
Reincarnated as Ancestor of a Great Clan

--Note: 4 to 8 chapters/per week will all be released on Sunday at once -- In the vast and mystical realm of the Cultivation World, on the Southern Divine Continent, the Great Li Clan stands as a powerful force, known for its history and lineage of formidable cultivators. At the helm of the clan is one of its ancestors, Li Tian, a stoic and dedicated cultivator who has recently achieved the coveted realm of the Half Immortal stage. Li Tian's ascension, however, brings about unexpected changes; he can now remember his past life as a person born on earth. married to two remarkable women, Lin Hua and Chen Lian. Because of this, his own life dynamically changes as he, a cold person, now comes to understand the value of relationships. He becomes an indomitable force, surpassing all limits and emerging as an overpowering presence within the cultivation world. This enthralling tale unfolds amidst the backdrop of the Cultivation World -overpowered. checked -R18. checked -Cultivation world. checked -Action. checked

Drake_20043257 · Kỳ huyễn
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26 Chs

Chapter 7: History


Many would find the Li Clan peculiar, as the unity among its core members was unlike the discord and internal strife prevalent in many other cultivation clans. In these rival clans, members often wielded blades against each other, engaging in a deadly struggle for supremacy within the clan. It had become a grim norm, where alliances were fragile and trust was scarce.

However, the great Li Clan stood in stark contrast, with its core family members remarkably close-knit with no signs of internal conflict. The bonds they shared were unbreakable, a testament to the exceptional cohesion within the clan's upper echelons. This unity, however, wasn't born out of mere chance; it had roots that extended far into the past.

The Li Clan's unparalleled solidarity could be traced back to a tumultuous period in its history when the clan faced near destruction. During those dark times, the Li Clan found itself isolated, receiving no support from allies or friend clans. It seemed as though the whole world had turned against them.


In the bygone era of the cultivation world, strength and prowess were abundant, and various clans and sects thrived across the vast landscapes.

Among them, the great Li Clan, now known for its prominence on the northern divine continent in this era, had its origins on the southern divine continent. During this period, the Li Clan of the past had reached the zenith of its power, boasting the presence of two Ascension realm cultivators among its revered ancestors.

The southern divine continent was witness to the flourishing of the Li Clan, with its influence extending far and wide. The two Ascension realm cultivators within the clan symbolized the pinnacle of cultivation achievement, serving as beacons of strength and leadership. Their presence not only secured the clan's status but also inspired aspiring cultivators within the Li Clan to strive for greater heights.


In the Southern Divine Continent during that era, the Li Clan was not the sole powerhouse; there were three other great clans and three great sects that commanded significant influence. Each of these formidable entities boasted the presence of cultivators who had attained the esteemed Ascension realm.

Among the great sects, the Silent Shadow Sect held a distinguished position, supported by the prowess of a single Ascension realm cultivator. Similarly, the Silver Mist Sect and the Starlight Sovereign Sect contributed to the tapestry of power with one and two Ascension realm cultivators, respectively.

On the great clan front, the Li Clan was the undisputed leader with two Ascension realm cultivators, showcasing unparalleled strength. The Ivory Serpent Clan followed suit, wielding the might of one Ascension realm cultivator. Additionally, the Silver Willow Clan had its own Ascension realm cultivator at the helm. Other clans, while not reaching the Ascension realm, were no less formidable, led by divine transformation realm cultivators, contributing to the intricate balance of power in the Southern Divine Continent. Alongside these major players, numerous smaller clans and sects added diversity to the intricate cultivation landscape of the region.

During that period, the Li Clan, despite its formidable presence and status, was not immune to internal conflicts. Like many other clans of its stature, the Li Clan experienced divisions within its ranks, leading to a persistent inner conflict that unfolded before the fated day of doom.

The members of the Li Clan found themselves divided into two distinct factions, each lending their support to one of the two Ascension realm ancestors, Li Peng and Li Zhao. This internal strife was characterized by a struggle for power, influence, and personal gains, creating a rift that persisted throughout the clan's existence.

The ongoing inner conflict added a layer of complexity to the already intricate dynamics within the Li Clan. As the members aligned themselves with either Li Peng or Li Zhao, tensions escalated.

Amidst the internal strife and conflict within the Li Clan, a powerhouse emerged in the form of a young cultivator from a branch family — Li Xian. 

Despite being part of a branch family, Li Xian's brilliance outshone even the esteemed ancestors of the main clan. At a remarkably young age, he had ascended to the last stage of the divine transformation realm, standing on the precipice of a breakthrough into the Ascension realm.

Li Xian's rapid progression and exceptional talents garnered attention and admiration even in the midst of the clan's inner discord.

 His ascent through the cultivation ranks was nothing short of extraordinary, and whispers of his name circulated within the clan, carrying with them a sense of anticipation and promise.

As the Li Clan grappled with its internal conflicts, the presence of Li Xian was like a glimmer of light surrounded by darkness.

The emergence of support for Li Xian within the Li Clan created a ripple effect, giving rise to another group of individuals who rallied behind the promising young cultivator. This newfound support for Li Xian not only symbolized a shift in allegiance but also began to accumulate influence within the clan for him.

However, this shift did not go unnoticed by the two existing ancestors, Li Peng and Li Zhao. They perceived this growing support for Li Xian as a threat to their established positions. The prospect of having to share the clan's cultivation resources, which were traditionally divided between the two ancestors, now had to be distributed among three factions. This, in turn, led to a decrease in the overall cultivation resources available for Li Peng and Li Zhao.

The dissatisfied ancestors found themselves grappling with the unsettling reality that their dominance within the clan was being challenged. The redistribution of resources and influence fueled their discontent, setting the stage for intensified internal tensions within the Li Clan as the struggle for power and resources reached a critical juncture.


On the Southern Divine Continent, the winds of change carried with them whispers that reverberated far and wide. Rumors about Li Xian, the prodigious young cultivator from the Li Clan, reaching the threshold of the Ascension realm spread like wildfire. The news reached the ears of cultivators, sects, and clans, sparking discussions and agitating the delicate balance of power.

In the opulent halls of the other two great clans and three great sects, unease settled as the realization dawned that the Li Clan was on the cusp of possessing three Ascension realm cultivators. The prospect of such unprecedented strength within a single clan sent shockwaves through the cultivation world. Fear and uncertainty permeated the air, overshadowing the once-stable alliances and rivalries that defined the intricate web of relationships in the cultivation world.

Word of Li Xian's potential ascent to the Ascension realm had become a topic of heated debate and speculation among cultivators. Some viewed it as an opportunity for collaboration, hoping to align themselves with the rising power of the Li Clan. Others, gripped by insecurity, began questioning their own standing and sought ways to counterbalance the impending dominance of the Li Clan.

As the news spread, emissaries and envoys from different sects and clans journeyed to the Li Clan's domain, seeking to gauge the veracity of the rumors and establish diplomatic relations. The once serene Southern Divine Continent now buzzed with activity and anticipation, its factions poised on the precipice of significant change.