
Chapter 2, Part 1 - 2

The saiyan is quiet for a couple of minutes. He was in deep thought. Bardock eyes eventually land on Friezas. "If this is true and Beerus told you to do this...there is really nothing I can do about it. So what about Kakarot and Gine? I can't let them die."

"Don't worry about that. There is a planet called Earth, populated by humans. They are similar to saiyans in appearance. You can take one of the smaller ships and head there." Bardock nods, "Thank you for telling me about this. Thank you for everything you've done for me."

"Okay, okay, enough of this sappy bullshit. I've got business to attend to. I will be on my merry way." Frieza tells Bardock. They began to head their separate ways.


Frieza's POV

I had been waiting for communication from Bardock from the scouter. He definitely won't be pleased if Gine and Kakarot are dead. A little while later I was finally informed on how the saiyan was doing.

Bardock: "I'm on the ship."

Frieza: "Great, what took you so long?"

Bardock: "I had to convince Gine to come with me. She didn't believe me when I told her that the planet was going to be destroyed. And the only reason she's coming along is to make sure of Kakarot's safety."

Frieza: "That is some great news. But since you're immortal I don't want you to take care of every threat that comes to the planet. Let Kakarot take care of them."

Bardock: "And why would I do that?"

Frieza: "There are dragon balls on the planet, you can reverse the immortality if you wish to fight fairly or whatever."

Bardock was somewhat surprised, "That's some good news I guess."

"Yeah, yeah. Just make sure your son gets the fighting experience he needs. I will visit you 24 years from now," Frieza states. "Why 24?" Bardock questioned. "I guess you'll have to wait. Farewell, Bardock."

Bardock: "Okay, but I have to warn you, I will defeat you when we have our rematch."

Frieza: "In your dreams, saiyan. When we meet again I will be far beyond your power."

Bardock: "Well I guess we'll have to wait and see."

Their communication cuts off, Frieza sighs. He knew what he was about to do and hated it. 'I always thought Beerus was a cool guy. It turns out he's an asshole.' But just then a fabulous idea came to him. 'Shin! I can just kill Shin and become the God of Destruction!' He quickly dropped the idea. 'Nah, I could never kill Shin. But maybe I can visit him.'

Frieza then calls for all of the saiyans to return to the planet. Vegeta, Nappa, and Raditz were on a mission and ignored the order. It had been a couple weeks since Vegeta heard the news about his fathers death by Frieza. But he didn't care about that, his rightful throne was taken by Bardock. The former prince sworn that he would take the low class saiyan out. Frieza had also informed Raditz that his family had escaped the destruction of the planet and was headed to a planet called Earth.

Nappa, Raditz and Vegeta were all skeptical. They were suspecting that Frieza had something to do with the planet's destruction. "Once we're older we will recruit your brother. He will join us, I have a feeling Frieza isn't telling us the full truth. But, I will kill your father Raditz."

All the young saiyan could do was nod, he was no match for the former prince. He just needed to accept the situation as it was.

The frost demon watches as ships start heading back to the planet. He just wanted to get it over with. Frieza exits the ship and hovers over the planet. He lifts up a finger and conjures up a ball of ki. It was as small as a marble, Frieza poured a small amount of energy into the ball. It was small, yes, but that was more than enough. Thankfully, he didn't get any attention drawn toward him.

He flicks it down onto the planet at beyond light speeds. The planet immediately explodes. "Damn you Beerus. I will be a far better god compared to you." Frieza returns to his ship and plans on visiting Shin and the other kais.

(AN: In the canon, the world of the Kai's isn't within the universe. So I will have it so it is.)

It takes Frieza up to a month to get to the world of the Kai's. Unbeknownst to Frieza, the Kai's have been watching everything that he's been doing. They didn't know how to feel.

Frieza arrives in the world and greets the Kai's formally. Shin was the first to speak. "What are you doing here Frieza?"

"Please, don't be so tense. I mean no harm. What I do need is the Z sword." Frieza simply stated.

"The Z sword? Nobody is able to remove it. If we can't, what makes you so sure of yourself?" Shin questions. In return, Frieza powers up into his platinum form. The kai's were taken aback. "I-impossible! You're just a mortal," Kibito stated. "Indeed, i-it seems like the power you're giving out is on par with the gods!" Shin comments.

"Oh don't be silly, I still need a lot more training if I want to be on par with a god of destruction." Frieza then walks over to the Z sword and effortly takes it out. "I need to test this out."

"O-of course," Shin summons a block of kachi. Frieza smirks as he already knows what's going to happen. He swings the sword onto the block, it breaks. To the shock and horror of Shin and Kibito.

Moments later a figure emerges from the broken sword. It was an old kai. Before Kibito and Shin could say anything more, Frieza demands the elder kai to awaken his potential.

"Huh, what? I'm free? You set me free!" The elder kai yells in delight. "Yes, yes, and since I've freed you I'd like my potential unlocked. "Oh? And how do you know of my abilities?" The kai questioned.

"I know a lot more. Like how Majin Buu was a great threat to you kai's." They were all even more shocked. "Unlock my potential and teach me the kai kai. Do that and Majin Buu will not be a problem for you."

"Defeat Majin Buu? Old Kai, do as he says!" Shin pestered. "Okay, okay, I'm on it. You have to sit down in order for me to begin the ritual."

Frieza spends 27 hours sitting still. The ritual was finally finished and Frieza was now unbelievably powerful. "I'm surprised you didn't fall asleep." The old kai says. "What can I say? I'm just like that. Now teach me the kai kai already. I've got places to be."

"You sure are a needy person aren't you?" The elder kai says. Frieza wasn't playing any games. "What did I just say? If you don't want Majin Buu dealt with I can just leave."

"Of course we will teach you the kai kai." Shin says, adding to the conversation. "Great, we can get started. Right now."

And so they did. After learning the technique, Frieza tells the kai's that it may be a while until he actually comes across the majin. They were just glad that they found someone willing to get rid of that monster. Frieza uses his newly learnt kai kai and appears on planet Yardrat.

He tells the nearest yardratian to take him to Pybara. The yardratian does as told and takes Frieza to Pybara. "It is a pleasure to finally meet you. My name is Frieza."

Pybara was taken aback, "As in *the* Frieza? King Cold's son?"

"The one and only." Frieza says with a smirk. "But do not fear me. I mean to harm, just wish to learn every technique you have to offer."

Pybara was not sure if Frieza was telling the truth, but did not want to upset the space emperor. "Okay. You swear you won't try to do anything to harm this planet?"

The frost demon puts a hand on his chest and says to the yardratian; "I swear."

Pybara: "Very well, we will start with the basics and it will get harder along the way."

Frieza: "Ready when you are."




The frost demon had done it. He has learned spirit control and truly felt unstoppable. Which he was. At this moment of time there is nobody that can stand up to him in his raw power and now new techniques, even instant transmission. 'Even though I have the kai kai, I can use instant transmission to teleport to an energy signature. Which will be helpful in the near future.'

Frieza said his goodbyes to the yardratians and teleports away using the Kai Kai. There is a certain saiyan that he needs to visit. He found himself on a desolate planet. The frost demon wasted no time trying to find the saiyan he was looking for.

Seconds later he comes across Paragus who was holding a young Broly in his arms. The saiyan and frost demon lock eyes, Paragus was shocked beyond words. "Hello, saiyan," Frieza was the first to speak up.

"I'm saved!" Paragus yells out. "Not really, I just need your son."

Paragus: "W-What? My son? But why?"

Frieza: "First off, I do not like being questioned. I am the one and only Lord Frieza, you will bow down to me."

Paragus did as told, Broly still in his arms. Frieza took this as his chance to snatch the child. The action makes Paragus flinch. "What speed..."

"Like I said, I just need your son," Frieza stated. The frost demon then breaks the collar off the young saiyans neck. "Kai kai." And just like that the frost demon vanished, leaving Paragus alone on the planet.

Frieza returns to his ship with the sleeping Broly in his arms. "This should be interesting. I will raise you as my own. As for now, I need to start training again." With the training he has had with Pybara, he was finally able to sense ki. He tests out the instant transmission and appears in front of Berryblue.

The sudden appearance of Frieza startles her, "Oh, my Lord!" She yelped. "Yes, I know. Quite an interesting power. Anyway, I need you to take care of this saiyan while I train."

"Of course my lord," Frieza hands over Broly to Berryblue. The frost demon was now thinking about something. 'I'll say I will be gone for at least a year. The army needs someone that can command them.'

He makes a clone of himself and says to Berryblue, "You will be listening to him while I'm gone."

"Oh my, you sure have gotten powerful now." Berryblue comments. "Indeed, but I believe that there can only be one true Frieza." He turns to his clone. "Your name will be Ize."

Ize nods his head agreeing.

Frieza instant transmissions to Paragus. The former was not happy to see Frieza. "Give me back my son, you monster!"

"How ironic, tell me, why was there a collar around Broly's neck?" Paragus stammers, "H-His power, It needed to b-be controlled."

"Good, good, that's all I needed to know." The frost demon blasts the saiyan in the chest, he was holding back considerably. Paragus slumps back, on the verge of death. Frieza stands over him with a disgusted facial expression. He lets the saiyan yell out in agony before healing him.

Once healed, Paragus gets up and attempts to flee. Frieza grabs his leg and brings him down back onto the ground. "I am going to have some fun with you before your execution."

They spend a whole year going back to back. Frieza healing Paragus over and over again. Over this time Paragus begged over and over for his son. Frieza refused him every single time.

The saiyan had finally lost it. He yells out in anger, a golden aura starts to engulf him. Frieza watches on intrigued. 'Is he really going to go super saiyan?'

Yes, he does in fact go super saiyan. The frost demon laughs in his face. "You should not be laughing right now Frieza. With this, I will finally kill you."

Frieza's grin turns into one of annoyance. "You are not the only one who can transform." He turns platinum, Paragus' face is now the one frowning. They soon go at once again.

The attacks of Paragus had no effect on Frieza whatsoever. "How is this possible?" The saiyan yells frustrated. "You wonder why your attacks do nothing to me? It is quite simple actually... I am a GOD!"

Frieza sends his fist straight through the torso of Paragus, his super saiyan power fades. Eyes darken, he was dead. "Good riddance." The frost demon turns to base and heads back to his ship for the first time in a year.

He returns to be faced with a two year old Broly with Ize and Berryblue by his side. "I knew I made a good decision." Frieza says, catching the attention of the three. They all turn to see Frieza, Broly looks at Ize and Frieza. He had a confused expression on his face.

The frost demon found it humorous.

Frieza spent the next 23 years training with both Ize, and Broly once he was old enough. Broly has full control of his wrathful power, his super saiyan form still needs work.

'Finally, now the fun can finally begin.' Frieza thought. "Broly, we are going to Earth."

"Like I told you some years ago, there are some saiyans I would like you to meet. I doubt they are as powerful as the two of us. Now grab onto my shoulder and we will begin a new adventure." The saiyan does as told.

Frieza uses the kai kai and is met with Kakarot, Bardock, and Gine. They were living in Capsule Corp. Bardock sees Frieza and smiles widely.

"Look who it is, guess you were serious about coming to see me after 23 years. Speaking of that, why 23?" Bardock says to the frost demon. "Because we will have a visitor shortly, someone you may know actually."

"Someone I know you say? Well, who is it?" Bardock asks. "Your son."

"My son? Do you mean... Raditz?"

Gine and Kakarot were watching the interaction. Bardock has already told Kakarot about his brother, Kakarot had an idea on who Frieza is because Bardock would talk about him from time to time. He didn't know who the big guy next to Frieza was though. Gine was surprised to hear that Raditz was going to be coming to the planet soon.

"Yes, I am talking about Raditz," Frieza replies. He turns to see Gine and Kakarot. Frieza began to walk towards them, "Kakarot, my how you've grown. I sense that you are quite powerful too. And Gine, I don't think we've had a proper conversation. The person I am here with is Broly, he's a saiyan. And also my son."

"Wait, did you say son?" Bardock questioned. "Of course, I was the one that raised him after all."

"Hello, my name is Broly." The giant says.

Then a knock was heard, followed by someone walking into the room. It was Bulma and she had a child in her hands. Her eyes widened as she was eye to eye with a real alien.

She of course knew Kakarot and his family were saiyans but they looked human. Frieza was more 'alien' when it came to looks. "What is going on here?" She asked, looking at Kakarot.

"This is Frieza, the person my father has been mouthing on about for years." Kakarot replies. Frieza ignores the comment, he was more interested in Bulma because she was holding a child in her arms.

'He looks like Gohan...but he has blue hair!' He thought to himself. "Who is the child?" Frieza questions. "Our son." Kakarot replied. "What is his name?" Frieza asked. "His name is Gohan. Named after someone who helped us get used to life on Earth. He sadly passed a few years ago due to old age." Kakarot explained.

"Ah, I see. So Bardock, tell me. Are you still immortal?" Frieza questioned. "No, I used the dragon balls to revert the immortality a few years ago. It's just not for me."

"I understand. Well, do you at least have super saiyan?" Frieza asks. "No, but I do have this strange power. It's me using the oozaru but in base."

Frieza was intrigued, "Show me this new power of yours then."

Bardock does just that. "Do you also have this power?" Frieza asked Kakarot, "I do, do you want me to show you?"

"Please do."

They were both now powered up and were pretty powerful. "Broly here also has the same power. How about we fight? Kakarot will take on Broly and I will fight Bardock."

"Woah woah woah, not so fast misters. Follow me if you want to fight." Bulma says ordering the group. They don't argue and do as they are told. She leads them to a training room that she built not too long ago.

"This is perfect, shall we begin?" Bulma left the room and let them do their thing.

All of the saiyans couldn't wait any longer and they all began fighting.

Right off the bat it was clear that Broly and Frieza were powerhouses. They had the advantage over their opponents. "You may be strong but not strong enough." Frieza told Bardock and Kakarot. All this did was piss off Bardock, he pushed himself further. Frieza was too fast, he landed a blow to Bardock's gut. The attack left him winded and wheezing. "How did you hit me? You didn't even move a hand."

"To be honest with you, my power is godly. I can show you a way to reach godhood but first I need you to learn super saiyan. This oozaru power is not enough."

Broly too had to hold back, having two Friezas as training partners had greatly increased his power. When the sparring was done Kakarot and Bardock were bloodied and bruised.

Kakarot looks at Bardock, "I don't have any senzu beans, how about you?" "I don't either."

"I believe I can be of assistance." Frieza says to them. He uses his healing ability and they were good as new. "You never cease to amaze me."

"Yes, I am quite amazing aren't I." At that moment Frieza sensed three powers heading towards earth. The saiyans did too. "You guys sense that?" Frieza questions. Kakarot, Broly, and Bardock all nod. "This should be interesting."

They all go outside, "Everyone grab onto me. We need to make sure they know we're onto them."

All of them arrive to see the pods hurdling down onto the planet. The saiyans grab the pods mid air and descend back onto the planet. The pods open to reveal three saiyans.

'I never liked Nappa, maybe I should just kill him right here.' Frieza thought to himself. Vegeta sees Bardock and Frieza together and he is both angered and fearful. "F-Frieza?" He mumbled. Nappa and Raditz were also the same way. Raditz on the other hand was surprised to see his father here.

"Father? What are you doing here?"

"It's good to see you, Raditz."

Frieza stayed eerily quiet, staring at Nappa. "L-lord Frieza, what brings you here?"

"Quiet." The frost demon kills the bald saiyan right there. The sudden attack left Vegeta and Raditz even more scared. "We will play by my rules," Frieza tells the Saiyans.