
Reincarnated as a Demon Prince

Luke died at age of 40. He got reincarnated as a Demon Prince names Kazrach in the world swords and magic, full of magical races. Follow Kazrach's journey as he builds his harem, kills powerful beings, raises his pet beasts and travels to multiple planets. ------------ The cover is not mine.

Sore_Eros · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Chapter 8: First wife?

"What?" Amara asked in surprised while being Kazrach's arms in a princess carry.

"You said you're forever in my debt. I want you to be my first wife." Kazrach said calmly.

"Oh, yeah, and what's you're name?"

"Uh...um, Amara."

"Nice to meet you. I'm Demon Prince Kazrach."

Amara's heart was beating so fast as she heard those words. She knew that her decision now will affect her entire life. She looked into Kazrach's eyes, trying to find any hint of a joke, but there was none. He was deadly serious, and Amara knew that she had to respond.

"You're Majesty, I don't know what to say. I am honored."

"But why me? You could have any woman you desire," Amara asked, still trying to comprehend the situation.

"I am not like other demon princes, Amara. For me, marriage is not just a means of gaining power or influence. I want a partner who I share a connection with, and I feel that I have one with you, even though we only met just now," Kazrach explained.

"I understand, but I cannot accept such a proposal lightly. It is a big decision that will change my life forever," Amara replied.

"I know, and I do not expect you to give me an answer right away. Take all the time you need to think it over," Kazrach said, putting her down on her feet.

They continued walking towards the demon prince's palace, surrounded by Kazrach's servants. The journey was long, but Amara's mind was filled with thoughts of what her future would be like if she accepted Kazarich's proposal.

She didn't think about the village she lived in. She knew that it was already destroyed, her parents have died years ago, no one was alive anymore who she cared about deeply. She also knew she couldn't ask the help of the prince next to her, since he already went out of his way to help her.

She knew that being the first wife of a demon prince came with a lot of responsibilities, and she would have to learn how to navigate the complex and often cruel demon court. But at the same time, Kazarich had been nothing but kind to her since they met, which was only half an hour.

As they were walking towards his carrige that was parked outside of the forest, Kazrach turned to Amara and said, "I will wait for your answer, Amara. But know that no matter what you choose, I will always cherish our friendship."

Amara was touched by his words, and as she entered the palace, she knew that her decision would not be an easy one.

The next hours were full of contemplation for Amara. She talked to Kazrach's servants and learned as much as she could about demon culture and politics. She also spent a lot of time talking to Kazrach himself, asking him about his goals and ambitions.

She realized that Kazrach was not like any other demon prince she had heard of before. He was kind, and genuinely cared about the welfare of his people. He had a vision for the future that included peace and prosperity for all, and he was willing to put in the hard work to achieve it.

As she thought about all of these things, Amara slowly came to the realization that she did not want to let Kazrach down. She knew that he was counting on her, and she did not want to disappoint him.

When they finally arrived to the carriage, Amara walked up to Kazrach and said, "I have made my decision. I accept your proposal."

Kazrach's face lit up with joy, and he took Amara's hand in his, saying, "Thank you, Amara. You will not regret this decision. I promise you."

And with that, Amara was led into a new life, one that would be full of challenges and opportunities. But she knew that she would face them all with Kazrach by her side, and that gave her the courage to embrace her new role as the demon prince's first wife.

As Kazrach watched and helped Amara get into the carriage, he thought to himself: 'She decided this real quickly.'

sry for grammatical errors

Sore_Eroscreators' thoughts