
Not Of This World Either

"If you're concerned about eating from utensils and a bowl made out of ice, don't be. My powers as an Ice Mage are at a first-rate level, and the products created are extremely durable. Moreover, these bowls can handle hot soup without melting, so rest assured," elaborated the Galaxian Mage.

"Alright then. I guess there are some things I've never done before and this would surely be one of them. Thank you for the meal," I said, shyly nodding.

Z proceeded to take some rice. I took some of the drumsticks and a pork rack. After Z took his food, I took some clumps of rice. As I chowed down on the food, I realized how lovely the food in this world was. From the soup Bryan had made to the feast before me...

This realm has got the best food I could ever eat. The foods back in my previous life were quite bland. Either that or it would be overly salted or oily. Never once had a dish from the other world had a proper balance of flavors like the foods from this world.

I glanced over to Z, who was happily devouring his meal. Though Z seemed like a regular fellow, everything that comes out of his mouth sounds so odd to me. The actions and words from that guy made me think that he was like me, a person reborn in this realm.

First off, Z knew about the Words Of the World being my tour guide. And then there were the last few sentences the guys said. The word 'Product' should not be in his vocabulary. There's more to meet this guy's eye, but I don't recall him living in the modern world.

And this Mage empathizes with me during the battle. Z did not look at me as an intruder but rather a kid stirring up too much dust within the forest. The way he dealt with me was not like a police or security guard but rather a parent trying to find their lost kid.

Not to mention that Z could read my movements and instincts well enough to understand my position. However, only people with years of experience could recognize my gestures and expressions since people knew me to have a constant poker face.

Either Z was very good at reading body movements, or he's got years of experience training people like me. I didn't realize I was so far gone in my thoughts that I couldn't see the Valkyrie right in front of me. So I jumped, causing my bowl of food to fly upwards.

"I'm surprised Z said you had good reflexes while you can't tell that I've been in your face for the past five Tocks..." said Mavislin, catching the bowl with ease.

The Valkyrie passed the bowl back to me, and I moved away from her. Mavislin looked at me in puzzlement as I did so, not knowing that she was a beast that could eat me instead of the food in front of us.

"Bright Eyes, you shouldn't scare people when they are eating. It's bad manners and they might choke if they were swallowing something midway. I know I can do the Helmich manueveur easily but I don't intend to do it everytime you scare someone during lunchtime. Got it?" asked Z.

Bingo. There was no way Z could have known about that maneuver when this place doesn't even have a light bulb in any of its areas. This person might not be a Time Mage, but he knows the modern era. I smiled and pointed at Z's face, much to both Mage's shock.

"You're not of this world either, Z. There's no way you should've known about that style of saving people when this realm hasn't figured out about light bulbs yet. So you're from the modern era of another place. And you got reincarnated into this realm?" I asked with a serious expression.

Z chuckled and shook his head. I was now confused as he did so while Mavislin continued to gobble down a pork rack.

"Well, I guess I was right about you being quite smart. However, it wasn't only that last part that gave me away, was it? My words have always been slippery when communicating in this world. Only Raiyen knew what I was trying to do, and he's the only one that can master it."

"I guess I've been had. You're correct, and yet you are wrong. You are flawless at the judgment of me not from this realm, but you are far from the truth about me being reborn. I was not reborn into this realm. I was tossed into this place," explained Z, with a sad smile.

"You got exiled from another realm?! How'd you managed to accomplish that?"