
Reincarnated as a storm dragon in an MMORPG

"Fantasy Online" is a popular MMORPG filled with an array of creatures, ranging from lowly slimes to formidable world bosses. The story follows Roy, the former top player in the game, who unexpectedly finds himself reincarnated as a dragon within the game world. Determined to make the most of his new existence, Roy sets out on a quest to become a world-class adversary. As Roy adapts to his draconic form, he discovers unique abilities and powers that set him apart from other players and monsters. With his vast knowledge of the game and experience as a top player, Roy sets ambitious goals for himself. He strives to challenge and defeat the game's most formidable opponents, leaving a mark as a legendary and feared antagonist. However, as Roy progresses on his path, he encounters other players, each with their own dreams and motivations. Some seek friendship and cooperation, while others are driven by competition and rivalry. Roy must navigate the complex dynamics of the game, forming alliances and facing off against powerful guilds, as he aims to solidify his position as a world-class enemy. Throughout his journey, Roy grapples with the existential question of his dual existence, balancing his memories of his previous life with his newfound draconic nature. As he confronts both external challenges and internal conflicts, he unravels the mysteries of the game world and learns valuable lessons about power, friendship, and the nature of identity. "Fantasy Online: Rise of the Dragon" is an epic tale of self-discovery, fierce battles, and the pursuit of greatness within a virtual realm. Join Roy as he embarks on a thrilling adventure, embracing his role as a dragon and forging his path to become the ultimate adversary in a world brimming with fantasy and danger.

Frogking69 · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs



'Quest breathe competed>

[Level up!]

'All attributes increased by 10'

Shock, pure and utter shock, that is what Arashi felt as he, look at his, status.

Are all dragon this OP!? He couldn't tell if this was the case for all dragons but for him right now he was too OP. To put into context the rankings in FOL were Bronze, Iron, Sliver, Gold, Platinum, Mythril, Orichalcum, and Adamantite. Those were the current known rankings in FLO, that have been achieved by players. Although there are definitely higher ranks no player has gone beyond Adamantite but there were certain NPCs far stronger than adamantite .

The skills, are only at level 1 does this make some sort of a balance? He, felt excited at the prospect, of being one of the strongest creature in the game, but that quickly died down. He, took some time in thought and realized something.

'If dragons are this strong how did they become an endangered species!?'

'Is it just the fact that dragons are known to have a low birth rate, or is there something killing them off?'

Arashi, wasn't sure what the true reason for there being so, few dragons remaining. So, he would play it safe, and at least reach the adamantite rank, before taking any major actions. In, this life he, would live to the fullest, and enjoy his life through every moment. He, didn't have any work to go too, so he, would throw himself into fully becoming, what his, heart so desire. He would kill, manipulate, and dominate whoever he had too. Anyone who, stood in his path to absolute strength, would face nothing but destruction.

With his resolve unshakeable he, begun to head for the exit of the cave it did not seem to be that deep and with his size of 5 meters from head to toe he, approached the entrance to the cave. The, whole cave seemed to be 40 meters long, and 5 meters wide. Standing in front of the cave Arashi, couldn't help but take open his, eyes wide, at the breath taking scenery, that was in front of him. He, stood at the bottom of a very tall mountain, an ancient looking forest with tall tree spanned as far as the eyes could see. He, could see many tall mountains aside from the one he, was at the sound of insect, and all sorts of monsters, were abundant but the stangest thing was that this forest seemed familiar to Arashi.

'I should hunt for some food for now'

He, begun a light jog to the forest he, did not want to fly and attract too much attention so, he, was going on foot for now. Arriving, in the forest he carefully sniffed the air, to catch the scent of potential prey. It didn't take long before he caught a scent of something, carefully tracking it he arrive at an opening where, there was a river, running down from the mountains. On the bank of the river there were 7 grey wolves resting above there heads were tags; Grey wolf: LV 9, Grey wolf: LV 10, Grey wolf Alpha: LV 15 etc. All, of the wolve seemed to have the same levels, expect for the alpha but Arashi, wasn't afraid as he, know grey wolves, in general are not strong. They are merely beginners monsters.

Making, one leap into the air he, landed in the middle of the wolf pack startling them, without giving the a moment to react, Arashi, used {Tail whip LV 1} on the alpha wolf, and the result of a body that could utilize the AP of 750 the attack was devastating. It instantly the send the alpha wolf flying killing him on the first strike.


Seeing, there leader defeated so easily the thought of attacking vanished from there minds as the scrabbled to retreat. Before, they could Arashi, charged his dragon breathe and open his mouth his dark scales along his throat seem to light up with a purple hue, and in the next moment destructive lighting was released from his mouth, it shot out for 10 meter, frying the 2 wolves in its path he, begun to move head in a fan like motion shocking four more wolves to death. 'Damn it! I have to work on my aim 2 of them managed to escape.'


<10 exp gained>

<10 exp gained>

<13 exp gained>

<15 exp gained>

This was too strong, even though he had expected this when, looking at his status it was a bit unbelievable. He, was just born, he, is just a baby. What, happens when I evolve into an adult. It, was mouth watering to imagine his strength, at the adult level. Will, it surpass the adamantite rank? But, before all that there were a few things to work on, the main one being that he did not have fighting experience in a dragon's body.

'I will have to fight many battles the develop a strong battle instinct'

After, eating the alpha wolf he felt full again, so he ,made his way back to his cave, and fell into a deep sleep.