
Reincarnated as Ancestor of a Great Clan

--Note: 4 to 8 chapters/per week will all be released on Sunday at once -- In the vast and mystical realm of the Cultivation World, on the Southern Divine Continent, the Great Li Clan stands as a powerful force, known for its history and lineage of formidable cultivators. At the helm of the clan is one of its ancestors, Li Tian, a stoic and dedicated cultivator who has recently achieved the coveted realm of the Half Immortal stage. Li Tian's ascension, however, brings about unexpected changes; he can now remember his past life as a person born on earth. married to two remarkable women, Lin Hua and Chen Lian. Because of this, his own life dynamically changes as he, a cold person, now comes to understand the value of relationships. He becomes an indomitable force, surpassing all limits and emerging as an overpowering presence within the cultivation world. This enthralling tale unfolds amidst the backdrop of the Cultivation World -overpowered. checked -R18. checked -Cultivation world. checked -Action. checked

Drake_20043257 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 8: History 2

Meanwhile, discussions erupted within the great clans and sects, with elders and leaders convening to assess the situation. The atmosphere crackled with tension as they debated the potential ramifications of the Li Clan's rising power. Some advocated for preemptive measures, fearing that the Li Clan's dominance could upset the entire Southern Divine Continent's equilibrium.

In the Silent Shadow Sect, the Silver Mist Sect, and the Starlight Sovereign Sect, urgent meetings were held behind closed doors. Elders and disciples alike pondered the looming threat, contemplating the best course of action. Whispers of concern echoed in the corridors, and maps were spread out as they strategized how to counteract the perceived threat.

Emissaries were dispatched between clans and sects, forging alliances and plotting intricate schemes to maintain their positions and influence in the face of the Li Clan's ascent. The once-stable web of relationships in the cultivation world began to unravel as fear and uncertainty cast a shadow over the alliances and rivalries that had defined the Southern Divine Continent for centuries. Each faction grappled with the impending shift in power dynamics, unsure of how to navigate the evolving landscape.


In the dimly lit chambers of the Silent Shadow Sect, Elder Zhang, a figure weathered by countless battles, addressed the gathered disciples and elders. "Have you heard the whispers? The Li Clan's rising star, Li Xian, is said to be on the verge of breaking through the Ascension realm. This is no ordinary matter. It threatens our standing on the Southern Divine Continent. We must act."

"But Elder, is it wise to act without concrete evidence? Rumors may be just that—rumors," voiced Disciple Mei.

"Rumors, my dear Mei, have a way of transforming into reality. We cannot afford to be complacent. Our sect's future hangs in the balance."


Mistress Lian, a leader known for her strategic acumen, deliberated with advisors in the heart of the Silver Mist Sect's strategy room. "The Li Clan's ascent is undeniable. We must consider the implications. Are we just going to let them become the dominant force in the Southern Divine Continent?"

"Mistress, preemptive action may be necessary. We could form alliances, strengthen our defenses, and show a united front," suggested Advisor Wu.

"Agreed. We cannot afford to be passive. Dispatch messengers to the other sects. Let them know the Silver Mist Sect will not yield its position."

The urgency in Mistress Lian's voice resonated with determination as plans were set into motion to safeguard the Silver Mist Sect's standing in the face of the shifting power dynamics. Messengers were swiftly dispatched, carrying the sect's message of resilience and determination to other sects.


In the resplendent halls of the Starlight Sovereign Sect, Grandmaster Sun, a visionary leader, led a discussion on the Li Clan's ascent. "The Li Clan's rise poses a threat to our supremacy. We must not underestimate them. We need a comprehensive strategy."

"Grandmaster, should we not seek diplomacy first? An open confrontation may lead to unnecessary bloodshed," cautioned Emissary Li.

"Emissary Li, diplomacy is a dance, and we must be strategic. But make no mistake, the Starlight Sovereign Sect will not bow to the shadows cast by the Li Clan."

The atmosphere in the halls was charged with a sense of determination as Grandmaster Sun outlined a strategy that blended diplomatic finesse with steadfast resolve. Emissaries were dispatched with messages of alliance and diplomacy, signaling the Starlight Sovereign Sect's preparedness for the challenges ahead. The hall, adorned with intricate celestial symbols, became the focal point for crafting the sect's response to the evolving landscape of power and influence on the Southern Divine Continent.


In the midst of escalating uncertainties fueled by the rumors surrounding Li Xian's imminent breakthrough, the cultivation world found itself at a pivotal juncture, prompting sects and clans to consider the forging of alliances.

The Silent Shadow Sect, under the discerning eye of Elder Zhang, recognized the imperative to strengthen ties with like-minded sects.

"Our sect faces a formidable challenge, but we do not stand alone," Elder Zhang asserted in the negotiation room. "We must seek alliances with sects that share our concerns. Send messengers to the Silver Mist Sect, the Starlight Sovereign Sect, and any others willing to join forces against the Li Clan's ascent." The discourse within the sect echoed the sentiment that unity could serve as a shield against the looming storm.


Simultaneously, in the Silver Mist Sect, Mistress Lian convened a council to deliberate on the changing dynamics and the need for strategic alliances. 

"The winds of change blow, and we must adjust our sails," Mistress Lian proclaimed in the Council Room.

"The Silent Shadow Sect has reached out to us. I propose an alliance to ensure the safety of our sects in these uncertain times." Advisors expressed concerns about trust, but Mistress Lian emphasized that in unity lay their strength. The decision to form an alliance would be made with eyes open and intentions clear.


At the heart of the Starlight Sovereign Sect, Grandmaster Sun addressed an assembly to discuss potential alliances and collective strength against the Li Clan.

"The Li Clan's ascent is a threat to us all," Grandmaster Sun declared in the Assembly Hall. 

"Emissaries have arrived from the Silent Shadow Sect and the Silver Mist Sect, proposing alliances. What do you say?" Emissary Li acknowledged the risks but recommended considering the alliances.

Grandmaster Sun, recognizing the necessity, agreed, stating, "We shall forge alliances, not out of trust but out of necessity. The stars align, and so shall we."