
Reincarnated as an discarded existence(New version is being uploaded)

Hello guys, the author is here. first i would like to apologise, for this sudden decision. At first i would like to tell you all this novel is going through a major recreation. I hope you understand my situation. Because of my decision at first and the story being a bit cliche, it's making problems for me the author to write even further. But thankfully the chapters are not that much and recreation would be easy because having a general idea of the storyline and me having a stockpile of drafts. And one last thing, the storyline wouldn't change but the vividness and the emotions that are lacking in that main story will be shown even more. I hope it will blow up like this one. Thanks for the support that all of you have shown up until now. -- What if i had a choice?... As if... Smiling lightly Zero dash towards the creature in front of him. It all started about an year ago. He was an normal University student, when he was riding the bus to reach his University, another bus clash with the bus he was taking. Many people's died including Zero, But fate said otherwise. he got transferred into another world. But things got completed when his luck started to betray him. Wherever he goes, his bad luck follows him. For the sake of his and his family, he set up a gole... Survive...

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14 Chs

Announcement: Recreated Virsion

Again sorry guys, for the rush decision.

But the good news is i am gonna start uploading the new book from tomorrow,

It will come with a better storyline and content improvement.

It would also have a New name.

[Fate that lies beneath the dead]

you can also check it out by going to this link


Thanks for all the support you have shown me until now.