
Chapter 3, Part 1-2

"Tell me something. Would you like to leave this planet alive or should I spare you?" Said the frost demon. '*I don't plan on killing these two, that would just ruin my plan*,' Frieza thought to himself.

Even though Vegeta was scared, he wasn't one to give up. He looks at Frieza and Bardock with anger. "You destroyed my planet... and you took my throne. I don't care how long it takes, both of you will die by my hands." The former prince turns to his ally. "Raditz, I am your leader. I don't care if you have family here. We will kill them, are you with me?"

Raditz took in everything Vegeta was saying. He took the time to build up all of the courage he could. It was about time he finally stood up to himself. "Vegeta, all of the years we've spent together...all you've done was ridicule me for being weak. I couldn't say anything back because you were always so much stronger than I. Now seeing my family after all of these years, I wish to stay with them." He marches to Bardock's side and stands there defiantly.

This left Vegeta dumbfounded, a weakling like Raditz just left him just like that. "No. You don't just disobey like this and not expect punishment." The saiyan looks to his hand and summons a white ball of energy. He throws it into the sky and says three words. "Burst open and mix!"

The oozaru looked at Frieza, he had a bored expression and wasn't doing anything. Vegeta hesitates for a second, his eyes landing on Bardock and Raditz. He knew someone was missing, the oozaru turns just in time to be punched in the nose. It was Kakarot, he had moved while Vegeta was transforming. Vegeta's body is sent through multiple mountains, and the oozaru was knocked out.

The group arrived at where Vegeta was resting. "What are we gonna do with him?" Raditz asked. They all looked at Frieza. "I have an idea," he says. Frieza walks to the unconscious Vegeta and puts two hands on his chest. The body of the saiyan soon started to glow as he was starting to wake.

The saiyan opens an eye to see Frieza. The frost demon only healed him enough so he could talk. Vegeta grunts, "Frieza...why. Why did you destroy the planet?" Instead of being stubborn or angry, he shows vulnerability as tears start forming in his eyes.

"It wouldn't be the best idea if I were to tell you the reason I did it. But I will tell you this, *I didn't want to do it*."

"Bullshit, you're a monster." The saiyan replied. Frieza sighs as he continues healing him. Once healed, Vegeta stared at the group in disgust. "To think saiyans would be allies with the person who destroyed their home planet." He scoffs, "Unbelievable."

"Like Frieza said, there was a reason he had to destroy the planet," Bardock spoke up. "Enough!" Vegeta raised his voice. He looks at Kakarot with intrigue. "I don't know how you became this powerful but when I come back, all of you will bow down to me. If I can't be the prince of the saiyans, I will become the emperor of the universe." He looked at Frieza dead in the eye while saying the last line. "Since it seems like somebody here has given up," he continued.

Frieza laughs in return, "Fool, why would I abandon my army? You may try to take over but there is a certain someone that will get in your way."

"Go to hell Frieza," the former prince says as he flies into the atmosphere. "What are we gonna do about him?" Broly spoke. "I wouldn't worry too much about it. We will be fine," reassured Frieza.

He turns to the saiyans with a determined expression. "It's about time we get you all super saiyan. I am so far ahead of all of you it's not even funny."

"Actually, I was thinking about getting some food. What about you guys?" Kakarot says. All of the saiyans nod in agreement and then look at Frieza. "What?" The frost demon says. "Well, aren't you gonna teleport us back to capsule corp?" Bardock said.

Frieza crossed his arms. "Fine," he says. They return back to the capsule corp building in a flash. Gine, Bulma and Gohan were waiting for their return.

Gine runs to Raditz the moment he arrives, she gives him a hug and starts wailing. "Raditz, you're finally back," she says. The group all looked on, this was a wholesome moment.

"Okay, okay, okay. Raditz is back. Yay," Frieza says sarcastically. "Now we need to feed these saiyans as soon as possible."

Broly's stomach rumbles, the group looks at him amused. "We need food," Broly spoke. "Enough talk about food. I have lived around with these saiyans long enough to know they have a huge appetite. That's why I always have pre-prepared in capsules." Bulma says to the group.

"Did you know about this?" Frieza says to Bardock. "Well, of course I did. She's my daughter in law for Kami's sake," the saiyan replied.

- Time skip–

"Alright, you've all had your food. It is time to finally train." Frieza announced to the group.

"Where should we start?" Raditz asked. "You are familiar with the hyperbolic time chamber, am I right?" The frost demon says. The question was directed at Kakarot and Bardock.

"How do you know that?" Kakarot asked. "It's simple really, how do you think I predicted Raditz coming to Earth?"

"The powers that you possess are quite interesting. So you also possess future vision like me?" Bardock questioned. "Something like that. Now let's get this training over with."

The group head to the lookout. Popo and Kami were already anticipating the arrival. Kami had been watching Frieza the moment he had arrived on the planet. He heard about him from Bardock. The saiyan told the Namekian all about how Frieza had helped him. And it seemed to him like the space emperor was an ally. The residents of the lookout greet the visitors.

"Frieza, I am grateful for what you've done. How will I ever repay you?" Kami says to the frost demon. "I want to be able to use the hyperbolic time chamber and the dragon balls anytime I wish." Frieza replied. Kami nods in agreement.

The group steps into the chamber. At the same time Bardock forgot something very important. "The food, we forget the food!" He yells. "Relax, If you're hungry I can just heal you. Just like the good old days." Frieza says. "Ah, yes. The time you made me immortal and your punching bag? How could I ever forget."

"Let's get the business.The goal here is to get super saiyan. Raditz, I will personally train you. "Kakarot, Bardock, and Broly..." He then made three clones of himself. "There, one of me for each of you."

"Of course, you can clone yourself." Kakarot shakes his head, "I guess we're lucky that you aren't evil." He continued.

Frieza smirks, "This will be fun."

"Raditz, give me all you've got," Frieza says to the saiyan. In return, Raditz punches Frieza square in the nose. "Is that all you've got? No, no, no, this won't work at all." Frieza starts to taunt the saiyan. Raditz gave it his all but the frost demon was tanking all of his punches.

It was the same with the other saiyans. Frieza was just on another level.

The space emperor was quickly bored, he points a finger at Raditz and shoots a ki blast through his chest. The attack just barely missed the heart of Raditz. Frieza began to beat on the saiyan, causing him to be on the brink of death.

Bardock of course realizes this and demands Frieza to stop. "That's enough. Another attack will surely kill him, he needs to heal," Bardock says to Frieza.

A powerful kick was sent to Bardock's chest, it was the Frieza clone he was facing. "You can't just act like I am not here. I may be a clone but I am still as powerful as the original."

Frieza looks on amused, seeing three of himself dominating the saiyans was definitely a sight to behold. "I'm not gonna kill him of course. We're just getting started." The frost demon then took the time to finally heal Raditz. The saiyan receives a massive zenkai from this.

Broly, Kakarot, and Bardock all transform into their wrathful forms in an attempt to turn the tides of battle. The attempt was futile.

Then simultaneously all four Frieza's turn into their platinum form. They beat onto the saiyans for hours without healing. "I don't care how long this takes, 10 years, 100 years. The dragon balls can bring you back if you were to die here. Once I get you all to master super saiyan, I will grant you all immense power. If you wish to get this power you need to step up your game!" Frieza was getting into all of their heads.

All four Frieza's heal their respective training partners. The Frieza that was facing Raditz tells him; "You are very disappointing. Maybe I should have killed you when I got the chance. Your brother and father are also here, wonder how you'll react once I kill them. Or I can make you immortal, torturing you for all eternity. I don't know about you but that sure sounds like a plan to me."

Bardock's Frieza tells him; "You can't even turn into a simple super saiyan. There are multiple forms above the regular super saiyan form and you can't even get it. It's sad really. Maybe I should have never spared you. If I weren't here coaching you all, I could have been this universe's God of Destruction. But I'm not, instead I am here with a bunch of weak saiyan monkeys!"

Kakarot's Frieza tells him; "Look at you, do you think you're a warrior? A prince? You are good for nothing trash. Y'know your father and I go way back. I even made him immortal, I could have just killed him you know. If I did, you wouldn't have been born. And your son Gohan too. Oh, poor little Gohan, it would suck if I were to kill their father in front of them. Don't even get me started on Bulma, she may be a badass but she also has a mouth on her. This planet along with its inhabitants shall perish under my finger!"

And finally, Broly. His Frieza tells him; "My boy, you are powerful but you have never gotten to my level of power. You are different compared to the other saiyans, yes, but I fail to know why you bottle up your emotions. Sometimes, it is better to just let it all out. As you already know, your father was not a good person. He abused you, Broly. If I didn't arrive on that planet on that fateful day, you would still be with that monster. Tell me Broly, was it a mistake that I saved you? Your performance is telling me yes."

The saiyans all raged with anger. All of them are slowly covered with a golden aura. The Frieza's look on proudly, not worried in the slightest. "Yes, yes, good! Embrace this anger, turn it into power!"

Kakarot, Raditz, Bardock, and Broly, newly turned super saiyans. They rush to attack their respective Frieza's. The frost demon weaves and dodges without effort.

"Bardock, snap out of it. Look at yourself, you've finally done it. You are the legendary super saiyan!" Frieza starts saying, he was trying to get through to the saiyan but it wasn't working. The Frieza's knock out the saiyans without having any other choice. The super saiyan transformation wore off.

While they took their nap Frieza took the time to merge into one again. Once the saiyans woke up they were pissed. "Okay, maybe I got carried away with my words. But that's okay, super saiyan was finally achieved."

"Good, now what was this talk about you giving us immense power?" Bardock asked. Frieza just shakes his finger at him. "Not yet. I bet you can't even transform at will." Frieza remarked.

"So you're telling us that we need to master the form?" Kakarot says. "Well of course, how else are you going to fight future threats far stronger than you?" Stated the frost demon.

"I'm ready," Broly says to the group. "You see guys? Be more like Broly here." Frieza says.

–Time skip–

"Finally, you all have mastered the form." Frieza congratulates them on a job well done. "Remember, there are still more forms above this one. We will meet with the rest and I'll show you what I meant when I said I would give you all immense power. Everyone except Broly."

"Why do you say that?" Raditz questioned. "Yeah, what makes you think he doesn't need this 'power' you speak of?" Kakarot spoke.

"Why? Because when it comes to potential, he can grow far stronger than all of you." Frieza says with a smirk. "How is that possible?" Bardock questions. "Because he is not just a super saiyan, he is THE Legendary Super Saiyan. Same naming as a legendary super saiyan but his full powered super saiyan form is green, not yellow."

They exit the hyperbolic time chamber. Frieza asks Kami how long they've been inside. "It's been 21 hours," Kami replied. "We spent nearly a year in there, nice."

The group head back to capsule corp, Frieza needed a few more saiyans for his plan. "Bulma, I need Gohan. Gine you too."

"Huh? What is happening?" Bulma asked. Frieza looked back at Bulma, "I am changing history. Everyone, grab a hold of me." They did as told and Frieza teleported them onto an empty field.

"Kakarot you stand in the middle. Two saiyans will put a hand on Kakarot's back. The rest will hold hands with one another and pour your energy into Kakarot."

They did as told and the result was a super saiyan god. "What is this?" Kakarot asked. "Do not get carried away by this power, it is the form of the super saiyan god." Frieza tells him. "This may be a great power, but once you learn to control it, it can be combined with the super saiyan form."

The frost demon looks at the other saiyans. "Now who wishes to become the next god?" To Frieza's surprise the other saiyans didn't say anything. Until Bardock spoke up, "I can't sense Kakarot but the power he is giving off is beyond me. This power seems like a cheat though, besides I'd rather improve my super saiyan form. You said there were more, I am going to achieve those transformations. This 'god' power just seems like a cheap way to get power."

"I agree with him, we need to stay true to our saiyan roots," Raditz added on. Hearing this, Frieza was not disappointed. He was excited if anything. "Great, what you need to do is master the oozaru transformation. Maybe stack super saiyan on it while you're at it. If you wish to stay true to your primitive roots, I accept it." The frost demon has his attention on Broly now. "Broly, how about you spar with Kakarot. Let's see what you've got."

"Alright, Kakarot I will not go easy on you," Broly says. He immediately turns into a super saiyan. They began to fight, it was a spectacular one. Kakarot seemed to have the edge over Broly for a few minutes. The former was growing as he fought.

Broly eventually got the upper hand in the fight and began to beat on Kakarot. The hulking saiyan knocks the wind out of Kakarot causing him to detransform.

"We still have a long way to go," Frieza says to the group.