
Reincarnated as a Saiyan in RWBY

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TheKonnan17 · Tranh châm biếm
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212 Chs

Chapter 102 - Collapse (2)

Shallot was walking through the city with the rest of them and came across a drop further into the city where a railing was broken off of. They all jumped down and landed and could see that the only path forward was to the right. They started walking and some Beowolves and some Creeps came out but were dispatched immediately.

They took a right and headed further into the city. They came to an opening and could see the rest of the city in the distance. Some buildings were smoking in the distance.

Shallot: "Why are there still buildings smoking if the city fell a long time ago?"

Ruby shrugged at this along with the others. They could hear Dr. Oobleck contacting them.

Dr. Oobleck: "The reason that some things are still smoking is that when the town was evacuated majority of appliances and items were left around. Some of the Grimm would damage some of these things and they would explode. So you also have to be careful about something exploding which could lead to a building falling."

Shallot nodded understanding that leftover appliances could cause this especially batteries and explosive materials. They continued walking through the city. They were walking and could see a sewer ahead of them.

Shallot: 'This must have been the waterway for the city. The place is pretty filthy now.'

Shallot was walking and looking around while missing with a ki thread in his hand playing with it.

He started building bridges with it and making shapes in the air with it. As they had walked past the sewer a Beowulf shot out towards him. Shallot expanded the ki strings outwards around the Grimm wrapping it in ki string and Shallot pulled his hands in an X motion.

The Grimm was split into a large number of pieces with a sizzling sound.

Shallot: "That was an interesting way it reacted. I know that ki is essentially the bane of these guys.

What would happen if I taught an entire school how to use ki to hunt Grimm?"

Shallot was mumbling to himself while walking in the back. The others knew that none of the Grimm would be an issue. They continued walking and passed under a bridge when several Grimm started coming out of the tunnels that were the old sewer system.

Shallot continued playing around with the ki string trying to think of what else he can do while they deal with the rest. He knows that he doesn't really need to deal with the Grimm with so many of them here.

Shallot: 'Maybe I can finish teaching Velvet while walking through here.'

Shallot walked towards Velvet while Team JNPR went forward to deal with the small wave of Grimm.

There were only 8 Creeps and 4 Beowolves. Shallot looked a little further and could see that the bridge further ahead had blocked the rest of the way into the city. He turned and could see a door nearby that they could just go to.

Oobleck: "Well, that's an issue. It appears the bridge is blocked. According to my map, you should be able to take a detour through the city's old waterway system."

Dr. Oobleck could be heard over the comms and most likely was also paying attention to the surroundings.

Shallot tapped on Velvet's shoulder, and she turned around seeing Shallot.

Shallot: "Are you ready to start on your next training?"

Velvet was looking at the Grimm that was being dealt with by the others. She nodded her head seeing that everyone could handle the Grimm just fine. While Team JNPR was dealing with the Grimm with the rest of Team CFVY and his team was watching just in case something unexpected happened.

Shallot: "Use your semblance so that you can copy what I'm doing."

Shallot encased his body with a very thin layer of ki. He started manipulating it and started floating. Ruby was watching Team JNPR fighting and turned to see Shallot next to Velvet.

She could see that he was teaching her something else. She walked over to them wanting to know what she was being taught.

Blake looked over and could tell the Shallot was showing her the first steps to flying. She knows that it's not difficult as long as you know what you're doing.

Ruby had walked over knowing that she was getting better with using her ki. She started paying attention to Shallot seeing that he coated himself in a thin layer of ki and started floating.

Ruby was paying close attention and was trying to do the same thing that Shallot was doing. She first thinly spread it across her body to make a thin coating. Next, she made sure that her body was being supported by her ki and moved the ki surrounding her body upward-lifting her off the ground.

Velvet was able to do the same thing and was capable of copying her with her semblance so it was easy to do. Ruby was wobbly while doing it and was trying to keep her balance.

Shallot: 'Competition is the best way for someone to excel at something. When you want to do something when seeing someone else is natural.'

Ruby was slowly rising in the sky floating. She was getting better at it showing that she has a talent for using ki. It might be due to her being so lively since ki is just manipulating the life force.

Shallot was smiling seeing that Ruby was enjoying herself with floating around. Velvet looked at Shallot's face and saw his smile and blushed while Ruby was trying to balance herself constantly since her scythe was having her weight off-balanced.

Velvet had seen exactly how Shallot did it and was already floating around and started floating around. She floated by Coco and started circling her. Coco turned seeing that Velvet was floating around her.

Yang turned to see that Ruby was floating near Shallot and also wondered what flying would be like. Yang walked over towards Shallot and stopped in front of him.

Before she could ask Team JNPR had finished the Grimm they could hear over the comms coming from Dr. Oobleck.

Oobleck: "Activate that switch to open the lock. I hope it still works, it looks a little rusty."

Ruby floated over to the door Shallot was looking at earlier and could see that the light on it was red. Ruby pulled the level and the door sounded like it was getting ready to move. It started opening very slowly.

Everyone could hear the gears grinding and turning now the only thing they have to do is wait.

Jaune: "At least we've dealt with all the Grimm here."

Everyone just turned to look at Jaune.

Jaune: "What? We've dealt with the Grimm so we just need to wait."

Everyone just stayed quiet while looking at the door opening. They were expecting more Grimm since last time it seemed like Jaune jinxed them.

They hadn't seen and any Grimm while the door was opening and then the door almost opened enough for them to pass through.

Jaune: "See nothing to worry about."

As soon as he said that they heard the cry of a large amount of Grimm. 19 Creeps and 18 Beowolves were waiting on the other side of the door for them to come through.

Jaune: "Well that's not that bad."

The door opened some more and they could see 22 more Beowolves and 2 Alpha Beowolves. The door was still opening and they could see even more Grimm. 20 Boarbatusk, 18 Creeps, 2 Alpha Creeps, 18 Beowolves, and 2 Alpha Creeps.

The door was still opening and the further it was opening Jaune's face was turned paler. The door was still was opening and it had fully opened and they could see 14 Beowolves, 4 Alpha Creeps, 18 Beowolves, and 2 Alpha Beowolf standing there waiting.

Shallot: 'That's a lot of Grimm. Still not a threat but you can overrun a settlement with an army like this. How the hell is Dr. Merlot controlling these guys.'

Jaune: 'It can't get any worse.'

They then heard the loud growl from further inside and they could see 4 Ursa running from the further back towards them. Yang looked towards Jaune glaring at him.

Jaune: "I didn't even say the last thing out loud."


[AN: I now have a pat.reon so if you want to see chapter as soon as they are completed check them out there since I don't have to worry about things being deleted there. You don't have to if you don't want to since chapters will be posted here

https://www.pat.reon.com/TGM_Productions. (remove the (.) if you didn't know)]

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