use the summoning jutsu. Not to mention, it could present Mizuki with a more loyal and therefore more effective summon.

So, Mizuki approached Anko, who was currently communicating with her summoned snake, a pitch black one slightly longer than Mizuki's, which was named Mamushi.

After having a brief chat with her for a while, they both agreed that they should spend the day befriending their summons and earning their loyalty.

So, even though it was a strain on their chakra reserves and all Mizuki wanted to do was collapse in the nearest bed and sleep for the rest of eternity, he decided the time would be better spent bonding with Hime.

In what felt like the blink of an eye, hours went by as Mizuki spent his time bonding with his summon.

After talking with her for a little whilst, Mizuki discovered that Hime's personality was quite mischievous and playful and she had a love of games.

Although behind that, it was clear that she had an element of ruthlessness to her that she kept buried.

Upon learning this, Mizuki quickly went to his apartment and took out a chess set which he played against her, as she used her tail to move the pieces.

And whilst his summon was no grand strategist, as soon as Mizuki moved on from games like chess where she lost to him, he found himself getting destroyed by her at virtually any card game.

Whilst they were playing, Mizuki also asked her about her combat abilities.

Surprisingly, she was able to innately cast some genjutsu on her opponents by looking in their eyes.

She also had a slow acting poison in her fangs that could paralyze her opponents, although this ability was still developing, and as a result was incredibly weak for her.

Finally, another developing ability she had, and was arguably her strongest, was her ability to devour chakra.

Although, similar to her ability with poison, this one is also wildly underdeveloped currently and only works on opponents who are at death's door.

Even most critically injured shinobi would be able to resist the jutsu in its current state.

To finish the day, Mizuki decided it would be a worthy "investment" to go to Ichiraku to introduce the glories of Ramen to the clueless snake.

Mizuki walked down the now dark streets of Konoha as he expertly worked his way through the winding maze alleys and streets as he already knew the quickest way to reach the infamous Ramen Shop.

Regardless of when he had it, Mizuki was always surprised by just how delicious the food always was, he would go so far to say its some of the best food he has ever eaten.

Minus his mother's cooking in his old world though.

Nothing can or will ever beat mom's cooking.

Mizuki walked into Ichiraku and, luckily for him, noticed a seat empty at the counter of the ramen stand.

Even if it was already dark out, it was still early for the adults to be packing into the restaurants yet.

In an effort to avoid these crowds, and get his dinner without a wait, Mizuki decided it would be a good idea to eat early.

It would also be nice to see Teuchi, as he had not seen him for the better part of a month with all of his non-stop training.

Mizuki: "Hey Old Man, how you doing?"

Teuchi: "Mizuki! You should have stopped by sooner!"

Mizuki: "haha, I will try more in the future"

Although they could barely be called acquaintances, everybody who visits the ramen shop enjoys Teuchi as he is known for his kindness and generosity,

Regardless of this, Mizuki wasn't here for mere pleasure. He was here on a mission to induct a new member into the church of ramen.

Seeing as he was introducing Hime to ramen in general, Mizuki decided to open with the most famous ramen of them all.

Mizuki: "One Extra Large Miso Ramen with Extra Pork Please"

Not even five minutes later, sitting in front of Mizuki was a large bowl of miso broth ramen topped with spring onion, fishcake, a soft boiled egg, and lots of pork.

(A/N: Damnit now I'm hungry.)

Seeing the dish in front of him, Mizuki could only sigh internally as he knew that he couldn't keep this dish to himself.

Mizuki: "Itadakimasu"

Hime: {Itadakimasu}

Seeing as it would be hard for her to normally reach the ramen without scaring everyone else in the restaurant, Hime hid in Mizuki's sleeve as she covertly slurped down the ramen alongside her summoner.

Mizuki: <Sighs>, "Well how was it? Awesome right?"

Hime: {It was amazing! It's almost as tasty as human}

Mizuki: "Ya almost as tasty as-WAIT WHAT?"

Hime: <giggles> "I'm just messing with you"

Seeing as the dinner rush was starting to begin, Mizuki payed off his tab as he got up to walk back home.

Mizuki: "Well, this is the end of our day"

Hime: "Yup, thanks a bunch. It was honestly a blast. I have a feeling I am not going to regret making you my summoner."

With those words and a puff of white smoke, Hime returned to Ryuichi Cave, leaving Mizuki to crawl into his bed and fall asleep.

Honestly, writing hime is probably the toughest thing I have had to do so far, it's pretty challenging writing a character for someone who only gets less than 10 minutes of screentime total.

Also, I get this not normally how summons are treated but I wanted to develop his summon as a character this is just, I feel, the best way to do it.

As for Hime's abilities, I may add two or three more to the list in addition to developing the ones already there, and whilst by the end of this she won't be too OP, I want her to at least be a factor (however minor) throughout the book.

For those of you wondering, I got the name Mamushi by googling "japanese snake" and then shamelessly using the first result.

IWANTMYDINNERcreators' thoughts