
Reincarnated as an discarded existence(New version is being uploaded)

Hello guys, the author is here. first i would like to apologise, for this sudden decision. At first i would like to tell you all this novel is going through a major recreation. I hope you understand my situation. Because of my decision at first and the story being a bit cliche, it's making problems for me the author to write even further. But thankfully the chapters are not that much and recreation would be easy because having a general idea of the storyline and me having a stockpile of drafts. And one last thing, the storyline wouldn't change but the vividness and the emotions that are lacking in that main story will be shown even more. I hope it will blow up like this one. Thanks for the support that all of you have shown up until now. -- What if i had a choice?... As if... Smiling lightly Zero dash towards the creature in front of him. It all started about an year ago. He was an normal University student, when he was riding the bus to reach his University, another bus clash with the bus he was taking. Many people's died including Zero, But fate said otherwise. he got transferred into another world. But things got completed when his luck started to betray him. Wherever he goes, his bad luck follows him. For the sake of his and his family, he set up a gole... Survive...

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14 Chs

First Training


Opening my eyes after letting out a yawn, I stared at my surroundings for a while before I regained my situation.

"Yawn... yeah, right, I am inside Elvenor City."

Getting up from the bed, the first thing I did was freshen up before I left the room.

Climbing down the staircase, I entered the main hall of this large house. The house is as dazzling as ever.

Yesterday I was told to come to the dining room when I got up, and although it's early (5:45), all of the members present inside this house have been awakened.

Entering the room, I saw Miss Efeny serving food and Roy and Eleona both eating.

Seeing me enter, all of them frown before welcoming me and giving me a sit.

Unlike the dinner yesterday, the breakfast is rather simple today, with only some breads with what seems to be jam in the Elven version.

"Is Mr. Edward not here?" I asked, seeing Edward's lack of presence.

"He has already left for the fort and told you to meet him there," Miss Efeny said.

"Oh, I see," I said

After finishing eating, I left the house to go to the fort. After a while of walking, I reached my destination.

In front of me was the large gate from which I entered the city yesterday.

Getting in front of a man, I asked "Hm... can you tell me where I can find Sir Edward?"

"Oh, aren't you the boy from yesterday?"

In response, I nodded.

"Haha, quite a young man you are... As for your question, Sir Edward is in his office."

"And where can I find it?"

Pointing at a concrete building," the man said. "See that building; you can go there and ask someone to bring you to the vice commander."

"I see, thank you," I vowed before I walked away from the area.

Getting close to the building, I asked a man, and he brought me to Edward's cabin.


Opening the metal door, I was presented with a medium-sized room with a working desk and some couches.

In front of the desk, Edward is sitting and writing something on paper. Seeing me enter, he raised an eyebrow before telling me to have a seat.

"So Zero, did you sleep well?"

I nodded.

"Good. For starters, can you place your hands on this plate?" Bringing out a rectangular tablet-like object, he told me to place my hands on it. Although it looks like a tablet, it's not; it doesn't even have any display to begin with.

I don't think much about it and place my hands on it.

Suddenly, I felt something enter my body through the tablet and felt dizzy. But that didn't last long; after even a second, the dizziness subsided and the thing that entered my body left.

Soon after, I saw a rectangular holographic screen appear in front of us. The source was the same tablet from before.


Rank: 1 Star

Strength: 1 star,

Defence: 1 star

Speed: 1 Star

Mana: 100

Body Status: Normal


Gene: Unawaken


Art's: nA


Skill's: nA


Seeing the contents, a frown appeared on my face. Although the hologram is fluctuating, it's not perfect, but it's still a huge find.

Although I thought of the possibility of this happening, I don't think it would be real.

And this opens way more possibilities, so I can keep myself updated on my future progress. And second, it's cool to have something like this.

"It looks like you have average stats," Edward said.


Letting out a sigh, Edward stood up. "Let's go"

"To where?"

"Meet the captain."


"Don't ask me he is the one told me to take you to him when you arrived"

I thought for a moment before following Edward.


"Sir, it's me, Edward." Standing in front of a big wooden door, Edward knocked and said

"Come in"

Soon after, a crisp voice entered our ears, and the door was opened by Edward.

Inside the room, which was quite similar to Edward's office but slightly bigger,

In front of the desk is a man with brown hair who is puffing a cigarette. He is the same commander as Ralph.

"Oh, look at who we have got," Ralph said with a teasing tong.

I scratch my head with a troubled look.

"You can go now, Edward," Ralph said, looking at Edward.

Edward nodded and left the room, leaving me and Ralph.

"Kid, come and take a seat."

I did what I was told and sat before Ralph.

"What's your name again?"

"Zero Elway"

"So Zero, I have heard about you from Edward; is it true that you haven't learned anything?"

I nodded.

"I see... "I had a hunch from what I saw yesterday, but it makes things more complicated."

"You knew?"

With a smirk, he replied. "Don't take a commander rank so lightly. We people have more experience than normal."

I raised an eyebrow in admiration. My respect for this man is increasing rapidly.

Like Edward before, Ralph also stood up.

"Come with me," he said as he began to leave the room.


After letting out a sigh, I walked behind him without asking any questions.

Ralph led me to one of the secluded areas of the camp. In front of me, I could see a dirt field that was covered in sunlight. Beside it were chain walls with a wooden house like yesterday connected to them.

But for some reason, no one's inside.

After looking at the field, I looked at Ralph and asked. "Why are we here?"

"For building your foundation... "


"I know what situation you are in, and you need to gain enough fame to advance to your country," Ralph said with a serious look.

But for some reason, that look is making me paranoid.

"Now let's start with 50 laps of running."


Haaa! Haaaa!

I am exhausted and can't even lift a finger. I am lying on the ground, drenched in sweat. I close my eyes. I just competed in the running course, and I became like this.

'No wander people in this world are powerful."

"Get up. We haven't even started yet." Suddenly braking my short brake was Ralph's voice.

I just stared at him with a complacent look. My respect for this man has dropped drastically. Who trains an armature to this degree?

Another hour later...

Haaa! Haa!

I am going to die... I am gonna die!... 

'Why is there no police? This is child abuse," I curse inwardly.

This man has made me do all kinds of things, and now I am lying on the ground with an aching body. My mussels are crying, and my sweat is now willing to come out, like all of my sweat that my body had already dried out.

"Oh, you are conscious; you are better than I expected," Ralph said with a smile.

'I swear I would beat the shit out of this guy when I became stronger," I said inwardly while making a smug face.

Seeing the look on my face, Ralph scoffed. "Don't get me wrong, when I was a kid, the first time I got my training from my late father, it was even tougher than this... I still remember being hospitalised for a week after that."

My face instantly turned grim, thinking about what kind of training that was.

After taking a 10-minute break, I was again called by Ralph.

"Do you know how to control mana?"

I shook my head.


"Ok, then sit and close our eyes."

I nodded and did what I was told. Sitting while closing my eyes, I waited for the next instruction.

"Now calm your mind and try to concentrate on something that moves along your blood flow."

I did what I was told and calmed my mind, which usually stayed calm, then tried to concentrate on my blood flow. At first, I didn't find anything, but after a while, I found something.

It's moving with the blood cells, something cold, something that is producing some kind of power.

But for some reason, I can't control it.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Ralph, who was standing before me.

"Found something?"

I nodded. "But I can't control it."

"Kid, don't rush it; it takes time. And for now, we will stop this training session. You can try to control it later when you are alone. And here, take this."

He gave me a small book and scoffed. "It's a core construction method; when you are able to move your mana, use this technique to form a core."

"Thank you," I said with a vow.

"You don't have to be that polite; you are not my underling," Ralph scoffed.

"And here, take this..."

Taking out an object similar to a bracelet, he gave it to me. "It's a smaller version of the Stat tablet that you saw inside Edward's cabin; you will just have to will it, and it will show you your progress and also give you notification of any attacks on the city walls."

Strangely looking at the bracelet, I turned to Ralph and asked, "Isn't this expensive?"

"No, not at all; almost all of the people in this city have one, and we also have a hefty amount spare in our storage."

"Oh, I see. Then I will take my leave." Just as I was about to leave, Ralph called me out from behind.

"Oh, yeah, come visit us when the horde arises; you can get some combat experience from there."

"Oh, I will."


Returning to Edward's house, I went inside the room I was given; although it's a guest room, it's still clean and tidy.

After going straight to the bathroom and taking a quick bath, I entered the room and sat on the ground to train my mana.

Calming my mind down, I started to concentrate on the mana present in my blood vessels.

Raking my brain and trying so hard to control the mana, I was left flabbergasted. It moved.

It moved with a slight refreshing sensation. Although moving all of the particles is quite problematic, it's still progress.

After a while of controlling my mana, I opened my eyes and was about to open the book that Ralph had given me, but...


With a pinging sound, I heard a sound of notification. Upon looking around, I found the bracelet glowing in a dim blue hue.

Getting confused, I willed it to turn on, and a small holographic display opened up. Before me is a notification telling me an attack is happening on the southern city wall.

A smirk appeared on my face.

"Now let's get to work."